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Geniunly Nice People


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Most people ive met off here have been great people. Heres a few from the sm/mod list but ive missed loads more other peeps

Alexx - Mr GFX

Beeco - Mr Hobo Beeco

BikeGuernsey - Mr French

BONGO - Mr Mad

dave85 - Mr Mill

haydon_peter - Mr Hobbit

Heatsink - Mr Daddy

hititfaster - Mr Rides A Tank

Janson - Mr Vegetable

Jimbo Limbo (Trials Chimp) - Mr Crazyboy

LTC_Dave - Mr Preview

mink - Mr Minky

prawn - Mr Mini

quick_spider - Mr Driving Machine

Simon - Mrs Shack

tank_rider - Mr Hotel

Tomm - Mr Mono

george_seamons - Mr Boyracer

Onzaboymark - Mr Not Welsh Enough

phil_anderer - Mr Ladiezman

plainlazy84 - Mr Smooth

Tartridge - Mr Mechanic

(No offence meant by any of the names (Y))

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Never met any of them but

onzaboymark: Don't know why just seems a great guy , should be prime minister

Random, but thanks. And no, I don't mean "Pete Wright" (Y)

Anyhoo, the list:

Danny Tipple is sound. As are Tomm and Quick_Spider Jon, having spent an awesome day in their presence.

Ad Read just owns us all. Was staying at L'boro uni with school, and Ad let me ride his Echo Team and showed me round loads of places, plus we dicked around in Sainsburys for a while too. Plus he's helped me out a ridiculous amount of times, and even checked to see if I was OK on MSN 'cos I sounded down in my posts on here :P

Tic is just a great little hobbity guy.

Bigman and Prawn are just the most friendly people in the world. I don't think I have ever met a nicer guy than Prawn, he was just ridiculously friendly all throughout the DJ Ride, 'specially when it was just us two riding in the pissing rain :P

Heatsink's obviously bloody sound as well. I really hope all the Heatsinks Bikes products take off and work really well for him too, maybe just so T can see some kind of financial reward for the fact she's been made a trials widow.

"Bikedotstuff@onzabikesdotcom" (I think that's his username now) is great too. I was supposed to be staying with Ad for my work experience with Supercycles, but that fell through at the last minute. Mr.Bike.stuff (he hates me saying his name on here for some reason) stepped up to the plate and said I could stay at his house with his wife for the week. I already knew him as he was my 'handler' at Onza, and I already knew he was friendly, helpful, damn witty and was just a really nice person in general. During my week there, he was as welcoming as I think anyone could ever be. He and his wife were a pleasure to stay with, and the cup of tea by my door every morning was pretty swish, as was the less than half-price T-Lite frame too :) Meeting his friends, trying out full-bore absynthe, all the CD's which he painstakingly named correctly for me - all that sorta crap - was much appreciated. On here most of Onza's representatives seem to have some kind of fairly negative spectre hanging over them for some reason, but all guys there are sound. Mr. Bike.stuff has always been nice to talk to on the phone, and always asks how my life plans are going and stuff like that, plus, despite the fact I only ever call him when I need a new frame or something like that, he's still friendly and so on. Top guy :D

Jonny G has stayed here twice, and despite picking up the fattest girl I've ever seen and getting her to think she was his girlfriend for the better part of a year, he is a great guy. Laid back, chilled, always seems to roll with the punches - floor/bed space whenever he needs it :D

Nic has managed to piss off the majority of the forum at most points, but our 4-way convos with me, Nic, Jon and Lewis back in the day were awesome. Talking til 4am about the most random of stuff was great.

Lewis is another one too. Met him a few times now, and he's just a really friendly guy. When he and Rich came through on the Roadtrip, they even bought a bouquet of flowers for my Mum to say thanks. Awwwwww...

MrMonkey too, for giving me my brown wings.

There are loads more people too, but hopefully everyone knows I'd do 'em all...

EDIT: Shit yeah! Gav Bedford is a f**king great guy. He really is one of the soundest people I've met. Gave me a lift home to Sparky's place after he started firing out of both ends in a really unpleasant way, and was just great fun to ride wiht.

Sparky too (sparkytrials on here) for living here for a year, and for pushing me so much. He's super quiet, but just play the "OOOH YEEEEAAH" bit of Family Guy Series 1 Episode 1 and he'll laugh all night.

EDIT #2: In that I'm one of the only two people to ever see him alive (and the other person's his Mum), I'd like to say Mr. Tomturd himself Tom Helmsley (spelling? (Y)) is a top guy too. Met him at Aber, and despite the fact he missed me once 'cos he decided kites and debauchery were better than me, he was still great. Plus, the amount of shit he gets from everyone on here, yet still continues to provide the forum is pretty admirable.

EDIT #3: Dave Kerr! Told me at 2am he'd be here at 10am :P Sound guy, awesome style, really glad he came up for a ride (Y)

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i hear ben@hulltrials is a f**kin ace guy, :D had to be done eh? (Y) L for love (for those who have seen dodgeball)

erm --

all the @hulltrials boys - sound as a pound

tunni - met him once, but seemed like a good lad, bit quiet, but meh

tarty - well good lad, knows his shit, helpful, good looking, (Y)

dave cleaver - another sound guy, always up for a chat, even though he is busy more often than not

waynio - met him at fortbill - hyper mother f**ker, but loved his atitude more than anything. kool guy

watson - you beast areeeeeeeeba, love him (Y)

all the boys i met in notts for big street ride just before summer - very loud, obnoxious, but f**king ace banter. loved it. good lads.

heatsink - steve (may be my sponsor) but he is genuine, never met or spoke to him, but via pm seems like a good lad, sure ill meet him soon.

fatmike - another great guy, will catch up with you again sometime

Joe Oakley - also met are fort william. liked his attitude good lad, although i want some of that money u got from that guy.

Iolo - sound as a f**king pound. funny guy as well.

tom rigg - another i met at fort william, seemed to know my name without looking at my card ( i think) sure ill see you at some comps sometime tom :D

aaron cosbey - your way better than i thought, good lad, i have to concentrate lots when ur speaking (accent) but another good lad.

porter - never met you, i have you on my msn, but dont think we have spoken (not sure why) but your a funny guy from your screen names and your posts.

towler - guy i ride with most, good lad, although spend way too much time on a f**kin computer playing shitty CS

shovel - this guys has the biggest hands (legend has it that he was the mould for the foam hands you get) sarcastic (only to me, b*****d) but genuinely nice guy>

duncan shaw - trying to organise a scottish trials series, worth talking too, seemed to get on with him ok, he might state otherwise, but good lad none the less.

think thats it, ill add to it, if someone crops up :)

Edited by ben@hulltrials
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Most people ive met off here have been great people. Heres a few from the sm/mod list but ive missed loads more other peeps

Alexx - Mr GFX

Beeco - Mr Hobo Beeco

BikeGuernsey - Mr French

BONGO - Mr Mad

dave85 - Mr Mill

haydon_peter - Mr Hobbit

Heatsink - Mr Daddy

hititfaster - Mr Rides A Tank

Janson - Mr Vegetable

Jimbo Limbo (Trials Chimp) - Mr Crazyboy

LTC_Dave - Mr Preview

mink - Mr Minky

prawn - Mr Mini

quick_spider - Mr Driving Machine

Simon - Mrs Shack

tank_rider - Mr Hotel

Tomm - Mr Mono

george_seamons - Mr Boyracer

Onzaboymark - Mr Not Welsh Enough

phil_anderer - Mr Ladiezman

plainlazy84 - Mr Smooth

Tartridge - Mr Mechanic

(No offence meant by any of the names (Y))

Boooooo - Where am I? :D

I vote Rich who rides the 24, Porter always makes me laugh, well anyone I've met out on a ride I guess. Oh yeah - The original MR Nice Guy - Dave Marshall. Despite the abuse and nicknaming he's still a legend. Oh yeah, mr Edd Potts for sorting out my front brake.... Tic, well for just being Tic, and giving me lifts. Tom Chilvers....... Last but not least matt_urban for all his help with my car and taxi service across the country on several occasions.

Bloody hell almost forgot Adam and Dave, Dave put up with my heap of a bike in their office for far too long while I procrastinated over the 30quid it cost me to bring it back (long story). Cheers Guys.


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Jeez there are so many…

First of all the GBYB05 crew and all the guys I ride with are ace, you know who you all are…so you don’t get mentioned, except Kev because he needs love. GBYBKEV. We need to have a night out soon guys :D

In no order.

Rich4130, steve-a & Boon – awesome day in bristol, 24” crew, sweets, manking elbows and lots of random tricks and falling off. Need another ride with you all. though boon I getting very drunk as a dirty student in leeds and just breaking everything.

Fras & danny – kennys mates, good laugh. Danny doesn’t like having is bum touched, but they put up with a drunk me.

Rossi - even though he likes weird food

Tomm – met him a few times, always a cool guy.

Matt Barlow – has awesome parties, always friendly and up for a laugh. Shouldn’t have moved back to bangor though (Y) which brings me on too the freeride trials lot, great guys and always enjoy them wales.

Been writing this for ages and just got now where near finished, the hull lot, fatmike, everyone I met at bristol on roadtrip, the porthcawl lot, heatsink and a million others I have forgot.

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This seems to have become a 'list the bike people I like' thread.

was gonna kinda happen those werent it..?

but on most occasions we like people because we find them genuine, thats just one of the reasons we form relationships, for example, i havent met you joe, i never spoke to you, but u seem like an ok guy from being on here.


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I would have to say Jon Fisher is genuinely a nice guy - he sent me a King axle to borrow when mine broke. And he drove me from Manchester to DJ's thing in Oxford which was awsome too :D

I'm not gonna go down the road of people that I like, there's way too many and I'd only offend people by missing them out! (Y)

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I would have to say Jon Fisher is genuinely a nice guy - he sent me a King axle to borrow when mine broke. And he drove me from Manchester to DJ's thing in Oxford which was awsome too (Y)

I'm not gonna go down the road of people that I like, there's way too many and I'd only offend people by missing them out! (Y)

There are indeed too many to list! I'll single out Jon too for a special mention, since his niceness is top notch, which I found out during the SM weekend where he hosted us all in his house. The crazy Metro driving still haunts me today though!

If I was to start listing then it would include virtually all the SMs and the majority of people I've chatted to on this Forum :D


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I would have to say Jon Fisher is genuinely a nice guy - he sent me a King axle to borrow when mine broke.

That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. Not, 'met him once and he seems alright', or 'he's really friendly' or whatever. It's people who'll go that bit further to help others, purely because they're nice like that.

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Jon's the man for acts of kindness (Y)

Let me help myself to his LHM oil, gave me some brake cables and also carted my parcel shelf and coat half way across the country when I left them at his house!


That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. Not, 'met him once and he seems alright', or 'he's really friendly' or whatever. It's people who'll go that bit further to help others, purely because they're nice like that.

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hey firstly i gotta say fraser mcniel cause if it wornt for him i wouldn't still be riding! :P

righty mike j ,timmy,kev,james for letting me in't thier crew with open arms(and legs)lol

waynio...top geeza(Y)

bucky mucho's respect for you kid! :)

Danny from ooop norf for being suer patient with me at the weekend

flash,lovvatt,chris,stan posh carl twas the trip of the year,ney the decade!!

cap...what can i say :angry:

rossi,little matt, mafu

and everyone else that has had a laugh and a joke with me throughout the years.

kenny :turned:

Edited by mr kenny
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Lanky Ricky in new members, other riders left me to get on to it, rick stayed talked explained stopped me looking like a fool about mod / stock e.t.c. gave me some free stuff, front brake and genrally anything un-wanted i could have crates in front gardern and when im sitting at home on MSN you know if ricks on there he'll have you out riding till 10 that night within 30 mins!

Thanx mate!

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In no order.

Rich4130, steve-a & Boon – awesome day in bristol, 24” crew, sweets, manking elbows and lots of random tricks and falling off. Need another ride with you all. though boon I getting very drunk as a dirty student in leeds and just breaking everything.

Wow me haha, :turned: I agree that was a well good day.

all who mike said, steve-a, mike, and matt berridge, all seriously nice people, put up with me for a whole day in a place I didnt know...

Jamie pedrosa, nick goddard, Iain clarke sam wheeler, james porter etc i bet i'd be riding just locally still without these people.. oh and martin from reading, nice lad.

edit, knew i had forgot some,

Rob P, takes really nice pictures, tried to help me with tapping...

James 666 Noyce, was the only person I really had a chat to at the Dj ride when I didn't know anybody, and he has a nice bike..

Jon shrews.. gave me directions all the way accross bristol from the station, even when it becace obvious i was totally lost..

Drew Berridge, just seems friendly um yea.

Rowan, met him a few times, probably isn't sure who I am, but he seems properly friendly for such a good rider..

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