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one day i dream to be able to do what i love and get paid for it.

Ie. major sponsership deal.

but i would be perfectly happy if i just keep improving slowly and have just as much fun as ive had for the past 7 years

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Measurable improvement ,

Great for fitness,

Promoting the sport in Holland ,

impressing females :"> ,

interested in the technologies ,

It also allows me to be someone else for a few hours ... seriously , it's a very therapeutic form of escapism from my otherwise unrewarding life .

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I love trials because I love bikes, and I think trials is an awesome form of technical riding- it's all about what is physically possible on a bike. I don't know, I have always been fascinated with bikes, and just thinking of what's possible. That's why I ride.

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Trials is a bit out of the norm really...so I enjoy doing something that loads of people can look at and be wowed by as its not like "I could go down a skatepark and see that" its just a bit more impressive I feel...Not that I like being a showman but watching other riders is a great rush too! It's wierd I just like the feeling plus the more I ride the less scared I become of stuff...BOTTLE B)

James :lol:

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sponsorship would be good, because it would help me get better, but i don't specifically aim to be sponsored

trials is a never ending journey of challenges. when u think you've exhausted a riding spot, you move on. butwhen u come back, u can see it in a different way and do somethin different again. i don't think u can ever run out of aims in trials. always somthin to do

my dad keeps tryin to convince me i should quit. says i shud grow up (20 :lol: )

could everyone give him a big BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



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coincedently i was interview by the bbc yesterday after a dh race / duel asking a simular thing about "why bikes"? and my reason was...

"i played football when i was younger, but it was always to follow the crowd. A friend introduced me to cycling, and the reason i prefered it was the fact your on your own! No "team" effort. If you win something, YOU get all the credit! And i love that little bit of attention when something goes my way. In every aspect of cycling. The reason i do trials, in specific, was orgiinally to build up my upper body for XC and road racing. But i quickly became hooked. and havent stopped. if its got 2 wheels i'll ride it! i enjoy all MTBing / cycling!"

didnt say quite that much, i added some, whilst i thought of the subject! :mellow:

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sponsorship would be good, because it would help me get better, but i don't specifically aim to be sponsored

trials is a never ending journey of challenges.  when u think you've exhausted a riding spot, you move on.  butwhen u come back, u can see it in a different way and do somethin different again.  i don't think u can ever run out of aims in trials. always somthin to do

my dad keeps tryin to convince me i should quit.  says i shud grow up (20  :S )

could everyone give him a big BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



BOOOOOOOOO! lol. Anyways, that annoys me when people dont see trials as a sport but simply a 'mess around on bike' which brings in the idea that we are immature. i ride trials for fun, constant improvement, respect from other people for what i do, meeting friends and generally filling up my spare time. Without it i would be one bored mofo :mellow:

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When I can sidehop onto a postbox.... Ill probably stop =8¬D

Yeah just to get good and have a good laugh with my mates. As its said above, it would be nice to get paid to trials, but alas, only a few gain this glorious opportunity

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I love trials because I love bikes, and I think trials is an awesome form of technical riding- it's all about what is physically possible on a bike. I don't know, I have always been fascinated with bikes, and just thinking of what's possible. That's why I ride.

Pretty much the same idea for me. Trials is like the purest form of riding...

and the fun of it. :S ...I just can't stop.... :mellow:

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To have fun, couldn't care if i didn't improve anymore as long as i still enjoy it and had fun.


That's how it should be.

I have set myself the target of tapping big splash, think thats 43", but not sure. I however haven't set a date for this, as i wont ever meet it. :mellow:


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to do a frontflip drop off, landing on my back wheel on a hand rail and gapping to the next rail along.

:"> Seriously though, i seem to enjoy riding a lot more when i can do something that i feel is good. so i think i'll keep enjoying it so long as i keep getting better. I enjoy just playing at the minute and occasionally scaring myself by doing something i think is a bit nuts. Back wheeled a wall the same height as my stem the other week and i was so amazingly pleased, so i guess it's the mental challenge for me really, thats what i find fun about it. :S

it's also really healthy, unless you bail. :mellow:

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impressing females  :"> ,

Ha ha - nice - has that ever worked ? rarely i would guess - there are easier ways to sleep with girls than the blood sweat and tears of trials ......

Anyway - i do it because its a challenge and fun, and quite alot of the time the headphones go on and its pure escapism. It also means i can eat pretty much what i want - which is a bonus as im hopelessly addicted to chocs and biscuits.

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My main aim in trials is to get good at a sport/hobby i love!

Obviously it would be great to eventually become sponsored and to win a few competitions but i dont know if i have the natural abaility to become that good. But im sure if i practice long enough and hard enough i will eventually be able to achieve my aims.


Spud (Y) :deej:

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Ha ha - nice - has that ever worked ? rarely i would guess - there are easier ways to sleep with girls than the blood sweat and tears of trials ...... 

Anyway - i do it because its a challenge and fun, and quite alot of the time the headphones go on and its pure escapism. It also means i can eat pretty much what i want - which is a bonus as im hopelessly addicted to chocs and biscuits.

it kinda worked for me...

i was out biking on shipley glen and just started talking to her, and that was last july.

i used a killer line. ' nice chin luv. but it'd look better with my balls slapping against it!' lmao

she thought i was a proper knobhead then though. So i got talking on msn and blah blah etc we've been together 6 months now.

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