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(all spakred off from an arguament with my religious mate earlier)

i don't get how swearing is offensive or deemed bad. i mean how many of you are bothered by people swearing at/around you?

maybe i'm just arrogant and to unfazed by things (Y)

(also could probably have phrased all of this better)

Edited by ogre
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I only swear when it seems right to swear.

Like at work and generally around the home i wont, and i wont really swear when out. But i dont really care. The only time i dislike swearing, is when its ever other work. Man thats just annoying! So generally most chavs piss me off!

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i sware like a trooper, i dunno why, i dont find it a problem its usually part of my humour

people who are offended by it are wankers, there just words, and why are some more offensive that outhers?

for example:

bugger - not to bad of a word ull probly hear a teacher say that, but that means f**king some one in the arse!

f**k - the worst of all i belive and that means making love


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pretty much all my tutors swear and was common for my old instructors to sweat at engineering college.

does add enthusiasm, maybe im that poorly educated i cant get my point across without swearing or maybe i just cant help myself :rolleyes:

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i do swear quite a lot, but only in certain situations.

not to come across pompous or anything but i do think swearing is mostly a lower working/lowerclass trait.

for example, my family is sort of higher end working class (nicer than average house etc), but i work in a place that is pretty much lower working class. I was brought up pretty respectfully i would say, have good manners, good morals, good respect for other people but at the same time i prefer to hang out with more 'common' sounding people, (i despise people who put on posh accents and call you up on grammer)...

i would by no means consider myself posh, but i have been called posh a few times to which i was pretty surprised i come across like that.

anyway, i've noticed i'll swear a lot more if i'm talking to a person from an average to poor background, and pretty much never swear in front of stuck up people. for example i can easily find myself putting in the word 'f**king' a good 3 times in one sentence.

i also used to swear a lot to my parents but i've pretty much grown out of that now, and can have a proper conversation most times without swearing. when i do swear though they still call me up on it, which i suppose is a good thing. respect your parents and all that.... i would hate to hear my kids swearing so i can understand where they are coming from.

basically, i see swearing as something to aid the conversation of people who are quite poor at communicating. if you can communicate well, you won't need to swear. I'm certainly not offended by it at all, and i hate it when people complain about swearing, as if it just physically harmed them in some way, but i certainly do form stereotypical opinions of people who swear too much.


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i don't get how swearing is offensive or deemed bad. i mean how many of you are bothered by people swearing at/around you?

I dunno really. Swearing jokily with my mates is totally fine but I see how my mum could find me calling her a 'c u n t' offensive just 'cos it is. It's harsh if you mean it i think lol.

With my mates though meh, every second word is 'f**kin' or somethin :)

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I dont swear around my house, or my gf's house or round family, i may slightly swear in the company of my gf, like i wanna f**k your brains out :P

Sometimes i do think people use it far too mch and it seems pointless.

I prefer crap and gay rather than shit and wank (Y) (sounds dirty?)

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f**k - the worst of all i belive and that means making love

C**t is the worst apparently.

I swear all the time, but i do my best not to in front of my parents, just out of respect because they tried their hardest to bring me up and to not swear etc.

But it gets a lot harder when slightly drunk. They don't seem to mind as much any more.

Who know why people find it offensive. Same reason a blackboard and whiteboard is offensive.

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Like other have said, depends on the situation.

If i'm in a pub it's acceptable, but when you get pikey 17 year old girls with kids on the bus screaming "Oi f*** off you c***!!!" when it's packed with old folk does get on my nerves quite a bit.

I don't swear much but I certainly use it in the right situation, like when i'm doing website code and it refuses to work!!

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I swear like a mother f**ker haha!

Like, when at work, if i do the simplest thing wrong, il shout, "you f**king b*****d" - same as when im playing pool...

But then when i do summit wrong which is a big problem, i go of the hook and just randomly swear lmao!

I dont care what so ever about swearing... not at all... all these hindu's n shit that care, can f**k off outa our country if they care THAT much!

Congratulations, a 7 day suspension for you. Racism in ANY form will not be tolerated on TF.

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I swear like a mother f**ker haha!

Like, when at work, if i do the simplest thing wrong, il shout, "you f**king b*****d" - same as when im playing pool...

But then when i do summit wrong which is a big problem, i go of the hook and just randomly swear lmao!

I dont care what so ever about swearing... not at all... all these hindu's n shit that care, can f**k off outa our country if they care THAT much!

what a f**king willy. sorry.

but how about you dont be so f**king racist,......

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Okay it doesn't bother me, but when I hear little kids swearing it makes me cringe.

Totally! of least i was brought up well untill i was let into the real world... i mean i swear a lot in front of mates and family....... but not like in a park with children all arround me or in primary school when i teach the kids sports and stuff.... ill swear at adults at work and stuff..... just pops out... but im a lot more carefull arround young children

and ill ignore terror_error......

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I swear quite a bit, don't see anything wrong with it, never ever swear infront of my family though. The other day, me n my mate were riding along and I said f**k or summin like that and this random snobby arsehole goes "language children", which really annoyed me, was || close to telling him to f**k off and mind his own business but I never, felt like I had to show some respect for some reason, even if he was an arsehole.

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