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Close The Tuckage Topic?


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124 members have voted

  1. 1. byebye tuckage topic?

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    • whatever
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JonMack just got owned.

Ha ha! No he didn't! You got owned the moment you were born!

Anyway, the problem isn't 'tucking'. That's just part of a move. The problem was the thread itself - just the very fact there was a thread to discuss it made it some big obsession with certain people. And then rides become people trying to sidehop a wall and look like Benito or Vinny or whoever. Then it's dangerous - you can't make trials look stylish if you're on a silver Deng bike, you're contorted like a quadraspaz and are wearing an XC helmt. It just doesn't go. So why bother trying? Do your sidehop, move on, don't get obsessed about it, and start hooking up avatar photos to show your latest 'tuck'.

That's just lame.

Everyone's knows that.

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Ha ha! No he didn't! You got owned the moment you were born!

Anyway, the problem isn't 'tucking'. That's just part of a move. The problem was the thread itself - just the very fact there was a thread to discuss it made it some big obsession with certain people. And then rides become people trying to sidehop a wall and look like Benito or Vinny or whoever. Then it's dangerous - you can't make trials look stylish if you're on a silver Deng bike, you're contorted like a quadraspaz and are wearing an XC helmt. It just doesn't go. So why bother trying? Do your sidehop, move on, don't get obsessed about it, and start hooking up avatar photos to show your latest 'tuck'.

That's just lame.

Everyone's knows that.

OI! Silver deng bikes and XC helmets rule!

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i dont like tuck myself but It shouldnt be closed because if you dont like the topic just dont go on it simple as. Obviously a big proportion of the forum do like it so it should be left. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean it should be closed as theres others that do.

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I do think it's wrong to say tucks are not needed, what i'm thinking is that perhaps people have really forgotten what trials is really all about.

I don't think anyone is saying that though? Obviously when you're doing huge sidehops it's necessary to tuck a bit. I think that's what Danny Kearns and others are failing to see - no one is saying that doing a tuck is a bad thing, as long as you're doing it to get over a wall. If you're doing it because it looks cool, well, you're wrong and stupid.

I hate the way trials has become simply about doing the biggest move. It's become like a high jump competition. No one rides lines any more. And the tuckage thread is just a really, really, gay extension of that attitude. That's why it pisses people off, because it makes trials seem even more lame than that (which, let's face it, is pretty lame anyway).

I voted whatever. I don't really care. I might just rename it to 'the sidehop thread' which would be infinitely less offensive to me. Yes / No ?

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I really don't get the big deal.......so what if he tucks or he doesn't. Does it affect your pleasure of riding? NO! You go ride what you want with the style that you want and make yourself happy.

Keep the thread as there are obviously people who like to see these tucks.

Peace out boyz.

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If it has no place in trials - move it to the chit chat section ? which kinda makes sense if it isnt a sidehop thread its a body position / photography thread ? maybe itll get lost forever in here ....

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OI! Silver deng bikes and XC helmets rule!

But that's just it... they don't. That's like physics students being proud of the latest geeky science joke they've come up with. Forget it. To anyone else, it just looks tard.

At the weekend I was walking through a large town centre, and saw the inevitable cluster of trials riders, on long, low sticks of bikes, and it just looked strange. Not like when people rode bikes that at least resembled a mountain bike. Now, like a tuck, these twiggy bikes are necessary to serve a purpose, but when you sign up to become a trials rider, you can pretty much forget about any kind of style or 'coolness'.

So they don't rule shit.

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I said yes to closing it, but only because i think, in the long run.. its probably better if these guys got out of the habit of taking pictures of each other sticking their arses out then congratulating each other on how well they "tuck" (euphemism for "you stick your arse out proper good, i want to tap that") in the same sort of way 300 promotes men looking at each others tits.

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But that's just it... they don't. That's like physics students being proud of the latest geeky science joke they've come up with. Forget it. To anyone else, it just looks tard.

At the weekend I was walking through a large town centre, and saw the inevitable cluster of trials riders, on long, low sticks of bikes, and it just looked strange. Not like when people rode bikes that at least resembled a mountain bike. Now, like a tuck, these twiggy bikes are necessary to serve a purpose, but when you sign up to become a trials rider, you can pretty much forget about any kind of style or 'coolness'.

So they don't rule shit.

You might look a willy just riding along, but when your actually riding on stuff, people can see the reason why it looks the way it looks, I'd rather have that than ride some old retro thing that is horrid to ride and looks shite by modern standards.

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But that's just it... they don't. That's like physics students being proud of the latest geeky science joke they've come up with. Forget it. To anyone else, it just looks tard.

At the weekend I was walking through a large town centre, and saw the inevitable cluster of trials riders, on long, low sticks of bikes, and it just looked strange. Not like when people rode bikes that at least resembled a mountain bike. Now, like a tuck, these twiggy bikes are necessary to serve a purpose, but when you sign up to become a trials rider, you can pretty much forget about any kind of style or 'coolness'.

So they don't rule shit.

Pretty much spot on. I drifted away from the trials world pretty significantly, and I've kinda come back to it a bit now just out of curiosity, and the majority of videos here make me feel embarrassed about what I used to do. Admitedly I didn't really ride in the same way that many people do on here, but it really does look utterly shit. Pixie boots, tracksuit bottoms, shitloads of correction hops, queueing up on rides to do exactly what the person before you tried to do, etc., it's just awful.

What is cool then? riding a bmx that looks like you pulled it out of a skip , with duck tape holding the seat together and no brakes?

Ah, the usual TF stereotype of BMXers. I still find it funny that TF people are so quick to put down BMX, but as soon as they see a BMX video they cream? Or when you see a Danny Mac vid where he's essentially riding BMX on a wrong bike, people love it?

You might look a willy just riding along, but when your actually riding on stuff, people can see the reason why it looks the way it looks, I'd rather have that than ride some old retro thing that is horrid to ride and looks shite by modern standards.

In fairness, the sort of stuff that the two Marts could do on their "old retro things" is still probably higher than what a lot of people can do on here. They've evolved as they are purely to facilitate the f**king awful style people think you HAVE to use today to ride and get sponsored, which appears to be what it's all about. The stuff people like the Cousts and Vincent and the like used to do on their old Koxx Levelbosses was f**king amazing, and they had a considerably higher top-tube than most of the today's frames do. Like people always say, it's the rider, not the bike.

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I'm not saying don't ride trials, I'm saying don't try and style it up - you're fighting a losing battle from the start. BMX is all about the tricks - trials isn't. That's what makes them so different.

I think Ms Lopez has summed it up pretty well. Hey, this is great, it's like The Tuckage Thread Thread!

Wish I could tuck...

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But that's just it... they don't. That's like physics students being proud of the latest geeky science joke they've come up with. Forget it. To anyone else, it just looks tard.

Q: What is the difference between a Quantum Theorist and a Beauty


A: The Quantum Theorist uses Planck's Constant as a foundation,

whereas the Beauty Therapist uses Max Factor.

because I can


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The bunnyhop clean over the grind-block of that funbox, landing into the downslope, actually frightened me, haha. But yeah, in addition to the Benito thread, I'd like to point out how yeah, no sideways tuck, and he KEPT IT ON THE f**kING WALL.

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