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Barrow Farm Trials Park - Suggestions!

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Hi guys,

Just wanted to get some general feedback as to what you think of barrow farm.

I know some of you have been and many of you wont have been, but im here to find out, if your planning a trip, or otherwise, why you wont be making the trip.

Ok, so lets get cracking.

Location!! Right, the location is in Chelmsford, Essex, and isn't ideal for anyone coming quite a distance, but what would make YOU come down a day/or two.

If your thinking, its to far to travel for a days riding, Would camping over night be an option for you?? Then you can have 2 full days of riding.

Is the cost an issue?? Its 7quid for a full day. 10-6, so 8 hours..and 4quid for 4 hours. Lets be honest the price is cheap for what there is to ride.

Yes, you can go and ride street locally to where you live and you also get the pain of people moaning..having to ride ages from spot to spot..all the things we hate about trials. Barrow has it all. No one complaining, no nasty long rides from spot to spot..but most importantly..other riders, who you wouldn't normally ride with to socialise with.

Worried there wont be enough to ride for your standard?? Barrow farm has riders week in, week out, who all ride at different standards.

Its not rare to see the big boys ( Andrei Burton, Danny Butler, Ben Slinger, Ben Savage etc ect ) down at barrow on the odd occasion. Yet at the same time you have beginners who are learning to track stand down there to. Barrow farm has progressed a long way since when it 1st opened a few years ago.

The amount of stuff there is to ride now is amazing, and it will only keep getting better in preparation for radfest.There is a great selection of stuff to ride, i promise you will not be bored.

I took a friend down to barrow yesterday..a complete skate park/street type of rider and he was adamant about never going to barrow as in his opinion it was far to 'tgs'. How wrong he was...as soon as he arrived yesterday, his words were..' i dont know where to start ' He rode for a good 4 hours, which is way more than he usually rides for and to be honest, if he wasn't so tired, I don't think he would of wanted to leave. This shows, that barrow caters for all types of riding. There is enough there to ride it, how YOU want to ride it..if you want tgs, you can have tgs, if you want street lines, u can have street lines..its all there, just waiting to be ridden.

I know this sounds like a desperate plea to get people to ride barrow farm but i guess it is.

Mick, the guy who runs Barrow, puts alot of his own time and effort into barrow for the trials community, for not much reward, and its frustrating to go down there and find there's no one there riding it..WHY!! What are peoples reasons for not going??

Never heard of barrow?

Too Far?


Rather ride street?

Been before? Liked it? Didn't Like it??

What is it, that would make you come to barrow farm.


Below are a few videos of barrow if you have no idea of what im going on about!


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I don't know what camping facilities there are like but coming from so far away (West Cornwall, about 350miles) it'd be cool if there was at least the opportunity of a shower and a flushing toilet. Apart from that what I've seen of Barrow looks pretty sharp. Got any plans for some indoor stuff?


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I don't know what camping facilities there are like but coming from so far away (West Cornwall, about 350miles) it'd be cool if there was at least the opportunity of a shower and a flushing toilet. Apart from that what I've seen of Barrow looks pretty sharp. Got any plans for some indoor stuff?


Portaloo, yes..showers..no..but im pretty sure they are in the pipeline.

Indoor stuff is pretty much a no go. In the winter, you can ride in the barn..but ill be honest..its not big and certainly wouldnt be worth a 350 mile drive :P

It is outdoors, because of the sheer space they have, and to build something indoors would be way to impractical and would be so costly..and if people arnt willing to come and ride it..where is the money going to be generated from?

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Sounds cool. To be honest I don't think theres anywhere that I'd drive to just to ride there at that distance, no matter how good it was (went up to Newcastle for Drummonds gig the other day but that was more out of support for Ian) but if I'm ever in the area I'll definitely look it up and stop by.


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I'm in the same position as rich except i can't drive, and probably wouldn't go that far for a couple od days riding, but if i did i'd get to the nearest train station and be stuck there, yet if you got a bus that went back and forth (or within an ordinary bus route (but then again you can't take a bike on a bus) then i could get the train but maybe a bus is a bit to far fetched as you say with the few numbers that ride there :/

and also if i did camp as rich said showers and toilet (but then i'd have to take my tent and food with me on the train wich could be a pain in the arse)......however if i was near essex for a week end maybe i'd go to barrow, yet maybe a map link on there website would be good so i could find it?

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Ive been there a few times, the only thing for me is getting there. I can't drive so the nearest stations are brentwood or chelmsford and thats a trek on a trials bike. Luckily enough Joe is a great lad and he gave me a lift there the other day :)

As soon as I can drive Ill most probably be there every weekend.

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I've been once, loads to ride liked it a lot,

But i couldn't go much as its a fair few hours away in the car and i can't drive and won't be able to for a good few years

That would be my only reason for not going much and maybe wanting to go to the dales and stuff to ride natty

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I think Barrow Farm is amazing, it is now pretty much the only place i ride. There are so many lines there for all abilitys and riding styles i have never got bored. The sections are all moved around every now and then too opening up lots more new lines to ride. Speaking of which, Mick had the crane there during the week and has moved around the Pipes and rocks quite a bit! I believe there is still more to be done to the log section too and the Green drum in the middle of the field is also going to be moved in the near future.

To be honest i cant really see how anyone can not have a good time there. If you break your bike then the bike stand and Mick (The guy behind it all) own tools are always to hand to anyone who needs them at no cost. If you hurt yourself, all the Mitchell family are trained first aiders. There is a shop selling food, drinks and bike spares.

I can honestly say that if 'Radical-bikes' hadn't have been set up at Barrow Farm i am pretty sure i would have given up trials by now as i would be looking at a 1 hour or so drive to ride anywhere half decent. Street is ok but riding the same square walls for years would of, i am sure, led me to give up trials.

So to sum up, what i say is this,

Barrow farm has endless lines for any ability and riding style

It is regularly changed around (Twice a year or more) so it is always going to be different

There is a very handy shop - which by the way is cheap, where else do you buy lucozade for 80p?

Friendly staff (Usually the Mitchell family)

Tools and a bikestand and help too when needed to fix bikes - for FREE

If you rode Barrow farm last year or only rode last time there was a competition there then you will be surprised at how different it now is. A tractor and a crane are used to move the obsticals so even the really big stuff gets moved not just the odd pallet.

Really well done to the Mitchell Family.

Edited by sundance
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Barrow is such a great place to ride no where else like it in the uk as far as im aware altho its 2and a half hours from me I dnt mind cause there's so much to do when there. There's always a few local riders that a threre that are sound as aswell as Mick the owner.

Think the only thing that puts people of it's in the middle of now where :( altho I think after rad fest there will be a few more riders attending barrow.

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went there on the 24 tour last year, was pretty damn good, but i hate riding on grass, my brakes go to shite. and it is a looooooooooooong drive, price to ride for the day is worth it, but the fuel there and back isnt

Ash, the grass is about 1mm deep lol..its pretty much just solid floor :P and lets be honest, after about 2 mins of riding there you get used to it..

So going on the few people that have commented, it just seems like a travel issue...


Its still worth the drive regardless from where your from. Think about it..if its gonna cost you 50quid in fuel, car with 3 riders in? split the fuel, entry fee, your looking at what? £25 pound each. Thats hardley breaking the bank.

Your reply can be..yer i can ride local and it will cost nothing, but my reply would be, BORING!! Riding the same old spots over and over again..actually is gay.

Showers/Camping/Bit of music? Anything else guys??

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Too far from me really (Devon), and to be honest we don't have the shortage of good riding spots the SE suffers with. I know if I was still at home in London I'd definately make the trip because of the lack of riding spots (that arn't out and out street spots) in the SE.

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Too far from me really (Devon), and to be honest we don't have the shortage of good riding spots the SE suffers with. I know if I was still at home in London I'd definately make the trip because of the lack of riding spots (that arn't out and out street spots) in the SE.

Yer, you guys dont suffer from lack of spots.

Fingers crossed the summer brings a few people over Barrow.

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I first went to Barrow Farm last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. This year I have already been about 5 times, one weekend I went on the Saturday and rode with Kyle Livesey and guys from the Birmingham area, I then went back on the Sunday to ride with Joe Maher and others.

On both day's the set up was the same, but the people there were different. Barrow Farm on a whole is amazing to ride, like Joe has said, whatever your style, you can ride it how you like and enjoy it, but what makes it so much better than a street or natural ride is that You can ride both there, there is no travelling to spots, it's great on the social side for meeting new riders and new friends.

The Mitchell family have created something to help the trials community grow.

I have read the other comments and it is noticeable that the key issue is travelling along way to get there and if you don't drive there is quite a distance from the nearest rail station. But as Joe said, if you can club together with some mates, you can reduce your costs by car sharing. If you are travelling by train, try and get in contact with someone that is driving, and see if you can get a lift form the station.

If it's a long way to come down, take a weekend road trip, travel over on the Friday night, ride Barrow one or both days, or ride somewhere else local to Barrow or somewhere on your way home on the Sunday. Ideal to do with the summer coming up.

I myself live in Woking, Surrey. It is about 75 miles 1hr 20mins to Barrow, I pretty much live the complete opposite side of the M25 to it, but it's well worth it every time, and it would be great to see more rider's there as it is a great venue. The UK has been screaming out for trials parks and we have had little success with local councils, but thanks to the Mitchell family there is a decent park to ride, it would be a great shame if we ever lost it.

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It's too far away from me to make a trip I'm afraid. I'll be down for Radfest as I'll be doing the comp onthe Sunday but other than that it's a no go, mainly due to having a wife and 2 kids and working random shifts which includes weekends as standard so what little time off I do have I tend to spend it with my family. If I was single I'd definately make a few weekends of it I reckon, and the get a car full of mates thing wouldn't work for me as there's not enough riders local to me to share costs with!

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It's too far away from me to make a trip I'm afraid. I'll be down for Radfest as I'll be doing the comp onthe Sunday but other than that it's a no go, mainly due to having a wife and 2 kids and working random shifts which includes weekends as standard so what little time off I do have I tend to spend it with my family. If I was single I'd definately make a few weekends of it I reckon, and the get a car full of mates thing wouldn't work for me as there's not enough riders local to me to share costs with!

Same here with the family matters. Samphire hoe is the furthest i've got from home that day i came over with you frank and scott,and that was only half hour. Will be up sometime this summer as franks said its pretty good but probably just the once!

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You talkin' 'bout me Joe? lol.

It was really good yea, Like Ash said, I hate riding on grass too, but once I was used to it wasn't too bad, I'm still a concrete rider though lol.

But I'd think it'd be a pig to ride there in anything but dry conditions, I can't imagine riding damp grass lol, but my brakes don't work in anything but sunshine anyway.

Was really impressed though, loads of possibilities & I only left because my arms were destroyed.

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