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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. you would have to define 'fat' too, as in a bit chubby or morbidly obese? its a broad term. if you're getting at the really fat fatties it's definitely not right, i know a few people whom are a bit overweight (brother-in-law is a big fatty) and it's your own responsibility at the end of the day. no-one else makes you fat, neglecting your body to the extent that you do irreparable damage is your own issue no-one else is to blame. i remember back when i was a kid (just shy of 28 now) and seeing a fat person was a spectacle, now the tables have turned and seeing a normal weighted/thin person is the spectacle. the increased number of overweight people does coincide with the convenience lifestyle we now have, the amount of 'general exercise' we now do is far less and you don't get fat by leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right do you.... we now live in a culture where its always some-one else to blame, like 'it's mcdonalds fault' , 'it's genetic' or 'it's advertising' are poor excuses and i have no sympathy for some-one who refuses to accept responsibility for their own actions i live in the same world and im not fat. i disagree with gastric bands (and other related surgery) being available on the nhs, this will be at the expense of some-one else receiving treatment for a illness that couldn't have been avoided vs some-one who neglected them-self to the extent it becomes a life threatening condition (i'm not saying all fat people deserve to die here, but they don't just turn up and get one either. i've seen plenty programs where some-one 'tried' to lose weight and failed, but still been awarded the procedure). this only fuels the 'some-one else will sort it' attitude vast majority of people have in today's time, and there is no easy fix.
  2. this makes it hearsay to me . i'm still not fully understanding the venom directed at Damon. it can't be down to him selling stuff he was given by his sponsors? an aforementioned rider sells loads of stuff on e-gay and i've bought stuff from sponsored riders over on here too and they don't seem to be getting the same hatred. did he muscle his way in and rape all the staff at his last sponsorship deal? i could understand all the bad words whenever his name was mentioned if that's the case. seems more like a personal thing to me, but he could never have enough time to piss of that many people....... this made me laugh a bit when i read it too :bow:
    1. Martin Reynolds

      Martin Reynolds

      im sure as with 90% of speedrace frames, the brake mounts will be in the wrong place :P

  3. was damon that bad? seen his vids and such, but noting of his personality/ethics and his riding was epic though. also that marino was equally epically mashed, can't foresee any move that would result in destruction like that........ hopefully they wont be phillips..............they're the worst
  4. tried a longer stem? think i'm close to 6ft ish with footwear on (maybe ) and have no issues with my echo.
  5. like those frames soooo much . like the sound of the geo too, longer wb than the echo. tried a 150x30 on my 24 and it rode like shite, 165x35 ***
  6. i had this with my tr cage pedals, but it was the left one that kept coming slightly lose (only ever got lose to the extent of being nipped up, but i could feel it when i pedaled). i just whacked some grease on the threads and give it a good tighten up, seems to have sorted it so far...... no dirt/grit/bits of shit that shouldn't be there on the threads? guess its possible to have oval-ed your cranks (i suspect they'd go first being alu vs a steel? pedal axle) they do deal with a f**kload of stress. i'd avoid threadlock on the threads to, could lead to problems further down the line even if it doesn't fix the issue. also, what cranks and pedals?
  7. no, it's between 165 and 170. hence why i asked what everyone was running/what would you go with? was curious to see if anyone was using 165's and where they any better. looks like you answered that for me while i was replying don't think we need to go that far into it hahaha. i ran 170's on my old stock and it felt a teeeney bit light (i'm a bit picky about my setup) so i will prob give 165's a go
  8. i ran an 18:13 on my effect and it was way too hard to comfortably 'kick', and chain length would be a nightmare too. i also want to shed a bit more weight with a new set of cranks while i'm at it.
  9. so i'm looking at some new cranks, the 175mm i have now feel way too long and the gearing works out to easy/light (18:14 on an echo 24). guess what i'm getting at is, is there a rule of thumb to choosing length? i know i'm going to get a shorter set, just not how much shorter and i definitely don't want to end up with a set of cranks i can't get on with. i'm looking towards a pair of tr's as they have more options with length and have a good price:weight ratio, some companies are going with 160 and 175 now which is either side of the length i'll be going for..... so..... what length are you running? and what would you go with? cheers guys
  10. a guy i used to work with had a flashback while at work, from when he was in afghan. looked pretty traumatic for him. i was talking to him about flashbacks a while ago and he was saying you're aware of your surroundings during it (as in where you are now), but your thought process reverts to the flashbacks time frame. thus effectively reliving a previous time/event. was baffled with the whole thing when it started, didn't last too long either but i wouldn't want to have one.
  11. i hear the courts and penal system in south africa is rife with corruption and false convictions, Oscar Pistorius wont have a leg to stand on..........
  12. the aspect of smoking weed with tobacco does make it much worse than a normal cig, due to it being unfiltered amplifying all the nastys in cigs. but weed on its own can't be all bad, its used in some way to treat asthma, something to do with it dilating the bronchioles (no idea how thats supposed to be spelled) in you lungs iirc wich will also make the whole unfiltered tobacco thing even worse too.
  13. i'd say around 550 ish, but its a buyers market as always. might sell instantly for more or in months for way less, who knows its a damn nice frame is that, head tube looks short on pics of it though. all frames should come with that version of cutout/top and down tube configuration looks perfect imo. only thing i don't like is the snailcams.
  14. looking for the brown note eh.......... :bow:
  15. could also be the amp doesn't have the low end range too................ thats the boston acoustics one i was thinking of also a techmaster bassgasm (iirc) too also kicks ass
  16. hahaha defo not my taste in music there i find boston acoustics tracks are best for testing with (cant remember the name track i'm thinking of) or the basstronics track immortalized on youtube, or either of those will do if i'm just trying to pissoff the bellend who lives upstairs.
  17. you're on the money there, i hate it when the sound experience isn't what it could be. when i got my tv it was a choice between size or what stuff it came with, so i went for a 32" full hd led thing (led backlit tv's are bright and mine gives me eye ache if the brightness isn't turned down) hdmi cables are a must too, sorted out the slightly dodgy picture i was getting from my xbox via a scart lead. as for audio, the older stuff wins it for me. have an oldskool marantz amp running an 8 speaker setup, including a pair of low-end audiobahn subs into a bodged coffee table that i still haven't finished (a bit boomy for my liking but they're great for pissing off the neighbors) not exactly a mega setup, but it works for me
  18. tried bolt-up style skewers (allen key rather than a lever for clamping up with)? i've found them to hold the wheel a bit tighter than a traditional levered skewer, also make your wheel less thief friendly too.
  19. my tr was a bit sluggish and shitty feeling in general after i put my splitter on, pulled the lever in (without the pads setup so i had full lever travel) and let go so it 'flicks' back and it sorted its self out after a few goes of that. tried that?
  20. don't know if its possible to remove it completely, but i doubt it. but its not just about thc as to what gets you 'stoned' different sub species and strains have different levels of cannabonids (thc, cbd,cbn ect....) most medical strains have higher levels of cbd than 'stoner weed'. but the different levels of cannabonoids vary from sub species/strains ie. sativa strains make you all giggly (higher levels of thc) and indica strains stick you to the couch and mong you out (higher in cbd) but as the 'value' of one cannabonoid goes up the others go down and vice versa. so a strain with low thc will tend to have higher cbd and so on..........there are hundreds of different cannbionoids.
  21. not too keen on the born ones, the neon bow cranks are as light but they look a bit flimsy
  22. they floppy though aren't they? think around 400g is the limit for cranks imo. bad times when a crank gives way................
  23. you could shed a load of weight with the tyre setup you have, mine was 9.2/91 i think before i changed mine. still can't grasp how the 2013 sl cranks are just shy of 200g lighter than my tryalls though. my stock did gap better, but the 24 feels like it fits me better....if that makes sense?
  24. my echo 24, only with - 2013 sl cranks, a smattering of ti bolts ti bb + fw + sprocket oh, some carbon disc forks whenever someone gets round to making them
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