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It was a Fiat 500.

I'd subsidised the finance by over £1300 to make it interest free, given them £1750 off because they already had a Fiat so we're eligible for loyalty bonus, gave them three years free servicing and a set of mats.

On a normal retail deal without me ripping all the profit out of it and giving so much away it would have been £227 a month. I offered them a monthly payment of £152.

If they don't want to buy it at that price, it's because they don't want the car.

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I can't be dealing with it, I've never had anybody say "I've got to go home to talk to my wife about it" and come back and buy a car. Literally.

That's just a polite way of saying they don't want the car.

But a cheap jibe is worth writing off a potential (even future) customer for life? As Mike said, if someone spoke to me like that it'd be my last dealings with them.

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Surely if you're really having to work the price down like that and you think it's because they don't want that car, wouldn't you see if they wanted to check out anything else you've got to offer there rather than just lowering your margins even more?

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Doesn't offer it as I have a graduate account.

From looking around they all seem to cost about £85 a year... Is that worth it over just finding someone willing to recover it if it all goes wrong?

Never had cover on my bikes, just got on with it. :lol:

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Yeah, what Dan said! Those things are absolute tanks. Probably more reliable.


Thing with this guy is he really pushed me on price, deal deal deal and gave me commitment to buy before we went through figures.

On test drive he was making all the right noises, loved the car, I got commitment to buy when we got back from test drive. "So you love the car, which is great. If the figures are right is this the car you'd want to buy?"


If the figures are right, and you've beaten the salesman down by almost £100 a month and he's got within your price window, and you've shopped him with online leasing quotes then why when the car is the right price wouldn't you commit?

You either don't like the salesman; couldn't be that the mystery shop scored me 20points out of 20 for salesman attitude, knowledge and proficiency of finance.

Or you don't actually want the car, or have already ordered it from the online leasing company but you're just using the salesman for a test drive because the online leasing company don't offer test drives.

I don't do salesman bullshit. If I want the car I'll buy it. Don't need some jumped up knobber in a suit trying to get in my head to tell me what I want to do.

If you said that to me I'd make sure everybody knew about it!

That's why you don't buy new cars.

People who are into cars, like getting their hands dirty and are of the mindset you and I are won't buy new cars from dealerships.

The other 71% of the market place who see a new car as an aspirational purchase and aren't really petrol heads just want to come in, fall in love with the car and let the dealership do all the work without any effort or risk on their part.

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...or someone might genuinely want to speak to their other half before committing to something fairly serious like that? Obviously in the Agony Aunt thread you've kind of demonstrated that you're not necessarily one of those people, but I can imagine some people would be :P If you've already been emasculated enough to have had your partner say you've got to buy a Fiat 500 it suggests that they'd probably also moan at you every month when the money would go out of their account and they felt that you'd paid too much for a car.

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Why would you need recovery when you own a K11 micra? The recovery guy will probably be driving a K11 micra.

I have no idea, I just heard it was the thing to do when owning a car? :lol: They are silly reliable, but it is a 17 year old car with 70k on it so you never know, everything dies some time... I have very little experience around cars, so I'm not sure what even happens when you break down. I'm guessing you need to phone a man with a truck to come and recover you, but how to you find such people if you're (as I will be tomorrow) 150 miles from home?

I fixed a rattle today by jubilee clipping a heat shield up against the exhaust, like a boss.

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No, you fix rattles by ripping the heat shield off, like a boss!

As for breaking down, you have a basic set of tools and usually that one slightly nutty mate who would drive across Europe to rescue you :P

And in the worst case you pay through he arse for private recovery or the fee for joining and using the AA on the same day :)

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I did just drive it until one of the heat shields fell off, but with this one I decided to sort it out. :P

One mate suggested you could do that with the AA this morning but he wasn't sure and I was skeptical, surely they want a cooling off period? Either way if that's right I'll just go with that plan. :lol:

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On this salesman lark...

...I hate the 'generic salesman' shit that Jardo normally comes out with, but this clearly isn't one of those times. For a start, he didn't ruin the sale because there wasn't one – it was a mystery shopper.

If you legitimately need to get agreement from your significant other before making a purchase like that (which I know I would) you should either bring them with you, agree in advance the limits you're able to go to, or you don't say "absolutely" when someone asks "do we have a deal if I get it to £x a month", because that makes you as bad as the stereotypical salesman. Absolutely means yes in that context, and if you're not a man of your word you should be standing in front of a mirror instead of a car salesman.

Why can't everyone in these sorts of transactions, salesman and customer alike, just be f**king honest? One side wants to buy a car, the other wants to sell one, let's all just get along while realising both sides are trying to get the best deal they can.

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I did just drive it until one of the heat shields fell off, but with this one I decided to sort it out. :P

One mate suggested you could do that with the AA this morning but he wasn't sure and I was skeptical, surely they want a cooling off period? Either way if that's right I'll just go with that plan. :lol:

My cousin has had a couple of Micras as cheap runabouts for work and I highly doubt you'll have a problem, the only things he's ever had to deal with was the alternator wiring being a bit dodgy which was a straightforward fix and the sills rusting come MOT time.

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Sounds like you might have a weak actuator - disconnect the N75 valve electrical plug and go for a blast...what does it boost to?

A whopping 5psi (ECU requesting 10psi at that point, but peaking higher requests). Evidently that's not right, but is it likely to be due to the actuator or more likely a worn turbo? There's no play in the shaft (giggity) so I'm assuming the actuator makes the most sense.

Edit: Just bought a new oil cooler, totally forgot to pick up a seal for it >_<

Will grab one tomorrow, screw the hour and a half trip again...

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Yeah you can still get the AA to rescue you if you're not already a member. I think they get most of their member's that way!

So the old engine was probably due a clean...it's red underneath, honestly.



I may have also spent many moneys on a suspension/steering modification, because I love polishing turds. Also picked up a spare set of wheels so I can go drifting at some point.

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Why would you need recovery when you own a K11 micra? The recovery guy will probably be driving a K11 micra.


Mines done almost 125K and Ive abused it every day for the last half a year with no faults. They just dont die. Although I suppose it is peace of mind, I took out a years breakdown cover with the RAC, I've not bothered swapping it onto my micra yet mind because I don't feel the need haha (touch wood)

Fantastic day so far. Just re-piped the entire brake system on a Defender 90, covered in mud, and probably various forms of faeces.

Lower ball joints and a spring on a civic now, easy way to finish the day off.

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Pretty sure the stock actutor is 0.5 bar (7psi), so sounds like it could be getting tired. Sometimes you can stick a couple more turns on the nut to alter the preload so its at the right pressure. Have to be careful that you don't do it too much though. A boost guage is very helpful for setting the actuator up.

If it won't adjust back, the only option is to get a replacement actuator.

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f**king hell. I agree with JD.

Apocalypse in 3...2...1...

I'm not a sales badger salesman, I don't do the whole sales bollocks because I just can't be bothered with it.

Customer comes in, talk to them about the car, take them for a drive, ask them if they want to buy it if the figures are right, get the figures right and then sell them the car.

The only salesman like thing I do is pencing deals.

Customer says they want to spend £150 a month, make the payment £150.50.

5 year finance deal, 0.5x60 is an extra £30 per deal, times 50 cars a month on finance over a year that's an extra 18k on one site alone.

Increase that to £150.99 and you've made over 35k extra in your annual budget and spread that over 19 sites and it's 665k.

And on fuel as well, we budget £20 behind the scenes for fuel in every car, but if the customer pays for fuel we don't make any money, but we don't have to pay the £20 transfer of costs for putting fuel in if they don't.

£20 of fuel saved on 20 cars a month, over twelve months spread across 19 sites is 91k's worth of fuel.

Things like that is probably why they made me manager to be fair.

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But it's only a quid.

If you went into your local barbers, and could get your hair cut for £15 and get a reasonable job, or get it done for £16 down the road and have an excellent job done then you would.

Nobody is walking over a quid.

I did send somebody home over a years tax once though, refused to do the deal because of £30.

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