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The Angry Thread.


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Just threw half a cup of coffee over myself...... >_<

It could be worse, you could've taken the trip of a lifetime. One which many people, myself included, would love to be on, and find that you'd rather be in Cornwall.

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No offence meant to Cornwall, which rocks. However, if my sister had moved to Cornwall instead of New Zealand in October I'd probably be less sensitive about other people being (nearly) there and not enjoying it.

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Get there then. Quit bitching, get on a flight. The 'first world problems' in your posts here are ridiculous.

"Waaaaaaah, I'm in a beautiful place, on my way to an even more beautiful place. Other people are noisy though because I didn't bother planning to do it properly. Waaaaah." Seriously pathetic. I'm done with this conversation though, being as you're not going to address it, and just call me out on geography despite the clear use of "(nearly) there" in my post.

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The proper plan is exactly the problem if you bothered to read. And I don't know why I didn't just think of getting on a flight, what a terrific idea! Unfortunately if you'd bothered to read again there are rules (in the finance department) about just jumping into a country when you're planning on being there for extended periods.

We either get work/money here, where there is no work because of increasing amounts of rules against backpackers and move on, or we cut it short, admit defeat and head home.

Do you think I'm sitting on an idyllic beach sipping cocktails all day while I whinge about it to the internet?! Because obviously once you're out of England you are by default, on holiday?

Tell you what, if people bitching is not your thing then perhaps the angry thread and the politics threads aren't for you?!

Tl;dr? Don't want to hear it? Don't f**king read it?!

Edited by Jolfa
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I am currently angry, sad, confused and generally a bit skull f**ked right now. Mum tried offing herself a few days ago and is in intensive care hooked up to a million tubes and looks like a science experiment. Wtf world??


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Shes suffered from depression before, but thought she was doing alright. We were planning to meet up for lunch earlier this week! Not gonna have that conversation with her until she's back on her feet and better.


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I've thought about that before as well. But instead I just sold and still am selling off things I no longer need/use. I threw away a lot of stuff too that wouldn't sell. I still own a lot of things but mostly are part of my hobbies which I want to keep.

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That really is terrible!

Hope she gets better soon dude, must be bloody difficult for you too.

Cheers mate. Yeah its been pretty crap. And to top it off, tonight my housemates ex has done a bunk with their kid, so i'm dealing with her too! Never rains but it pours i tells you!


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