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The Angry Thread.


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Anyone I can subtley mention it to in passing to try and get them off your case dude? Situation sucks :(

Nah, I'll just send him a curt/assertive email response tomorrow. I'll tell him I'll let him know when something changes and I'll be able to come back. I'd understand if I was sick and how I was feeling could change, but its a little different to that.

Ex navy submariner wanker....

All this going on whilst I'm going through the process of buying a house. Its all good fun!

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I'm so glad that we have been successfully making daily progress into space travel, and constantly push the boundaries of our environmental confinements to discover where we came from.

Hopefully one day our understanding will become so advanced that I'll be able to jump on a space ship, and travel millions of miles away from the sort of person that writes an article like this -


Surely I'm not the only person who thinks that the writer of this article and the people who are allowing themselves to be offended by a shirt are the ones ostracizing themselves with their petulant whining and keeping us in the dark ages? All the while Mr Space-bitch-bowling-shirt has been making more of a contribution to the world in his daily living than most people will in their entire life.


Edited by Pashley26
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I'm going to murder everyone I ride with. They're all assholes.

I'm in uni, and all of last week I was really busy with work, so I didn't get to ride at all, I manage to go out tonight, the whole crews out in force and it's awesome(we're riding BMX not trials), but then after about 10 minutes at the first spot, everyone decides they're too f**king cold so they all go in. It's the first night in like 2 weeks where it's been genuinely warm! So they all f**k off inside, but I decide I'm gonna keep riding because it's the first time I've had chance in ages. Then after about 30 minutes riding on my own, I manage to roll my ankle. Hurray. So now I've got to ride home on one foot, and it's a good 2/3 miles up and down hills.
I get home, I've now been home for a fair while, and all the dickheads decide they want to go out and ride again! Except I physically can't, and now they're all moaning about how I'm never out riding. BUT THEY'RE THE ONES WHO WENT IN EARLIER WHEN I WAS STILL RIDING!

On top of that I had shit day at uni, my first lecturer showed up for like an hour then f**ked off and we had no idea if they were coming back or not, so we all just sat about for 2 hours, doing nothing. Then had a workshop where I had to resubmit an essay because for some reason the online submission form didn't work, so now my assignments 4 days late, so I'm gonna get a certain percentage of my marks knocked off, unless I can prove I submitted it on time. (Which I think I can, but it's still a massive ball ache that I even have to) And the workshop I had after that I didn't even need to be there, because all it was, was transferring footage from one computer to another so that we could make an edit. Footage that I initially filmed most of, so I already had all the footage I was going to use!

Tuesdays can f**k right off, they're always shit.

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Insurers are already cocking up my new policy

Received a discounted quote after they drew nearly £450 more from my account when I took out my last policy and then took the piss to refund it and my proportionate refund when I subsequently cancelled. I rang regarding a second quote and was offered a discounted price, which I took out and paid for, and theyve charged me the going rate, nearly £400 more again.

Having that refunded again, getting through winter and going to look at changing to another insurer on a pay monthly basis, and use refunded money to buy something nice to drive. Why I didnt go that route in the first place I dont know.

Also had a phone call from a personal injury company asking how I was after my "incident". They seemed rather suprised when I told them Id not been driving for the last two months after scrapping my last car.. dug a little deeper and someones tried claiming in my name with my number, super.

Edited by SamKidney
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dug a little deeper and someones tried claiming in my name with my number, super.

I highly doubt this is true, they wouldn't just give out information like that if they aren't sure they are talking to the right person (assuming they are a legit claim company)

If they aren't legit, they are f*cking with you to get you interested- I bet they will tel you money is ready to be claimed in your name too!

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Been putting off watching Howard The Duck on Netflix for ages and now after watching Guardians Of The Galaxy I really fancied it and it's been removed!

That's exactly why streaming services should never have taken off IMO.

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Went to London this morning to shout about shit, never realised quite how bent the media is until today.

Subsequently, for some bizarre reason my girlfriend had a massive go a me for running amok in town and giving students a bad name while I was actually in the pub enjoying a well deserved pint, and has continued to be a f**king bellend for the remainder of the night. what.

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Went to London this morning to shout about shit, never realised quite how bent the media is until today.

Subsequently, for some bizarre reason my girlfriend had a massive go a me for running amok in town and giving students a bad name while I was actually in the pub enjoying a well deserved pint, and has continued to be a f**king bellend for the remainder of the night. what.

Tell her to pull her head out of her arse and change her jamrag

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Went to London this morning to shout about shit, never realised quite how bent the media is until today.

Subsequently, for some bizarre reason my girlfriend had a massive go a me for running amok in town and giving students a bad name while I was actually in the pub enjoying a well deserved pint, and has continued to be a f**king bellend for the remainder of the night. what.

Media is owned by a handfull of people -And tells you a story they want you to believe -Programing (Y) television =tells lies to your vision

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I'm so glad that we have been successfully making daily progress into space travel, and constantly push the boundaries of our environmental confinements to discover where we came from.

Hopefully one day our understanding will become so advanced that I'll be able to jump on a space ship, and travel millions of miles away from the sort of person that writes an article like this -


Surely I'm not the only person who thinks that the writer of this article and the people who are allowing themselves to be offended by a shirt are the ones ostracizing themselves with their petulant whining and keeping us in the dark ages? All the while Mr Space-bitch-bowling-shirt has been making more of a contribution to the world in his daily living than most people will in their entire life.


Not untill people begin to think for themselves :bow: And lets face it -The human race is going backwards despite all this tec.

The understanding of who you are and where you come from Is closer than you think- Granted its beneath hugeeeeeeeee piles of shit that were placed on you from day one -But i doubt very much people like you will ever pick up the shovel!

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Not untill people begin to think for themselves :bow: And lets face it -The human race is going backwards despite all this tec.

The understanding of who you are and where you come from Is closer than you think- Granted its beneath hugeeeeeeeee piles of shit that were placed on you from day one -But i doubt very much people like you will ever pick up the shovel!

Why don't you "pick up the shovel" and jump off a bridge? For full enlightenment of cause.

Just a thought.

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f**king women, got a strong feeling that I'll be single again before next Summer and the more I contemplate it the more appealing it seems.

Pretty sure after adjustment our kids would be better off without their parents shouting and arguing all the time.

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f**king women, got a strong feeling that I'll be single again before next Summer and the more I contemplate it the more appealing it seems.

Pretty sure after adjustment our kids would be better off without their parents shouting and arguing all the time.

How come mate? What's up spill it outtttt

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