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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Hi guys

Quick question...How do you know when the time is right to kiss a girl? Because i really am shit with this sort of stuff.Although i am a pimp B) apparently lol

Besides when she standing/lying/kneeling/crouching/sitting/hanging upside down infront of your pouting her lips? No smart arse answers please lol

zoo baby!

It's not like you to be cautious Dave, you're not like that talkin gto me and we all knowhow much you love me...

Just go for the kill, but not simply anywhere like in a busy place etc.., but thats obvious. As said in the doctor pepper adverts: Whats the worst that can happen? If all else fails; Get her pissed then nailed :P

Edited by Joe_Kearney
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With my last ex, i tripped her up and kissed her whilst she was laying on the floor.

Practically sounds like rape, but we had been getting along really well, and I knew she liked me. o we were walking along in a field, and I gently pushed her over, and she stumbled to the ground (she didn't hurt herself or anything) and I did the same.

I then sort of sat/laid on top of her, and just planted one on her lips. She responded, and we kissed for the first time. Then we just lay in that field for aaaaaaages, kssing some more.

It was wonderful :

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With my last ex, i tripped her up and kissed her whilst she was laying on the floor.

Practically sounds like rape, but we had been getting along really well, and I knew she liked me. o we were walking along in a field, and I gently pushed her over, and she stumbled to the ground (she didn't hurt herself or anything) and I did the same.

I then sort of sat/laid on top of her, and just planted one on her lips. She responded, and we kissed for the first time. Then we just lay in that field for aaaaaaages, kssing some more.

It was wonderful :

See now that would go very wrong for me,i'm a heavy handed b*****d when it comes to girls,i sort of don't know how hard im pushing or anything lol gotta learn how to control it :) And joe yes i do love you :P

zoo baby!

P.S:Thanks for the help guys ! :P

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meeting up with a girl this weekend. met her the other night but was pissed. how am i gunna be able to recognise her? dont wanna go up to the wrong lady :P



Wait for her to come to you, or if you got her number ring her and tell her to meet you outside etc... or ask her what she is wearing so if you see her and she's a dog you can run away (Y)

Edited by Joe_Kearney
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meeting up with a girl this weekend. met her the other night but was pissed. how am i gunna be able to recognise her? dont wanna go up to the wrong lady :P



Tell her you will be wearing this t-shirt...

IPB Image

Just ask what she will be wearing,but don't say what you will be wearing,so that if she is ugly (beer goggles from previous night) you can just walk straight back out the door before she magically recognises you....should do the trick mate.

zoo baby!

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Damn i actually have a serious post now....

My ex and I are still pretty close... well we were... she kept telling me that i was really special to her and i meant something more than anyone else but recently shes being so boring, and cold I don't know what the hell is going on. But she just keeps going on like nothing's happening! :angry: Like if I say something she'll say something that'll deliberatly kill the conversation. Im so angry at her I don't want to know her but at the same time Im so hung up on her I can't leave her alone


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if it's only been for the last week or so shes probly just on scary week and there's no predicting what'll happen if you react to it.

otherwise shes probably just pissed off with you simpering around being all nice to her - in my experience trying too hard just puts them off, i think they can smell desperation.

if in doubt do nothing...

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