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Fabio Wibmer - Paris Is My Playground


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Am i the only one a little underwhelmed by the riding in this? Was expecting a much higher level. The camera work and editing is ace but the riding was really lacking for me!

Nope. You're not. We have discussed this video on another board already and the majority thinks that it sucks riding-wise.

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If you watch the outtakes video it looks like he was trying some gnarly stuff. I don't think the video was toned down intentionally, I think it's just the fact they only had three(?) days to film it and he ended up injured too. Three days in a new city is pretty much no time whatsoever to film unless you're super consistent. You have to find spots, think of lines, send them and get the camera work spot on.. It's a tall order.

I imagine this would have been a lot better if he had a week.

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It seems a tradition for 24" riders now to focus primarily on filming angles, editing and filming buildings and the public. I think there were like 10 clips in that vid, in a 4 minute video. Seriously, wtf. I don't care if he only had 3 days to film and was injured. Bullshit, the kid's 18 and his neck isn't broken. One day in one city, i could bang out more clips than him.

Dominic Raab's video was similar. But i like Raab, he's a good rider, even if his last video was slightly lack luster still. He does produce, but still on low quantity of levels.

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It seems a tradition for 24" riders now to focus primarily on filming angles, editing and filming buildings and the public. I think there were like 10 clips in that vid, in a 4 minute video. Seriously, wtf. I don't care if he only had 3 days to film and was injured. Bullshit, the kid's 18 and his neck isn't broken. One day in one city, i could bang out more clips than him.

Definitely agree on the the first sentence or so. I really really hate all this cinematic bullshit that dominates a lot of the videos that are (I assume) made by non-riders, or made in a way to appeal to non-riders so they can get an extra few thousand views or whatnot. Arty shit is acceptable if it's minimal and if there's some riding to back it up.

I think you might be a bit harsh on the kid though :P I'd imagine he was probably feeling the pressure, maybe nervous, really wanting to impress - possibly trying to push himself too far and inevitably not performing as well as if he just took a camera and a tripod out.

But yeah, if only he was as good as you Nick, then he could have filmed more clips and it would have been more enjoyable for you.

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...videos that are (I assume) made by non-riders, or made in a way to appeal to non-riders...

I think that's the crux of the issue, really. Having seen him ride in person Fabio's really f**king good, and appears from his videos (maybe not quite this one so much) to be even better now. I think it's just that this is a video made to try and be appealing to people who aren't necessarily riders, and the company who made it were trying to make it visually interesting rather than being interesting for riders specifically. I'd assume that's why so much of the video was just Fabio pedalling around Paris, or close ups of him doing a single move or whatever rather than an actual riding video.

The thing that kind of seemed weird to me about it was that there was a lot of emphasis placed on the "We didn't have much time" side of things, yet they were filming a load of filler stuff and did that whole 'Making of' thing (which in itself seemed pretty superfluous in that the video kind of told the story of what happened fairly clearly - there wasn't much to 'reveal' by showing how they made it). If you're pressed for time it would seem to make more sense to knuckle down and try and get more solid stuff filmed rather than trying to get a rider to skid past some pigeons for a slow-mo clip.

Ultimately though Fabio's a cool kid and got a trip to Paris out of it. It wasn't the most amazing video ever, but if these 'outside' kind of videos are allowing riders to go to new places and have fun riding there it's not the end of the world really.

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It wasn't the most amazing video ever, but if these 'outside' kind of videos are allowing riders to go to new places and have fun riding there it's not the end of the world really.

Yeah that's the thing. Makes no difference if anyone calls it shit, so we'll call it shit just to make sure.


I think people took my other post out of context. When i say angry-esk things, i often say them with a smile in person.


A second relevant point, Fabio didn't post this up himself.

Edited by eskimo
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