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Everything posted by Herbertlemon102

  1. I love seeing little bits of engineering that bridge the gap In the market. Personally I'd paint it black to match the stem, but nothing wrong with chrome
  2. Highrise bars on a streety bike like a Marino is a good shout in my opinion, arcade risers is a good choice too. Makes it easier to manual, bunnyhop etc like you said
  3. as you may have read, people have run no top cap. The top cap only compresses the stem onto the bearings when the stem bolts aren't done up, once you tighten the stem bolts it's what's compressing the headset, you can do as you please with the top cap, and also, if the stem wants to come off the steerer, a top cap ain't gonna stop it, I know this from experience
  4. your style of riding surely Is a factor there- huge bunnyhops, manuals etc. There's a lot of pushing/pulling.
  5. If you've used the top cap to preload the headset bearings, then do up the stem clamp, could you then remove the top cap? As long as the bearings are under load I don't see why it would make a difference
  6. that's just it, isn't it. Small Sport, still being scammed. Probably has to do with how much the bikes we use are worth- there's a lot of money involved, and that brings in scammers like insects to a lightbulb
  7. The fact that the human brain has evolved enough that it can override it's inherent nature to "live" and "reproduce" and make a decision to end itself through suicide, frankly, scares me

    1. FamilyBiker


      lemmings was one of my favorite games back when pc's had 66mhz.

      eat this :)

  8. I think the idea of age restriction is stupid. It sounds like you're basing it off age simply because of one dispute- suggestions about reputation and feedback are much more logical. There's scammers and thieves at all ages.
  9. I've watched this 5 times now and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon
  10. Bit of a bumpage but I'd really like to go to one of these! Any idea if/when?
  11. I figured out how to stop pad rock in shimano brakes,, the pad rock was annoying for me. You can either put insulation tape on the pad backings so the pistons "dig in" to the thick tape and therefore the pads don't rock, or what I did is wrap sticky tape around the pad retaining pin before you put it in, so the pin is slightly wider in diameter, meaning the pads can't rock . Not arguing your choice of brake, just some friendly advice
  12. Along with trials chat and beginners trials chat etc, a topic called reviews, in which there are threads titled things like "disc brakes" "rim brakes" "tyres" etc, as I think the expanse of knowledge on this forum is something that can be helpful to others looking to buy parts they're unsure about , and so forth. Just an idea
  13. There is not a thing I would change if that was mine. Lovely piece of work
  14. Here's another angle of jakubs fuse. The mt2 brakes are a nice touch, again i think arcade risers wouldn't go amiss
  15. Faceplants just add attractiveness imo, loved the vid
  16. damn these logo-less rims... Could be spank rims
  17. Aww man- me, pogo and Ryan white are riding cov on Sunday
  18. when you drop the front wheel to do a pedal kick, give the pedals a good kick, like you would if you were starting a wheelie.
  19. My limey is now dual ice tech +10xp, I know not everyone's a fan of the gold but imo it's one of the best looking mods.
  20. Turns out NASA's Antares rocket was detonated by the operator, as as it took off they noticed a fault, and the rocket wouldn't make it to space and would instead land on a highly populated city, thus the operator made it explode.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. isitafox


      That's what they want you to believe...

    3. MartMini


      not to jump on the conspiracy theory train, but it does seem such like 'oh, we was meant to do it' cover-up

    4. Herbertlemon102


      Well the Antares rocket is a soviet Russian rocket refit to purpose.... "Seems legit"

  21. Personally I'd just run the hose through the frame
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