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The A-levels Shitting Yourself Thread.


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When I went to pick up my results after my GCSES, a guy I did engineering with came up to me and said, "How many did you get then?", "11, how about you", says I, "5, and they spell FUDGE!".

This was before turning up to the exam would get you a G, he got Us in the rest of his exams.

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Thats pretty low for the top 10%, but I guess I'm just used to living a BALLER AS FUCK lifestyle.

But its nice to know your mum earns £54k. What doe she do?

Probably, I'd like to live a Baller lifestyle but I'm still in footpad status. :(

I'm not 100% sure what my mum does now, she's just signed a contract yesterday for something and I haven't had time to ask her. I know it involves shoes because we've had a load of leather samples and POS pieces turn up at home this morning.

She used to be a "mystery shopper", for the largest customer service agency in the UK. Which was a really cool job because she basically got to go out and buy things, and got given the money and paid a pretty high hourly rate for assessing customer service. And then got to keep the items afterwards !

A few times I've been out for some quite nice meals in restaurants with her and been able to order whatever I like and it's been part of her job, and she had a great one once where she had to buy a laptop and had to shop around for the best deal under £600 and got paid hourly for the job and got to keep the laptop haha !

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If you had said you did f**k all work and got AAAA then I would of had my hats off to you. I don't know about you but some people are just naturally good at some subjects, so they don't really need to do much more work than they already do in class.

The whole point though is that once you've got your A-levels, you're generally heading off to uni or college having used your results as proof you're able to do the course. Like you do SATS, then once you've done GCSEs they don't matter. Once you've done A-levels, your GCSEs don't matter. Once you've done a degree, your A-levels don't matter so much. 360 UCAS points is enough to get on the majority of courses from what I can tell, so it's a reasonably good result, especially for the amount of work I put in (Bearing in mind my A was in D&T, where I didn't even submit a completed final project 'cos I ran out of time after leaving it too late...).

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The whole point though is that once you've got your A-levels, you're generally heading off to uni or college having used your results as proof you're able to do the course. Like you do SATS, then once you've done GCSEs they don't matter. Once you've done A-levels, your GCSEs don't matter. Once you've done a degree, your A-levels don't matter so much. 360 UCAS points is enough to get on the majority of courses from what I can tell, so it's a reasonably good result, especially for the amount of work I put in (Bearing in mind my A was in D&T, where I didn't even submit a completed final project 'cos I ran out of time after leaving it too late...).

But generally without GCSEs you can't get onto A-levels and without A-levels you can't get into uni for a degree. Well maybe what ever you had in your project was good enough for an A. What about your D then, put much work into that?

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A record-breaking number of A-level entries for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been awarded A grades.

More than one in four entries - 26.7% - got the top grade, up from 25.9% last year and the overall pass rate rose to 97.5%, up 0.3 percentage points.

The improvement in grades - for the 27th year in a row - will add to the pressure on university places.

Damn you guys are good! I did not see that coming... So how many people are shitting themselves waiting for the postie?!

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True, why are the government trying to get youngsters to study useless subjects at third-rate universities, instead of trying harder to get more people into the trades etc.

The target of getting 50% of school-leavers to "university" is ridiculous.

pretty simple, because keeps the unemployed % down

EDIT: and how do i find out my results?

Edited by Adrian
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pretty simple, because keeps the unemployed % down
Sorry to go off topic but the unemployment level is all a load of bullshit.

Listening to Radio 2 while in my Dads car last week they were taking phone calls about peoples experience claiming Job Seekers Allowance. Loads of people were calling in saying that they hadn't bothered to sign on and claim JSA because it wasn't worth it etc... There were newly qualified uni students that were living off 'the bank of mum and dad' rather than signing on, people that had been made redundant but were not allowed to claim JSA for one reason or another. So there are a huge amount of people that are unemployed that I bet are not included in the statistics given out because they are not signed on as unemployed!

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Yeah I was hoping that until I got my last one saying I owe them around £14k. Deep joy.

I paid off my student loans last year :)

Fortunately I got to uni the year before they finished grants, because I got them the 1st year they carried on giving them to me for the rest of uni :D

Only owed 7k on student loans.

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Sorry to go off topic but the unemployment level is all a load of bullshit.

Listening to Radio 2 while in my Dads car last week they were taking phone calls about peoples experience claiming Job Seekers Allowance. Loads of people were calling in saying that they hadn't bothered to sign on and claim JSA because it wasn't worth it etc... There were newly qualified uni students that were living off 'the bank of mum and dad' rather than signing on, people that had been made redundant but were not allowed to claim JSA for one reason or another. So there are a huge amount of people that are unemployed that I bet are not included in the statistics given out because they are not signed on as unemployed!

I'm living off my savings. Because I was technically still in uni 'cos of re-sits, they said I wasn't eligible for JSA.

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Not really..

You dont know what life will bring you. I certainly didnt see myself where i am 6/7 years ago when i left school with 8 b-c gcse's.

Dont fret if you do shit. More to life than school grades.

I didnt get any GCSE's cos i was a dick in school, but im starting uni in sep to do somthing i love. i dont regret anything in my life so far as its all boiled up to this moment!

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