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Who Are You Sponsored By? How Did You Get Sponsored


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the best way I found to get sponsored was to be patient! Get some decent comp results, make some GOOD vids, be a nice person on and off the bike and companys will aproach you, after all no one wants to sponsor a bad rider who is rude and makes a bad image for the brand.

if you feel your at a point in riding where a sponsor would be a benefit then get a cv done with all your acheivments and hopes for the future.

Ride for fun is the best advice though, everyone things being sponsored is the highest march to acheive in riding, but there are downsides. you may have to run parts you dont like, go to promotions when you are tired, but there are the obvious good points as well.

I am currently sponsored by Tartybikes, Ozonys and Trial-tech, but I hope to add to that soon with some sponsors that can cover my travel exspenses

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MAD, Land Rover, Phase, 2X2, Schwalbe, Weldtite, Evens Cycles, Maxx Raxx, Loct.

Been riding for them for a few Years. Started when i entered Hop Idol a while back.

Unlucky :giggle: I jest, I jest.

Sponsored by TartyBikes, got sponsored because I've been riding for over 10 years and have got to a reasonable level, plus I'm kinda known for being a general nice chap (I think...) and try to give the sport a good name whenever I ride, either on the street or in comps. Basically never take myself or riding too seriously which means I don't really have any kind of 'attitude'.

That's my take on it anyway!

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It's not all about sponsorship! like Ali said, ride for fun, and if you get a sponsor out of it, great, but if not you are still doing what you love.

I sailed for Britain up until December of last year when things went tits-up (all sorted now) and i had a fair few sponsors, and there were a fair few downsides.

I had to use gear that i didn't like, try and advertise various companies at every possible moment, give out flyers/ catalogues, do loads of promotional stuff when all i wanted to do was sleep. The free stuff made up for it though ;)

It's all well and good having a sponsor, but you have to keep your end of the deal up too, and be committed to what the company(s) want you to do.

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Scandinavian Trials

How? By owning the store I get to pick the goodies. :P

Used to be semi sponsored (i.e. allways getting stuff for really cheap and sometimes free) by my lbs.

Used to be sponsored by an insurance company and a riding school, but that was another sport, another time period... :P

How? By them sponsoring a team (ehm, show jumping... :$ ) which I was chosen to be part of. What they got in return? Having their logo on my equipment. Fair enough.

And yeah, the Swedish "CSN" which handles student loans etc. :P

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Getting sponsored dosn't make you ride better!, That bit's still down to you.

So if your thinkin oh my god if i get sponsored id ride so good!!.... It's dosent work like that, youv still got to work hard!

Sponsorship never used to be easy to get, now it just seems like everyones sponsored :S

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Sponsorship never used to be easy to get, now it just seems like everyones sponsored :S

its because sponsorship used to generally only mean a big tie in to a company,seriously discounted/free bits etc. however now sponsorship can be something little like a free set of pads.

no offence to mr kearns here, but picking him as an example, hes supposedly a necopads team rider.

whats he got from that deal, a mate of his has given him some pads as far as i can tell.

before that, he was briefly an MJ cycles sponsored rider, dont think he got much to any benefit out of that deal.

not saying it in a negative way, but its like for a friend/company to let you have a set of bars cheap/swing you a free set of pads, costs them bugger all, so a lot of people/companies dont expect a lot in return. there not expecting you to wear their shirt every ride, ride for them at comps, bring out videos every month, be jaw droppingly good, all there hoping is, that one or two of their mates will buy a set of pads, so theyll make there money back on the ones they gave for free, and further spread the reputation.

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its because sponsorship used to generally only mean a big tie in to a company,seriously discounted/free bits etc. however now sponsorship can be something little like a free set of pads.

no offence to mr kearns here, but picking him as an example, hes supposedly a necopads team rider.

whats he got from that deal, a mate of his has given him some pads as far as i can tell.

before that, he was briefly an MJ cycles sponsored rider, dont think he got much to any benefit out of that deal.

not saying it in a negative way, but its like for a friend/company to let you have a set of bars cheap/swing you a free set of pads, costs them bugger all, so a lot of people/companies dont expect a lot in return. there not expecting you to wear their shirt every ride, ride for them at comps, bring out videos every month, be jaw droppingly good, all there hoping is, that one or two of their mates will buy a set of pads, so theyll make there money back on the ones they gave for free, and further spread the reputation.

NecoPads support me by giving me pads. At the moment they can't offer me anything else..Because all they do...Is pads.

As for MJCycles along way back...Well, I would have never have been able to build my Adamant A1 if it wasn't for the guys at MJCycles yaking me on board just as i was building it. Serious discount was involved aswell. I couldn't thank the guys enough for the support they give me. To be honest, I can't believe i threw that sponsor away, the guys were great, all amazing to talk to and helped me so much.

Once again, A big thank you to MJCycles and currently, Necopads.

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Was a test/development rider for Onza for a few years. They asked for people to send them 'riding CVs', I sent them one, and that was that sorted, basically. To date, I've never released an actual edited video, or any real photos of me riding, just crash videos.

Work that one out :P

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