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Everything posted by bikeperson45

  1. First video I've seen in a while that I've rewatched a few times - 5/5
  2. Probably better places to ask, this is push bike forum
  3. I'm going to say that unless you can strap your iphone on your helmet, film under water or all that it's not replacing a Go Pro. It looks all right but I think it's misleading claim.
  4. Well it doesn't replace a GoPro so that was a waste of twenty seconds.
  5. That was well done, nice length and focusing on the riding was a good move - this is the kind of video I think Jack Carthy should be making.
  6. Sweet, that was some controlled stuff on those train tracks
  7. I know! Thought out, offered ideas for improvements based on years of experience in the trials world and came across as constructive rather than just being a pain - who does he think he is? Typical bloody Ali C!
  8. I feel like a massive wimp now I get it from my mum, everytime I took a yogurt out of the fridge growing up she'd make me check the sell by date. Guess there's worse habits to have...
  9. Caution is my friend - ate them and am fine so far, thank you once again TFers for the reassurance. Fingers crossed.
  10. I want to be on the safe side here, the situation is I bought two microwaveable curry meals with chicken in from Tescos at approx 5:50pm this evening. I got home and went for a ride, forgetting to have put them in the fridge can you believe it! Got back at exactly 9:02pm and realised they'd been in my satchel for all that time so I rushed to get them in a fridge and they're still in it now. So the chicken's cooked and covered in various sauces - are they safe to eat having been un-refrigerated all that time? Need help urgently, I am very hungry and would like to eat them, but only with a sound mind.
  11. Gosh darnit how have I only just realised that Ali C's so called "up to front" at the start was just the clip played backwards. You know how many years I've been practising those jump from two wheels to front for like that? If Tartybikes would like to compensate me for this time I accept payment in the form of Inspired Arcades, PM for my address.
  12. I had this problem for a long time, what it came down to was taking a few steps back for a minute, taking some deep breaths and then just getting over it. And genuinely, taking a break from a trick and going and even doing a sidehop somewhere else usually helps.
  13. Hey everyone, check out Mr Moneybags over here!
  14. It's worth asking if you're going back there, there's CCTV so they should know who's it is - just depends how much everyone cares
  15. I was hoping for a really elegant solution there, should have known to expect zipties to be involved
  16. I'm curious, what was the solution?
  17. I took the blue pill...
  18. Any chance I could get a copy of that email? Sounds like something to print and stick in your wallet
  19. Yea, I'll definitely give it a day or two before going through with anything. I have been thinking about if for a while though and settled on thinking the situation might improve but whenever I look back I realise it hasn't. I've brought it up a few times and we've had maybe four 'big' conversations about it as well as other things that I'm getting sick of. She doesn't see herself living away from her family much longer, she wants to live in Australia for a while, she's constantly negative about how she looks... These things have been wearing me down a lot and despite talking about those things too, like me not being happy with her talking about moving away on a weekly basis, they never seem to genuinely progress, they might superficially improve for a week or two but it ends up at the same place. I might just be in a weird negative mood today though it's definitely not the first time I've thought about being in a relationship that I'd like rather than the one I'm in.
  20. Bump I think I made a major life decision on the way into work this morning… Me and my girlfriend have been going out for almost two years now and I think it’s about time to call it quits. So far in my life I’ve never managed to really regret a way I way I feel, but I guess now I know what that feels like. I can’t really put it down to one thing specifically, it’s more so I feel like I’ve been the one putting the effort in for most of that time and it’s not been returned in a way that I would like. We’ve talked about it before and we realised that she like words more than I do, she likes emails and letters filled with lovely sentences talking about how things are good and wonderful whereas I end up reading these and end up thinking ‘where’s the proof?’. I’m still trying to figure out if that’s a bad way of looking at it but at the same time I think I’m allowed to know what I want and value and head towards that direction rather than hoping I’ll end up there when in reality we’re standing still. This comes under my first ‘real’ relationship so I’m feeling guilty about it. I’m worried that she doesn’t have a support network in London as her family live in Ireland and she doesn’t really have a lot of friends to put it nicely. I don’t want that to come across as a vanity thing, but maybe it is – I’ve never broken up with someone before so I wouldn’t know. This is going to be a day of thoughts I think.
  21. I've never seen someone do yoga and manual at the same time before
  22. I'm just going to hold out until I become a senior member and get my 10% off discount
  23. Nice, it didn't realise who wheel hops into ramps could look good before
  24. I always get proud of our country when I see paramedics treating terrorists, murderers and other scum, for me that's the big divide between the decent people and the terrorists, we're not the ones running around taking life but helping to keep it going. Not sure I could be the one asking a terrorist if he's okay though...
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