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riding alone


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It totally depends on you. I often ride alone and enjoy it but i also think that sometimes if you are with others they make you want to ride better and progress your riding. But then on the other hand sometimes you may be willing to try something when you are alone that you wouldnt try infront of others.

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When I first started riding I pretty much rode on my own for about 5-6 years which kind of made progression tricky in some ways, but easier in others. If you've got others to push you, you can go on and do more or they can offer a bit of help/advice/guidance about how to do something better. The flip-side to that is that if you're on your own you can ride the spots you want the way you want and find out what you do/don't like to ride, and consequently develop your own style. If you want to spend 2 hours learning some weird move you can do without other people wanting to move on/do something else, for example.

If I've been riding with people for a while I often find it difficult to get back into riding on my own again, but sometimes just putting some music on and going out and blitzing some spots can be really fun, and you can learn a lot from it. Riding a streetier build can be good for that as you can cover a lot of ground - when I was in Blackpool and London, I'd just go off riding on my own and ride for miles just to search out some new places to ride - not everyone wants to get all Tour de France when they're out riding, so again going solo was pretty useful for that.

With the internet being such a dominant thing now, and there being a plethora of videos/tutorials/guides online it's not as hard as it used to be if you find yourself riding on your own in a long-term way. When I first started riding, because I didn't have a net connection or anything like that there were a lot of techniques and moves I simply didn't know about until I got hold of some videos (e.g. Tricks and Stunts, Evolve, etc.). Now, you've got a load of media out there so you're not quite as isolated overall. If you can get into the right mindset, riding on your own needn't really hold you back too much any more. It also makes going on group rides more fun 'cos you can make the most of it and catch up with friends again.

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I met up with crillin202 and another guy a while back.. it was one of the best days I'd had in a while, before and after that I've rode alone and not progressed in the slightest, I think you need to ride in company to make it worth while, especially if your new to trials, as a lot of the techniques aren't easily learned and the confidence to try comes easier if you see somone else doing it

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Since pretty much all my locals have stopped/moved I find myself riding solo most of the time, I don't think I'd enjoy it if I hadn't been riding 4 years. I know what I can ride without bashing stuff/pushing my limit so the public don't get annoyed, but when I ride with others I find myself trying a lot harder.

I agree with Ali, but seems to be more based for street riding than tgs/comp.

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I ride alone all the time, not out of choice, because there's only a handful of riders in Ireland and they're spread all over the country. I find it really hard to motivate myself to try something new when I'm on my own, so I find myself having to beg my mates to just come and watch, in case I get hurt, and for moral support kinda.

I think if I was more skilled riding alone would be perfect for me, but at the stage I'm at I feel like I'm not developing,or having much fun!

but I persevere with it,because I love riding.

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I like riding alone, gives me a chance to check out riding spots or ride stuff no one else wants to ride, though I normally ride on my own when I only have a couple hrs to spare on a weekend and don't want to drag people out or want to get a cheeky 45mins at the skatepark before work.

Oh remember to take your phone out, once turned my ankle really badly and had a nice 2 mile walk home. Not to much fun....

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I used to ride on my own loads, but the council flattened all the walls and rails in the town centre which were really fun for riding.

Now I never ride in Taunton at all 'cause there's f**k all to ride.

If no-one is riding, then I'll tend to head to somewhere like West Bay or Lyme Regis for a few hours solo

Edited by J.KYDD
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I ride alone pretty much all of the time except for the odd maybe one or two group rides I manage a year and to be fair I think I prefer it. Whenever I have been on a group ride or if I'm riding in a group at a comp I feel really self conscious and tend to lose my ability cause I feel a bit embarrassed, mainly cause I'm pretty shy and find it hard to make small talk especially with people I either don't know, don't see very often or admire.

Gonna be getting an ipod shuffle soon I reckon so I can have a bash at this riding with music malarky and see if that helps gear me up any, I know I can go big on stuff I just need that buzz in me so it seems like a good idea to try.

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Once it starts getting over around 9-10 people out I generally just don't even think about riding any more and just go into socialising mode. Kind of shit at riding in front of people anyway, and it's usually too much hassle queueing up for stuff. Generally, any group ride I go on is with people I know pretty well so it's not so bad if I don't do much riding biz!

Riding with music can be a tricky one - sometimes I find it's really good, and sometimes I just need to hear bike noises/what's going on around me. It's not always 'right' basically, so it's possible it'll take you a couple of goes to get used to it. When you're really fancying a 'with music' ride and you get a good playlist going it is f**king boss though!

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When I was in university,often riding with my mates,also progressed my riding a lot casue you will always keep trying what your frends can do.

Now I riding alone,sometimes it feels the same but didn't laugh as the old time with mates :(

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