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Nah only just got round to watching Rambo 4. Properly scraping the barrel for stuff to watch now (I go through about 6-7 films a week) and was suprised at how gorey it was. Even taking into account all the hype surrounding it when it came out I never expected there to be that much bloodshed.

Got First Blood out from the library the other day as well so gonna crack into that tomorrow night. Not watched the film for about 20 years so completely forgotten what happens!

Channel5, is showing RAMBO4 this Sunday 5th at 10pm, so will be interesting if they show the full movie edit for tv viewing.

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Limitless, very dissapointing at the end. All the way through the film really gripped me as if something big was gonna go off then you get to the last 10 minutes and it's as if the writer got bored and wanted to get it over and done with as quickly as possible!

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Can someone please help? Im trying to recite this film I watched a few years ago. Its not too old but not really heard of.

its a horror movie but the actors were acting within the movie theyvwere auditioning for the movie you were watching. but then theyvstarted getting murdered and then that turned out to be for the movie theu were auditioning for. and then boom it turned out it was real and it kept going like that. I briefly remember a guy being locked in a room and no one was to enter it. Bit like inception with the mindf**k.

if anyone knows it or knows what i can google to find out please let me know i proper want to watch it again as i never understood it the first time i watched it.

ooh ans it was set in a big old house.

Edited by dann2707
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My little eye ?

Nah that's not it but cheers anyway :).

if by amazing, you mean exactly the same as the first film but no where near as good and way too many close ups of mens meat stalks? then I agree.

I didn't expect anything different though, I think that's why I loved it..

Willys are funny though lol

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the first one was ok, the beardy guy pretty much made it though, I thought the 2nd film made him out too much as actually being handicapped rather than just "weird" and he wasn't as funny as a result (plus the lack of actual funny/silly things he did such as the anchor out of the boat at the end).

The other characters are actually just plain annoying.

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its a horror movie but the actors were acting within the movie theyvwere auditioning for the movie you were watching. but then theyvstarted getting murdered and then that turned out to be for the movie theu were auditioning for. and then boom it turned out it was real and it kept going like that. I briefly remember a guy being locked in a room and no one was to enter it. Bit like inception with the mindf**k.

Wrong Turn 2?

Watched Ip Man the other day, amazing film!

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Just watched A Clockwork Orange, quite a mad film, and I've done that thing where you pick up someone else's accent, but I've picked up the main character's accent in the space of 2 hours, which is also weird. Quality film though.

Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou!

See, they talk all weird like.

Also watched Ace Ventura: Pet Detective this morning for like the 6th time, f**king love that film

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Loving Long Way Down by Ewan McGregor & Charley Boorman. pinch.gif

Nowhere near as good as Long Way Round though.

Finished reading First Blood yesterday so I'm gonna watch the film tonight, it's weird that I'm pretty sure I've watched Rambo 2, 3 and 4 but never the first!

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Yeah? Maybe I'll have to order it off Amazon. :)

Yup, though the bit where they get to America in Long Way Round was pap, probably why they skipped through it very quickly.

They run into some proper dodgy people along the way, good old communists!!

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Long way round is miles better. Ewan doesnt moan as much!!! Also theres less about the bloody support crew! Just the story of the places they go and people they meet is more complete its just 'feels' like you as a veiwer experience the whole trip and not the highlights like L.W.D

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