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Christmas Present Ideas!

Sam Nichols

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... was waiting for a witty retort. Why would it be strange that I fit the reputation that Essex guys have got? If we 'Essex' guys (noting the assumption you have made based on my forum location - rather than where I am actually from) have got a reputation then surely it would fit the bill that I am representative of it.

Equally interesting that you can come to the assumption that I am a tool from a single forum post. However, with that in mind and with over 2000 forum posts - this is a skill you have probably become quite fluent in rather than engaging with actual people.

I agree the people in 'The only way is Essex' are plebs but if they made 'The only way is Norwich' I am sure it would be full of people with 6 fingers and toes, covered from head to foot in hair who have an equally appalling accent.

Which is wierd, 'cause you're the first Norwich person I've had 'contact' with who I can imagine would be as much of an incestuous Norfolker as those inbreds that might be featured on 'The only way is Norwich'

Edited by Tomy P
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Here's a nifty idea, buy her a spa treatment/relax day? What girl doesn't love to be pampered...

Yes, I love to use ellipses...

This definately, maybe shopping vouchers for somewhere she likes as well. I go off the idea that if you buy an actual item and surprise her it will be s**t and she'll put on a brave face.

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I can barely be bothered to reply to this drivel. My 'witty retort' was spawned from the fact you essentially said that you're not going to bother buying her a present and all she'll be getting on Christmas day is you lying there hanging out of your ass stinking of booze. We obviously come from different walks of life because to me that makes you sound like an absolute bellend.

My comparison to the Essex stereotype was based on the post you made and the irony that your location is set to Essex. Your hilarious Norfolk skit isn't based on a single thing that I said. Of course I'm going to assume you live in Essex if that's what it says under your name.

2,000 posts over about 9 years.. I clearly don't get out enough.

This is such a sh't thread. Why don't you lot just not bother? This is what I detest about Christmas, the pressure everyone seems to be under to buy stuff for people.

And seriously, if you need to ask your mates on TF what to buy her, have you considered perhaps ditching her instead?

Wow, I can't believe what I'm reading here. I should dump my girlfriend because I'm asking for some Christmas present ideas.. What the actual f**k?

Do you honestly not bother buying loved ones gifts at Christmas? 'Tomy P' and Tony, do you guys not even buy your parents gifts? Are you Jehovah's or just miserable bastards?

You're both talking as though I'm super stressed out and panicking about Christmas gifts.. I'm really not; I'm just looking for ideas. Jeez.

To everyone else thanks for the ideas, keep them coming!

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Wow, I can't believe what I'm reading here. I should dump my girlfriend because I'm asking for some Christmas present ideas.. What the actual f**k?

Do you honestly not bother buying loved ones gifts at Christmas? 'Tomy P' and Tony, do you guys not even buy your parents gifts? Are you Jehovah's or just miserable bastards?

What I meant is, if you think some generic idea from a friend on a forum is better than your own ideas, given you're supposed to know her, then it might be cause for concern. This reminds me of the yearly Valentine's Day threads, actually, and just how lame they were.

Since you ask, last year I took the liberty of opting out of Christmas and didn't buy a single present or a single card. It kind of helped that I'd flown to the other side of the planet, but it was so nice to just not be involved in this consumerist clusterf'ck. And you don't have to be miserable to do that, you just have to see life in different terms. My parents, family, etc, all earn money, and so do I. The presents thing just seems a bit superficial. Sure, it's different when you're a kid or a teenager or whatever, but some people I know blow this thing way out of proportion. I hear sh't like "We've done most of our Christmas shopping now. Just got her uncle and her cousins to buy for. Can't believe we spent more than a grand now...". Personally I'd rather be eating chilli Doritos or riding my BMX, and generally just being a spectator.

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But I genuinely feel sorry for you if you don't partake in Christmas. I just think it's terribly sad.

On December 25th last year I woke up in a massive house with marble floors. I went downstairs where someone was clearing up the glasses and bottles from the night before and making breakfast for everyone. Then I went for a swim in the pool we had, a cute Thai girl cooked me a stir-fry dinner, I phoned my parents in the UK for an hour. That evening we all had more food, more drinks, and it was amazing. I don't think 'Christmas' got mentioned once, apart from when I was on the phone.

This year I will be in the UK over xmas but it's about seeing the family etc, and nothing to do with presents.

A lot of people virtually live for Xmas like they live for the weekend or they live for their summer holiday. Believe me, there's rarely a day in my life when I'm sad, short of exciting things to see or do, or lacking in people to meet up with and do stuff. Hell, in my life, every f'cken day is Christmas Day ; )

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So when you said 'why don't you lot just not bother' what you were actually trying to say was that I should give up on my career, leave my girlfriend, move to Thailand, buy a big house and rent a Thai girl?

Why is my excitement to get back home and see my loved ones anything to be looked down upon? We all know that we don't HAVE to give gifts, but a lot of people get joy from giving gifts. What's wrong with that?

I know nothing of your circumstances and why you're in Thailand (I assume that's where you are..) so it's hard to know whether you are there 'travelling' or there for work or what, but it's important to remember that if everyone just moved to somewhere like Thailand and did what you're doing, the world would be pretty f**ked.

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So when you said 'why don't you lot just not bother' what you were actually trying to say was that I should give up on my career, leave my girlfriend, move to Thailand, buy a big house and rent a Thai girl?

Why is my excitement to get back home and see my loved ones anything to be looked down upon? We all know that we don't HAVE to give gifts, but a lot of people get joy from giving gifts. What's wrong with that?

I know nothing of your circumstances and why you're in Thailand (I assume that's where you are..) so it's hard to know whether you are there 'travelling' or there for work or what, but it's important to remember that if everyone just moved to somewhere like Thailand and did what you're doing, the world would be pretty f**ked.

I'm not in Thailand, and don't expect everyone to be there. I'm just saying that you can enjoy December 25th (and indeed every other day of the year) without celebrating Christmas or feeling like you're missing out or being sad.

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