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Everything posted by eskimo

  1. Well, sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ry for not remembering shit from when i was the kid. errr, i mean, a kid. I recognise that picture, but never played it.
  2. Almost missed this. Firstly, Kyle's too funny! Suburb riding. I think your riding ticks them boxes regardless the majority of the time anyway. Facebash was pretty gnarly! I think the manual line was my fav, probably cause it was the longest one. Also ball to sidehop over, that was really cool, got the brakeless down as standard now! Take what you can get. Injuries f**ked my progression badly, and they were mild compared to a lot of other people.
  3. Wonderful, divine, perfect choice of descriptive words for that edit. Some really special/ tech lines. Gap, post, gap manual was maybe my fav. But the 360 endo to fakie line was techilicious too. Last 2 lines were top notch. While the filming was perfect, the last line shot should of panned left or just filmed looking straight down the gap imho. I watched twice and i definitely caught what you weren't happy with Ali, or gave you a hard time, and what was easy. There was one basic trials line which you popped out first time and surprised to see it in there (not one of the big ones i mean), as i know you're of quality not quantity.
  4. Can still play Duke 3d now, fair size community and a lot of work has been put into Duke 3d High Resolution pack. A few guys also did the music in stereo and/ or remixes. There's other work being done too. Played a game called Dizzy on the spetrum at a friends when younger, pos game, takes about an hour to load (if it loaded), to die straight away. urgh. On FF7 i kinda went ott also and did 2 or 3 W-magics/ summons, 3 Master Magic/ Summons, 2 or 3+ on all the blue support materia, 3 master knights of the round etc etc. Though i never did the card collecting on FF9, should of done really, i won't die peacefully now. 3.5mbs, get in.
  5. It was birds eye view and there was a woman speaker. That's about my best description
  6. Did you ever complete it? I got to lvl 12 or 13, so hard. But that was i was young. Can't remember what version it was. Was the built in to the console.
  7. Most stuff mentioned, plus: Duke Nukem 3D Waiting forever for the real DN Forever One of the best FPS ever imo. Loadsa expansions, mods, tcs, community input. C&C Red Alert Red Alert 2 Very balanced competitive RTS. Got pretty good at RA2 at one point. Frank Klepacki is real talented composer. Quake 2 Again solid fps. Perfect soundtrack from Sacha Dickisen (spelling!) Ape Escape Strange but fun. Abes Odyssey Brilliant concept. Look into the newest game to be released if a fan. Medieval Dan the man. Golden Axe Like streets of rage but old times. Lemmings Classic. Worms Another OG classic. Sonic & Knuckles dbl cartridge Sonic at it's best imo Smash TV Birds eye view arena shooter. Co-op play. Like the Running Man film. LAPD Mechs that are from LAPD. Shoot shit. Think that's all i got. Played pong on the bbc computer at primary school, it was shit. Final Fantasy 7 & 9 are my all times favs. Even done them 2 years ago. Nobuo the composer is also great. Look into Distant Worlds if you wanna see the music live. It's eye watering stuff.
  8. Like to have a go on one of them, see how stiff they feel. Looks like you've done a good refurb on it, top work.
  9. You need to get a bike and come riding again!
  10. eskimo

    D30 Gel

    5 years old thread btw. Best to PM him.
  11. eskimo

    Car Sat Nav

    My smart phone is pretty dog shite to say the least. It's been dropped loads but it's £10 a month with 1 gig of internet which is just used for wasting time on/ reading forums. I'd like a new glamorous phone, but A. Money and B. i won't actually benefit from it. More hassle than it's worth. I think it would work out more, standard contracts generally £20 a go now? Sat nav, £70.. But possibly, you could wiggle it either way i guess. That's cool, doubt my Ace 2 will handle it though. Need to restart it just to use Google maps. Found a half decent Sat Nav on ebay from Argos. I figured Euro maps i'll use once in a blue moon, so i'd/ we'de just buy one for the occasion, no biggy. Traffic alerts, take the chance and you can reroute on the sat nav/ look at an actual map, plus work had one of them Tomtom Pro Mega XLs and it was never anything truly helpful in reality. The Sat Nav is for work and it'll save draining battery on the phone, plus buying an actual decent phone. Thanks for the replies, i guess i'm just awkward in my choices as per usual.
  12. eskimo

    Car Sat Nav

    I don't have endless data unfortunately
  13. eskimo

    Car Sat Nav

    Garmin or Tomtom? Leaning towards Garmin. Features not required as just appear to increase cost substantially. Choices of (say) 3 routes don't seem to be an option like Google. That would be nice. Minor input welcome as it's not a major purchase. Thanks in advance
  14. That was pretty funny! And some cool riding too
  15. I know what you mean, and i agree. It could be some cleaning agent the factories use just before boxing. That's the only plausible thing i can think off.
  16. I've heard fubar in military films before, never put 2 and 2 together!
  17. errrmaguerd. or however you say it
  18. It already sounds shit Though if others don't like it, chances are i will. Just look at my bikes
  19. What you getting, keen to hear what people like to have! Thought tbf, patience clearly isn't getting you anywhere. You can't run a business like that, look at all the others. Customs can often be a pain the arse, though Triton were always good with me, so they're an exception. I've numerous horror stories with bmx brands too. But when dealing direct with the builder, you'd think shit would go to plan, he obviously has a problem with people/ basic business skills. No offence to him of course, but the evidence supports it. It's a shame someone who appears keen to improve and build upon his brand hasn't really got the basics of communication down as yet, you're throwing him money ffs.
  20. pffffff, come back when you've got a Triton Monty scotchbrite 221 ti, champaigne rims and riser bars gets my vote.
  21. Never knew that. Thought it was just another cool word that the lads used in their banter. Actually bants is the nore common term now.
  22. A problem being, is being able to type fluently. Clicking "send" without proof reading. I know that first sentence i typed isn't quite correct. I'm on a phone so won't correct it. When you're not awake too, i know i type some god awfull stuff. We type so quick so it often just goes down how the subconcious thinks it should/ sounds. But i know my english improved from TF internet pressure. Theres and apostrophies are the most common ones. I find using "their" instead of "there" quite funny. The other was around i don't. Haha. See my error above. No proof reading. Y and W aren't even next to each other! Formal dressing. Formerly is past tense description. Also, some internet spell checkers are shit.
  23. Riding was definitely good, and i'm sure i would of enjoyed watching it if: this wasn't another typical predictable edit with a song from dance floor massive hits 2014, needless slow-mo, minute long intro full of disc rotors/ guy wearing helmet/ backhops/ scenery, and the picturesque shot of rider putting on helmet in skatepark and doing the obligatory backflip, ohh didn't see that one coming.
  24. Hadn't seen this before. As the general consensus is; trials be shit, probably another reason why i barely touch the trials bikes any more. Also the only natural vid i bothered to watch all the way through, for a long time.
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