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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Cos shes a lying scum bag who clearly has no feelings for JD as shes willing to loose him over HER nabbing some cash.

That seems to sum it up quite nicely. Gonna just give her some silence treatment after a chat tonight and see what happens. She'll either realise what she's losing or she'll grow the f**k up.

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That seems to sum it up quite nicely. Gonna just give her some silence treatment after a chat tonight and see what happens. She'll either realise what she's losing or she'll grow the f**k up.

Don't take this the wrong way though mate, but i don't know whether she's worth it. I mean, having to make her realise by confronting her and making her choose shouldn't need doing in the first place. If she really cared then she'd know whats at stake. I don't know the situation inside out but from what you've written on here, you sound like you deserve someone much better than her. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders though so i reckon you already know what i've just said, just thought i'd re-affirm if you were already thinking it.

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Don't take this the wrong way though mate, but i don't know whether she's worth it. I mean, having to make her realise by confronting her and making her choose shouldn't need doing in the first place. If she really cared then she'd know whats at stake. I don't know the situation inside out but from what you've written on here, you sound like you deserve someone much better than her. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders though so i reckon you already know what i've just said, just thought i'd re-affirm if you were already thinking it.

Thanks Kris, that means a lot for sure. I'm just taking it one step at a time. A lot of me thinks she's just scared that she's falling for someone, but I'll make sure that's the case before I open up at all. Properly emotionally drained, and I sure wont be letting myself be taken for a mug again. Really appreciate everyones help in here, cheers.

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Haha, tell me about it. Mine's doing the whole scared of getting too involved thing at the minute and so for now is dropping us to friends status till she gets her life together. I don't personally reckon we're well suited at all so might take this opportunity to leave it as just friends.

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Right, I've been seeing a girl for about 2 weeks now....we have f**k loads in common etc and i get on really well with her, But she's from a totally different group than me...she's she kinda person that goes down the pub 3 or 4 times a week and i never go down the pubs lol, i usually end up having a joint with a few mates and chilling...but she wants me to go down tonight with her and a couple of blokes she usually goes down with, Now one of these people i cannot stand and have had countless arguements / fights with him, so i'm really unsure on what to do. I might just say f**k it to it all and just go?

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I might just say f**k it to it all and just go?

Because your a boring stoner who stays in and plays game consoles and wanks all day while shes a sociable outgoing girl. If she wants you to meet her mates then you should be jumping at the chance to get in with them if there nice people. Although that said I went to the pub with a girl I was kinda seeing once... the pub was grotty to say the least, all her mates were doing coke popping pills and smoking J's in the pub garden blatent as f**k, and I was hugged and forced to shake hands with people that had blood streaming down their fists..... yea that put me off her.

And JD even if she gets down on her hands and knee's and beggs to have you back then you need to think very very carefully man, personally if anyone accused me of any of that shit then I would want to rip off their head, not give them the scilent treatment and wait for them to come back, its her rents and you VS her atm. So either she will come to her senses and beg for you back or carry on with her head up her own ass. Don't bother waitiing for her to come arround.

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maybe use the excuse you want to spend time with just her?

Smooth move and all, but social interaction with her mates won't be avoidable forever. Why not see if you can bury the hatchet with this jerk-off? Its all down to whether you just want to f**k her or if you want something more long-term (like f**king her three or four times).

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Because your a boring stoner who stays in and plays game consoles and wanks all day while shes a sociable outgoing girl. If she wants you to meet her mates then you should be jumping at the chance to get in with them if there nice people. Although that said I went to the pub with a girl I was kinda seeing once... the pub was grotty to say the least, all her mates were doing coke popping pills and smoking J's in the pub garden blatent as f**k, and I was hugged and forced to shake hands with people that had blood streaming down their fists..... yea that put me off her.

And JD even if she gets down on her hands and knee's and beggs to have you back then you need to think very very carefully man, personally if anyone accused me of any of that shit then I would want to rip off their head, not give them the scilent treatment and wait for them to come back, its her rents and you VS her atm. So either she will come to her senses and beg for you back or carry on with her head up her own ass. Don't bother waitiing for her to come arround.

f**k you simps....What do you know about me? I just don't enjoy the pub as much as some people, not a crime is it?

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Girl I like may have swine flu.

Just slyly suggested going out when she gets better *awaits reply* :P

btw: This like is based purley on a drunken kiss... and then i got with her best mate to try an make her jelous.... not solid foundations.

Edited by Simpson
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Girl ive been interested in has just started to see some one else but hes a right dick and she already knows that but is in the whole well it might get better frame of mind. I told her last night to ditch him quick and she wants to but doesnt have the bottle cos as i said guys a bit of a willy. I have enough reason not to like him purely because shes been one of my best mates for about 2 years really and he got really shitty last time we were due to go out and she had to cancel and again last night he was texting her / phoning her every 5 minutes beacuse he knew she was with me. Im thinking of maybe giving this guy a bit a slap he needs it.

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