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How Tempted Are You?


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For this and giggles, here my topic post from last year.

So there i am, sitting on MSN, minding my own business, when some girl sparks up a very intelligent and highly intellectual conversation (like f**k that happened).

Anywhom, she started off with the normal "hey hey hey", then goes on to royally annoy me. With two simple words;

"ows u"

Have i missed the "get your message to your contact as fast as possible or you die" announcement by MSN, or is this exercise of missing 3 letters from a 7 letter sentence really really cool?

To top things off, she 'claims' she is 20.

Like f**k is she 20.

So, my question of the hour.

What the f**k is the fascination with text talk? What really does it achieve except for looking shit hot in front of your friends </sarcasm> and getting the message to a friend a full 0.01 seconds faster, but then takes your a friend a full second longer to read and understand it, therefor cancelling out the highly smart thing you just did by missing out letters and replacing them.

Am i the only one, or did i miss the lectures on "how to be f**king retarded in one easy sentance" at school?

Rant over.

PS: Yes i swear a lot. :turned:

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For this and giggles, here my topic post from last year.

Class, The odd time i'd do it but I allways tend to read what i've wrote (something alot of people on here couldn't be doing) it's just a pain in the arse to read and not a good habit to be getting into I guess.

Being able to write coherently and stuff is something which I think is very important, especially on a text based medium like a forum.....

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1337 5p33k, not orgasm speak.

I only use abriviations on MSN, such as LOL, or BRB, but just becasue they are faster. If I typo I correct it, you just look stupid if you don't pay attention to what you are typing.

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Never am I tempted to use such "language"

Its just proof that our younger generations are becoming Lazy, and retarded.

The use of Text Talk and Geek speek should be met with a firm kick in the balls.

I really cant stand the way people say:



For the Win

leet - 1337

and all that crap, why?? It just shows that you are a retard who cant speak properly.

And the real sad fact is there are people who speak like this, and expect people to take them serriously.

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haha, the auto correct function on the forum is correcting peoples purposeful mistakes!

awesome :)

i used to use this text talk all the time, and didnt really used to bother with my spelling or grammar or anything, and i wont claim to be anywhere near perfect now, but i do try.

i have found, that sinse comming to uni, i am doing a lot of work on the computers, and generally spending a lot of time sat here. In my uni work, my spelling and grammar HAS to be correct, and if i start putting textisms into my essays, i will be marked down.....

Ive actually found that its just as easy to type in full sentences! as with a few weeks practise, you get completely used to it!

i still dont put in all the appropriate oppostrophies (sp?) and capitals, but i do try to speak basicly good english. I hardly ever find myself saying 'r' or 'u' anymore....

I am however, moderately famous for typoing the as 'T E H'

which is nice!


EDIT: bloody auto correct :P

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As a role i dont use text talk, i'll put in lol rofl etc 'cause everyone understands that. but i'm prety good most of the time for typing (minus punctuation and grammar). but it goes to pot on msn (unless i'm slating chavs when i use full english and they don;t have a f**king clue what i'm damn well on about :D !

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I hate it! It takes me ages to decipher a text talk message and I normally get it wrong. Frankly speaking this forum is the first place where I have come across this bloody dialect and I'm grateful the admins and mods are strict about it. When I was living in England this kind of s**t didn't exist yet, and since then I've only been using English to speak to people.

Now I go onto MSN and have some guy ask me a long question in 6 letters... yeah right... My dad gets totally pissed off when he gets messages from his students in text talk (in English).

I mean ok, it might be jazzy, trendy, edgy, cool, but are you going to use it all your life? I don't think it makes life easier. Everybody will understand the pure language, not everybody will understand text talk. I'd say many people over 20 would have a slight, if not major problem with understanding it.

suppress your urges!

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Personally, I type as I think the reader wants me to, and as he/she will understand me. For instance, on this forum, proper english, to make sure everyone understands, but if I'm texting a mate, much more likely for every single word to be 1-4 letters.

As for people saying it ends up being slower, my personal opinion is it is quicker. In texts, you can cram much more information into a single text, also saving some money if you're tight like me!

And if you look on MSN, when someone finishes typing good few scentences, it takes a whole minute or more sometimes, especially on slow computers. Shorter messages transfer much quicker.

All an opinion


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That's just ol' Si following the trends, the little miss "OMGOSH"er.

Text-talk isn't really a benefit to anyone, unless appearing to be a brainless pleb appeals to you.

It still makes me laugh that on MSN, I have people from the UK, one person from France, and then 3 people from Sweden (4, maybe...). I can tell where they come from just 'cos of how well they speak English. The 3-4 Swedes and the French guy all type perfect English on there, despite the fact it's their second language, yet people with shit diction/grammar are always from England. Just check out OTN compared to here, and you'll see we're still pretty slack with people's use of text-talk...

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That's just ol' Si following the trends, the little miss "OMGOSH"er.

If you want to be like that, slag, (:P) then you must know i've been "following" the trend that only started a few months back for a good few years. :turned:

Its just a way to emphasize something. Sort of like being speechless, but not. Capishé.

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