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Bike Show Line Up

Team Ashton

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Jeez, it's pretty shonky that the companies aren't helping out their own riders? :rolleyes:\ Considering a lot of riders here like using Curtis/Leeson style frames which aren't a million miles away from Norco's trials frames, I'm surprised they're not trying to bolster their image?

Meh, their call.


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probably cost 500-600 pounds to get ryan out there. Maybe as little as 300 though...

So basically the same as Norco giving away a top trials frame (as Ryans's flight)

And the same as koxx giving away one XTP (for TRA's flight)

Surely thats not too harmfull loss for the profile/publicity acheieved, and to satisfy the needs of team riders :rolleyes:

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Seeing as the Koxx Levelboss mod frames cost 'em $60 per frame at most from Pulo and they sell them for just under £400, it's not like it's gonna be a mission. Add on to that all the profits from not doing much R&D stuff with their, ahem, copied parts from Koxx and Try-All and they've surely got quite a bit of cash?

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Line up looks good, but then again the line up is good each year. No matter who is selected to ride the shows are always to the same standard. This year there are some of the up and coming UK riders whic is always a good thing to see from a trials riders point of view.

I have been to four bikeshows now, but admittedly the last couple of years havent been as good to watch as the first two. I think this is mainly due to me becoming more aware of what is possible on a bike and progressing with my own riding. The course is always good, there isnt much more that cam really be done to a trials course (Other than the International Cycle Show course which was like nothing I have ever seen before!).

I am also one of the people that are not quite sure about Clive G's commentating but he has the balls to get up there infront of everyone and do it so I cant really complain.

Chris Ratcliffe imo does a much better job, Adam Read also gets a :rolleyes: from me. I was very impressed with how Ad and Chris commentated at The International Cycle Show! They worked well as a team sharing the commentating between them and they kept everyone informed with what was going etc...


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I'm guessing there's some behind-the-scenes politics that mean some good riders ride and some don't. Which is kind of a shame, but then if you let everyone who is half-decent have a ride, then you'll have be full up! Which is why I think there should be other riders who do things differently (Matt B and Ryan Leech, for example).

Also, that's an INVITE list yeah? So it's including the people that will turn down the offer?

P.S. Well done Ali :rolleyes:

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this is my opinion, for any one that care's and let me just say none of my comments are suposed to be personal.

out of the whole list i think there is only 4 riders that i would say were worth paying to see ride gille, vince,benito and cesar. ok perhaps then the uk guy's ben, ben and jame's, afterall they are world champs and i could see why a young lad/new trials rider would want to watch them. mart and mart sounds harsh but i think they had their day and allthough do alot for the sport and are what some call the pioneers of mtb trials in the uk, they just aint of the level any more. cris and danny, bmx is at the other side of the room. the rest of the guy's just street riders that you could go to allmost any town center in the uk and see these days.

now as i said im not lookin for an argument just what i think, based on having wached the worlds best riders at world cups, french cups, world champs, indor trials across erope id like to see.

danni comas, world champ, realy nice guy, very entertaining

carlos diaez, very impressive rider, top bloke, top 5 in the world uci

gille coust, just barmy, unique riding style, top 10 in the world

benito, you guys just love to see him sidehop ,world champ

marc vinco, most entertaining demo rider i ever saw

vinc hermance, another unique riding style, top 10 in the world

rafal cumerosqui (sp). never seen anyone ride sectoins so fast

marco hosal, crazy 20" rider, comitted sportsman.top 5 in the world

danny butler, uci rankin for 2004 4th in the world, unique riding style and level in the uk

ben slinger, world champ(allthough it is biu), impesive on 20"

now let the insults and critisisms roll in! and look out for the BLP's

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I second that Morris.

You refer to Kris as a bmx rider. He is a Uk Biketrial Champion. (natural etc..)

I agree with you about Hermance, Ros, Coustillier, and Vinco. I havent seen any of the others so I can comment!

I disagree with pretty much everything else.

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this is my opinion, for any one that care's and let me just say none of my comments are suposed to be personal.

out of the whole list i think there is only 4 riders that i would say were worth paying to see ride gille, vince,benito and cesar. ok perhaps then the uk guy's ben, ben and jame's, afterall they are world champs and i could see why a young lad/new trials rider would want to watch them. mart and mart sounds harsh but i think they had their day and allthough do alot for the sport and are what some call the pioneers of mtb trials in the uk, they just aint of the level any more. cris and danny, bmx is at the other side of the room. the rest of the guy's just street riders that you could go to allmost any town center in the uk and see these days.

now as i said im not lookin for an argument just what i think, based on having wached the worlds best riders at world cups, french cups, world champs, indor trials across erope id like to see.

danni comas, world champ, realy nice guy, very entertaining

carlos diaez, very impressive rider, top bloke, top 5 in the world uci

gille coust, just barmy, unique riding style, top 10 in the world

benito, you guys just love to see him sidehop ,world champ

marc vinco, most entertaining demo rider i ever saw

vinc hermance, another unique riding style, top 10 in the world

rafal cumerosqui (sp). never seen anyone ride sectoins so fast

marco hosal, crazy 20" rider, comitted sportsman.top 5 in the world

danny butler, uci rankin for 2004 4th in the world, unique riding style and level in the uk

ben slinger, world champ(allthough it is biu), impesive on 20"

now let the insults and critisisms roll in! and look out for the BLP's

I can't understand what you mean, as you haven't used enough commas :rolleyes:.

Also I entirely disagree with everything you've written above.


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I also agree that Danny Butler should certainly be there. I've known him for many years and in the past twelve months or so (with expert tuition of the Coustellier's) has progressed an incredible amount. I know there are quite a few UCI guys lined up but Danny's British...that should be enough!

And as for TRA, if everyone on here donated a quid to him... I'd love to see the powerhouse make mincemeat of some of those compy riders!! He also seems the nicest brick sh!thouse you'll ever know!!



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I also agree that Danny Butler should certainly be there. I've known him for many years and in the past twelve months or so (with expert tuition of the Coustellier's) has progressed an incredible amount. I know there are quite a few UCI guys lined up but Danny's British...that should be enough!

And as for TRA, if everyone on here donated a quid to him... I'd love to see the powerhouse make mincemeat of some of those compy riders!! He also seems the nicest brick sh!thouse you'll ever know!!



I'll give TRA a pound. It definitely would be ace to see him there.

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this is my opinion, for any one that care's and let me just say none of my comments are suposed to be personal.

out of the whole list i think there is only 4 riders that i would say were worth paying to see ride gille, vince,benito and cesar. ok perhaps then the uk guy's ben, ben and jame's, afterall they are world champs and i could see why a young lad/new trials rider would want to watch them. mart and mart sounds harsh but i think they had their day and allthough do alot for the sport and are what some call the pioneers of mtb trials in the uk, they just aint of the level any more. cris and danny, bmx is at the other side of the room. the rest of the guy's just street riders that you could go to allmost any town center in the uk and see these days.

now as i said im not lookin for an argument just what i think, based on having wached the worlds best riders at world cups, french cups, world champs, indor trials across erope id like to see.

danni comas, world champ, realy nice guy, very entertaining

carlos diaez, very impressive rider, top bloke, top 5 in the world uci

gille coust, just barmy, unique riding style, top 10 in the world

benito, you guys just love to see him sidehop ,world champ

marc vinco, most entertaining demo rider i ever saw

vinc hermance, another unique riding style, top 10 in the world

rafal cumerosqui (sp). never seen anyone ride sectoins so fast

marco hosal, crazy 20" rider, comitted sportsman.top 5 in the world

danny butler, uci rankin for 2004 4th in the world, unique riding style and level in the uk

ben slinger, world champ(allthough it is biu), impesive on 20"

now let the insults and critisisms roll in! and look out for the BLP's

I know you ain't looking for an argument, but I want to ask a question. Have you actually rode with ashton latly? Have you seen some of the stuff he can chuck down in porthcawl? Some of the thigns I seen him do a few weeks ago made my jaw drop. He's still improving.

Even though all those top compition riders are amazing, you still have to mix it up with some street style. Calling street trials BMX, whats that all about I can never actually understand that. Why don't we start calling BMXers trials riders for including trials moves into their riding?

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Chalk another vote up for mr Boon...  He's doing something which no-one else is really doing, and that must be good :rolleyes:

Very good point.

And i forgot about Comas! (Y)

ha ha boon you are a hero mentioned before Comas - LEG .... END .

I'll give TRA a pound. It definitely would be ace to see him there.

Sorry but I wouldnt ...... If you ask me i wouldnt have TRA - yes he is bloody amazing but then Hermance is already coming . . . . . . why buy a dog and bark yourself ?

Personally id have one UCI God - kenny Belaey (spells?) and then stick to the variety of UK riders - as we have some pretty mega ones..... its the UK's Bike show .

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As far as Mr Onzabob is concerned I do agree that the best comp riders (at the mo) are from europe (though the british guys are catching up (Y) )

To the non-trials mbuk reading public who the hell is vinny herman :rolleyes: and (regardless of what you think of there riding) for that reason only is why we need guys like ashton hawyes ackrigg there!

Plus Ackrigg is a redicously good rider that can do pretty much anything on a bike and i have heard danny has been trying some rather crazy stuff lately! And i think think there is a bit of life left in the old dogs of hawyes and ashton still!

Anyhow i am sure i ain't the only one that thinks representing the entire sprectrum of trials (comp, street, mod, stock, long short) is actually a good idea and good for the image of trials (and a hell of a lot better than riding around with KOXX on the side of you bike)

Oh I don't think NORCO have a distributor in the UK at the mo, so pretty pointless promoting a frame/bike we can't buy.


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Oh I don't think NORCO have a distributor in the UK at the mo, so pretty pointless promoting a frame/bike we can't buy.


Good point. I still think that they should pay for him to come over. I think without him, norco really wouldn't have made much succses in their trials frames.

Roll on the Bike Show thats what I say. I'll probabbly be going up on my lonesome. :rolleyes:

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