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Trials-shack.co.uk Press Release


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I fully agree. I've mentioned to atleast 1 other that i fear i've come back to late, what now with atleast 2 other decent hosts, 3 if you ask the right people, and i relise v1.5 isn't really much better then any other. I'm going to sound big headed here, but giving credit where credit is due, Trials-Shack is a damn good system, and beats even tv.isg for functionality. No linking to folders then giving file names to download, allowing linking to files direct, so and so forth.

Anyway, i'm not going to sit here and sell Trials-Shack to you, and tell you how amazing it is, or will be, as thats for you to decided.

Also, there will be banners, just like trials-forum, in a non-intrusive place. More details on that to follow, got a few more press releases planned to roll out before going live etc.

i like all the bold points in the quote above, give me something to talk about :).

TRIALS SHACK is probably the best we will have, dedicated biketrials media, super speeds and it works, and even for the retards we have on this forum is simple to use.

You dont need to sell it to me si, ill be using it, i know it will be good, the old system was.

and glad to see you'll have banners, get some mooooooolah rolling for the shack so that it goes for much longer this time.

I was merely trying to tell people to stop bumming, just in general, its gay, it really is, TV.ISG.SI is equally as good for now, maybe ill be proved wrong, but i can see people using both. Simple. So if i am wrong im sorry, but some people on this forum, wait..........ALOT OF PEOPLE. Go around bumming videos, certain riders, certain forum members and its annoying to f**k, ur not cool cos u love certain people, riders or videos, get over that fact and the forum be a better place.

that wasnt aimed at anyone in particular

Edited by ben@hulltrials
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And Nick, i'm using a different server provider, so not sure what speeds everyone will be getting, i just hope they aren't completly shit. If they are, i'll move to my back-up plan.

If your using the provider I think your going to be using the speeds arent toooooooooooo great, I get about 500k/sec instead of the normal 1000. If you havent got the link to the test file I can send it to you :)

The main reason we didnt go there actually :S

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but v3 can easily wipe the floor with any other host. :P

I got bored one day and decied to put /trials at the end of the www.trials-shack.co.uk and lo and behold, v3 popped up, and your right, it look bitchin'.

How much cheaper is the new server?

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I got bored one day and decied to put /trials at the end of the www.trials-shack.co.uk and lo and behold, v3 popped up, and your right, it look bitchin'.

How much cheaper is the new server?

There is a newer version of v3. If you saw the one with the navigation at the side, then you are thinking of the old one. The latest v3 was in my signature for atleast 2 months too. :P

And i wont be disclosing the price just yet, for one, it's not been finalized so i don't know it. :lol:

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There is a newer version of v3. If you saw the one with the navigation at the side, then you are thinking of the old one. The latest v3 was in my signature for atleast 2 months too. :P

And i wont be disclosing the price just yet, for one, it's not been finalized so i don't know it. :lol:

Any chance we can get a sneak preview? :)

Or do we have to wait? :(

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Ohhh my names gone now from the list of people you thanked... well the list has gone anyway.

Having THE ONE AND ONLY TRIALS-SHACK back is a much better surprise. But there is one thing i don't agree with simon...

I'm not expecting many users to return, but i hope you do, and sorry this hasn't come earlier. Just in-case there is actually real demand for Trials-Shack services again

Trials-shack was huge, you know there's gonna be a big long line of peopl who will want an account (myself included, should you be gracious enough to have me :D (not in a gay way :$ :( ))

Is there going to be enough income from shop banners to support this now, because it's not fair for you to have to pay for it again? Though a donations button will most likely be used. I think everyone on t-f should donate 50p or £1 to simon for bringing this back most likely everyone on here will use it again, like a thankyou present.. imagine how much he'd get from 50p donations from everyone! :D

nice one dude! (Y)(Y):D:D(Y)

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