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Supplements And Performance Enhancing Drugs In Trials


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Up until recently I had not rode bike trials for around 3/4 years. I stopped for a number of reasons but lost interest when I started training at a local gym. Since then my interest in the sport of bodybuilding and power lifting has replaced bike trials. Now I am getting back on the bike, I was thinking how I can incorporate what I have learnt about training and nutrition to improve my riding. Of course people will say - you can only improve your riding by riding your bike. This is partly true - practice makes perfect! However, as with weights if you wanted to improve your 1 rep max there are many routines and different exercises you can complete which contribute to improving your lifts.

Diet and supplements can play a very important role in reducing recovery time and building muscle. Additionally, the use of 'pre-workout' drinks can improve focus and energy during workouts. If people used these supplements would it improve their riding?

Peoples perception of bodybuilding and weightlifting is that it goes hand in hand with performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. However it isn't just bodybuilding that is associated with performance enhancing drugs - there are many competitive sports that I can think of where people have been found to have used these drugs.

Seeing as supplements and sports enhancing drugs are found in most sports, are they used in trials? If not what is the reason for this? Just wondering what peoples opinions of this are.

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I don't see the point, I ride because I find it fun, I don't go on a ride intending on improving, but improving is part of doing the sport I love.

Fair play, but if improving is part of the sport then diet and supplements could play a key role. Especially at the higher level in competitions?

Whats wrong with au natural stuff like water and fruit?

The topic isn't directly aimed at steroid use haha. Water and fruit should be part of a well balanced diet regardless, I was thinking more along the lines of supplements such as protein to speed muscle recovery.

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Fair play, but if improving is part of the sport then diet and supplements could play a key role. Especially at the higher level in competitions?

The topic isn't directly aimed at steroid use haha. Water and fruit should be part of a well balanced diet regardless, I was thinking more along the lines of supplements such as protein to speed muscle recovery.

I do quite a bit of body building/ weight training myself. I have took creatine's proteins n all sorts. I have now got to the phase of just eating high protein foods instead of taking shakes. For example a lot of chicken, steak, eggs etc.. and lots n lots of water! oh and black coffee

My training in a week is a mix of weight training, 1x 20+ mile xc ride per week, caveman class, trials riding and riding my fixie to n from work. ( So i am reasonably active)

Edited by Andeee
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I don't see the point, I ride because I find it fun, I don't go on a ride intending on improving, but improving is part of doing the sport I love.

Yeah, if I started feeling like I was 'training' then it'd take the fun right out of it. Gym and workouts may help you beef out the move sizes, get bigger hops and such, but for me it was the physical act of riding that was fun, not necessarily how high I could jump. Sure, progression keeps it interesting, but not when it becomes more trouble than it's worth. I get what the OP is saying though, as he is going to the gym anyway, so maybe that's different, combining two interests so that they help each other.

Also there's a lot to be said for power:weight ratio. I wouldn't want to be some 'big' gym boy carting round a shedload of muscle that's good for bench pressing but f-all use for fast power moves.

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Fair play, but if improving is part of the sport then diet and supplements could play a key role. Especially at the higher level in competitions?

The topic isn't directly aimed at steroid use haha. Water and fruit should be part of a well balanced diet regardless, I was thinking more along the lines of supplements such as protein to speed muscle recovery.

You can use supplements in any discipline you want if you feel the need. Protein, creatin and some high GI carbs post riding is just as good as after workout. And pre workout supplements can also help, but I only used it twice in past 3 years when I wanted to ride for longer than usually. So I will go ahead and say they aren´t really needed, maybe for comps only as they tend to loose their efficiency the more you take them.

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I still take creatine most days as I find it helps when I'm running or playing football and I try to have a protein shake after I've been riding. One thing in particular I noticed about riding trials is since I stopped going to the gym and rode more often my back is a hell of a lot stronger than it used to be when I was only working out with weights and machines.

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Suprised Red Bull / rockstar etc isn;t banned, shit is so bad for you.

The once or twice I tried to ride after drinking a can of Monster ( I got 30 free cans back when they were promoting it) I couldn't ride for shit and was all jittery and all over the shop.

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What does that stuff even taste like? Never even appealed to me to be honest

It's really sweet. It basically tastes like sweets, that's about it. Vaguely like refreshers I think.

It all depends on the person but basically it makes you wired. Caffeine causes you to release adrenaline - in some people, this will make them feel totally pro and full of power. In others, it will make them edgy and nervous. State of mind can affect which one you'll get when you have it, too.

It doesn't seem to cause the same affect as having a proper adrenaline rush though - the type that makes you even ignore pain.

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It is like bleech to your teeth!

Monster/red bull/ relentless/ rockstar etc is just the devil and killer of trying to live a good healthy life style.

I do like to drink one every so often to get that buzz if i am feeling down or lazy. ( Don't wanna come across as a hypocrite lol)

To say they promote and sponsor a lot of big events yet offer so many bad side effects to your health i too am surprised it isn't banned.

Most common side effects are such things as stomach irritation, nervousness, insomnia, irritability and Cardiovascular effects! lol

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Soreen is king :) or just a bannana and lucozade

I only use a monstor as a wake up if I am tired.

I used to know a guy sponsored by red bull used to drink 5 a day minimum. By 24 he had a heart bypass

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I say just ride your bike. eat what you fancy and dont worry about supliments and stuff, at the end of the day its a hobby, hell sometimes i endulge on a couple friji milkshakes as refresments while riding, doesnt affect my riding and even if it did make me aliitle bit worse for an hour or so its not like im training for the UCI champs

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I'd imagine they have doping tests for top level comps?

It's interesting to hear folk's opinions that Redbull etc. is quite unhealthy as that's what I think. It's kind of worrying how much money comes from it, like the best way for a rider to actually earn a living from riding is to be sponsored by them, but in the process they are encouraging more consumption of these unhealthy drinks. They must be selling huge quantities of these drinks too in order to have the kind of money they do.

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Sure they do,and your point is? ;)

Well as the thread is about performance enhancing drugs, I thought that the fact they test for them in the top level comps might be worth consideration. Seems obvious really.

It's quite a controversial thing in road cycling at the moment with some people saying "doping is cheating" and other people saying that "all top riders dope but few get caught".

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