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Is Anybody On Here A Hardcore Christian?


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I actually get annoyed when people are so openly and consistently thick (yes, I am saying religion is stupid). How can you possibly believe a text written at a time when people thought the earth was flat and that it was at the centre of the universe?

To say the bible has more sound evidence because it's never changed undoes your point too, the fact that theories keep changing proves that we're constantly progressing and learning more. To keep some storyteller's ramblings untouched for a couple thousand years is just ludicrous.

I reckon if you actually stopped and thought about the resounding evidence for scientific theories, compared to the world's best-selling work of fiction, even you lot would realise it's a load of bollocks.

Edited by Bronz
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God can exist outside of the confines created by theistic religions.

Whilst I might not personally believe in that god, I can appreciate the idea of it. However, to accept god into your life, you also have to accept that it might all be a right old load of bollocks, or it makes your faith delusion. negating almost everything.

If people could learn to be less bigoted, science and faith can gel together fairly well.

f**k it I can't resist, Luke, if the bible has never changed, why are there so many different versions and why are people fighting over which one is the right one?

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No, I don't think everything in the bible is correct, as said so many pages back, I don't believe in half the stuff as written in the bible. So? And? That doesn't make me Christian? Ha. Yeah, I'm not exactly Dot Cotton, but I believe it, who's to say that I can't believe in some of the sentances but not the bloody others? I don't need to be a Nun to be a Christian for the sake of bloody Joseph! There's a bible next to my bed, I pray at night, I confess my sins, I help others, I attend Church, and you're telling me that to be a Christian I must not use contraception, not go within a foot of alcohol, never swear, not hate the way I look because God made me this way, I suppose I shouldn't eat meat aswell aye? Since an animal is a creation of God? I hate this debate so bloody much, you tell me I'm not a Christian because I refuse to believe that rape is allowed, as shown in Judges 21:10-24 and that it's perfectly okay to stone somebody to death?

No, I'm a Christian. Thanks.

I agree with you that none of those ideas are required (or should even be considered!) to be a CHRISTian because many of them are misinterpreted human ideas (mainly due to Aquinas) and the others have nothing to do with what CHRIST said eg, He who is without sin cast the first stone as directly against stoning someone to death, people see these apparent contradictions in the Bible and so believe the Bible to be wrong. I think people miss the point that the Bible's Old Testament is so different from the New Testament because one was written before CHRISTianity was actually around (before Christ). What Christ did teach was how important the scriptures (Bible) really are and hence why I think a Christian (someone who follows Christ) should hold the same values. I apologise if I have misinterpreted what you mean in terms of how important the Bible is.

Another point which I think people miss is the fact the Bible is a collection of different books (rather than just one) and so a lot of it is written in different styles. Some books are obviously meant to be historical testament and others are obviously metaphoric or poetic. Eg, I don't think even the most fundamental hardcore American "Bible Basher" would believe that God is literally a "Shepherd", a man with a stick who goes around moving sheep over mountains, it's obviously a metaphor. Personally, I think the creation story is exactly the same kind of idea, it's a metaphoric account of how the world was formed so that people (who lives thousands of years ago) could understand the key ideas such as there being order in the world, existence being formed over time ect. Let us imagine God really does exist and Genesis really was written by him, he would hardly give a complex account of the evolutionary process to people who were living thousands of years ago. I think when people try and put Genesis on the same literal truth as the Gospels claim, science gets rather annoyed. To quote Cottingham:

“The fundamentalists, whom Dawkins prefers to use as easy target practice, may denounce the theory of evolution, and uphold Genesis as a better school textbook than The Origin of Species, but there is a long tradition of religious thought, going right back to Augustine, that looks to many key texts in the Bible not for literal, factual truth, but for spiritual inspiration… “Come to me”, says Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel, “and ye shall find rest for your souls.” He does not say “Come to me and I will offer you some plausible hypotheses concerning the origins of physical and biological phenomena”.”

(Cottingham, Review of The God Delusion)

In relation to dark matter, to be honest it's not really a subject that I know much about (outside the Pullman books!) but I think your best bet would be to read the actual argument in full and then judge whether you think it would be an adequate response.

Edited by beigemaster
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On the subject of getting skull f**ked by maggots, you've been going out with Danny Kearns for quite some time now?

I joke, I joke...

:lol: I am on the verge of crying with laughter. That's f**king gold (Y)

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I shouldn't eat meat aswell aye? Since an animal is a creation of God?

God created vegetables too, don't forget. He made everything, so you can't eat it. Although, he didn't come up with the idea for these chocolate buttons I'm eating, so that's ok.

If it's possible to do all of that, PROVE to me yourself that the Big Bang occured,

YOu're never going to SEE the big bang, it happened a long time ago. A few hundred thousand years before earth even existed, in fact.

Do you know what redshift is?

Do you know what the doppler effect is? That's the thing where if an ambulance passes you, it's siren starts to decrease in pitch. The sound is taking longer to get there, less energy in it, thus it is quieter AND deeper in pitch.

Well, that happens with light too, unsurprisingly because light behaves like a wave, most of the time. The result of the doppler effect on light is the appearance that things are giving off more red light. Now you're going to say, why don't all the stars look red? And I'm going to say stars are f**king bright and redshift doesn't effect them that much, and that you're also forgetting infrared radiation, which you can't see. And I'm also going to say, the stars you can see are relatively near, try looking a bit further away.


Oh yeah, scientists have such powerful telescopes now that they can look to the very edge of the universe. Because the light takes so long to get there, you in effect see the past, meaning when they look, they can see new galaxies and stars forming following the edge of the universe.

This, coupled with redshift, that proves the universe is expanding, suggests that edge has been moving for a long time, meaning that once the universe was much smaller, and in the wake of that edge, our sun and the gases that created our planet were formed.

Edited by Revolver
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Comedy gold this thread, comedy gold.

"The creation story" is just that, a story. And yeah, the big bang theory isn't that easy to prove, but then it is just that, a theory.

We're not even close to working out everything on our own planet, let alone the vast space that surrounds earth!

Nobody can prove where we came from right now, but it's safe to assume a "big man in the sky" was not our creator.

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Edit: On a more serious note, for those of you so adamant that the Big Bang was the cause of all existance, explain to me how? I'm not exactly a Scientist but the entire theory suggests that space is forever going to expand. If anyone can explain to me how space is expanding then I'd like to make my bedroom a little bigger.

It's like, "Full stop on the end of your sentance, capital letters at the beginning of a sentance, 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 3+3=6, the Spanish word for 'hello' is 'hola', Albert Einstein was a Jew, there are 30 days in September, oh, and by the way the entire universe and all that surrounds it came from an explosion of gasses and all your ancestors swung from trees and had blue arses."

The big bang is a seriously complicated series of events, it's it's pretty much a model rather than what actually happened at this stage in time, although it's considered fact. Just because you don't understand the big bang theory, doesn't mean you can just dismiss it.

If it's possible to do all of that, PROVE to me yourself that the Big Bang occured, tell me why since the Big Bang, I've never seen a huge explosion in the sky, no one has, no one ever saw it to start with, no, Georges Lemaître came up with all the bull that could be apparently proved with Science, prove it to me Dave, don't tell me the creation story is crud if you can't even prove your own theory.

You believe in the Big Bang if you want to, I don't care, I'm happy with my beliefs, I'm not happy with the way people look down on others for having faith in something other than the periodic table and the theory of an explosion.

I might not be right, you might not be right, nothing's ever going to be correct until it's proven.

But the big bang theory IS proven, it's just sooo complicated people dismiss it, like evolution. Like i said befor we may not know all the facts but the big bang theory is a fact.

Like I said, JD, No one's right till it's proven. Suppose you could kinda say the belief in the Big Bang is like a religion, yeah? I'm adamant in my belief in God, and like I said a few posts back, I don't want to dismiss the Big Bang Theory, research it, prove it's right.

Who knows, there could be God, there might not be. I'm a Christian, I'm happy, I'm staying this way. If it was proven to me that the Big Bang occured, I still wouldn't be able to dismiss my belief, because believing in God helps me so much, and I'd only begin to believe more that God is the reason behind the Big Bang. 16 years I've had faith, and I won't ever stop believing.

You can believe in the big bang theory AND god. A lot of people do. You're certainly not a Christian though, but i don't think there's any real need to label what you believe it.

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It's much more feasible to believe God caused the big bang, and then the universe developed itself thereafter.

It's interesting how God seems to answer some people's prayers and not others. Thus, that healing of the leg, I can't stretch my imagination so far as to say God would happily quicken up someone's ankle healing, and ignore stuff that I asked for. So, being 20 now I'm much less naive that clapping your hands together and saying, Jesus Christ A WANNA WIN THE LOTTEREH will produce any effects except your hopes being dashed.

No, as a wee un I didn't pray to win the LOTTEREH.

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It's much more feasible to believe God caused the big bang, and then the universe developed itself thereafter.

It's interesting how God seems to answer some people's prayers and not others. Thus, that healing of the leg, I can't stretch my imagination so far as to say God would happily quicken up someone's ankle healing, and ignore stuff that I asked for. So, being 20 now I'm much less naive that clapping your hands together and saying, Jesus Christ A WANNA WIN THE LOTTEREH will produce any effects except your hopes being dashed.

No, as a wee un I didn't pray to win the LOTTEREH.

May I point you to this:

He gets on a bit, but the intent and meaning is there.

Edited by ManxTrialSpaz
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It has to be pretty clear to any half sensible person that religion is a way in which ancient people explained/rationalised what they couldn't understand. People fear what they don't understand, ergo they created a belief system to best explain it. Religion can be placed geographically. The East has a higher concentration of Muslims, the West has Christians. This points to the fact that these belief systems were created completely separately of each other making the idea that it's a cultural story even more believable.

Religion used to make sense of what people didn't know, it has no place in 21st Century life.

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No no. Remember, Christian's are allowed to pick and choose or interpret parts of the bible as they wish.

A bit like what people in this thread seem to be doing.

Religion can be placed geographically. The East has a higher concentration of Muslims, the West has Christians. This points to the fact that these belief systems were created completely separately of each other making the idea that it's a cultural story even more believable.

Sorry to piss on your chips, but all three theistic religions all stem and are linked (and refferenced) to one man, Abraham.

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Sorry to piss on your chips, but all three theistic religions all stem and are linked (and refferenced) to one man, Abraham.

Oh wow, that I didn't know. So technically all these storybooks are linked to one main, made up mister?

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Is probably hasnt got much to do with this this topic, but he mentions jesus, and eddie izzards awsome :)Eddie Izzard-Dinosaurs and Jesus

Also, what made people start following the bible? Surely its just a really big book?

So in theory, Harry potter could be Jesus in a few years time?

( this isnt me trying to start another argument, i jus twant to know what started it all off)

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