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24tour :: 21st - 30th August 2009

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epic trip blads. my voice is still f**ked though haha. got back to portsmouth in 3 hours :S

major props to luke for organising the trip and putting us up for a couple of nights, and cheers to prawn for last night. had good fun but was shattered.

simpson is a legend end of. and joel i am sooooo glad he came along for the tour. good f**kin times (Y)

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Well guys, just dropped the final survivors to the airport so I guess that's it for this year! Awesome work guys, thanks to all of you who came along for the ride, whether it was just for a day or for the full trip. Without you lot the trip wouldn't have been what it was, so props to all of you for being heroes (except for Hendrix, you're a jew).

Special thanks to:

All you guys who made it for a large chunk of the week

Simpson and his 'rents for putting us up and feeding us

The Kennards for tolerating an unexpected invasion and what can only really be described as a minor arson attack on their garden

That cunt outside Cuba for providing entertainment for one and all

Gollum for the wake up call

The residents of Prawnwall and people at Prawnfest 2009

The Guerns for being under the influence for an entire week

And of course everyone else who put us up and attended the rides or that I've forgotten (it's early, alright!)

Cleaning up this place is going to be a military operation, but more than worth it! Pictures and videos up when people get the chance, no rush!

Roll on 24:2010!

lol just cus you got wet tip mate


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My ankle hurts, my shins hurt, my wrist hurts, I have a small scar on my face from South-End, my ass is about 5 different colours, I've got a lovely slice taken out of my thumb, I'm losing my voice, I've got a moustache, my nipple is purple(??), my bank balance is nearly depleted...

What a trip!!

I definitely rode more towards the start of the week than the end, but meh.. Good times had!

My head's too mangled at the minute so I can't remember all of the funny quotes and funny things at the moment.. I'm sure they'll come back to me though!

Thanks to Simps for picking me up and driving me all over the place + his mum for feeding us/giving us somewhere to crash, Ash's folks for chairs and fire and shit, Luke for the use of his flat and being cool about mine and Jons total inability to help tidy this morning, Relentless/Monster for making Joel absolutely hilarious from dawn till dusk... I'm sure I've missed people off, but meh - THANKS TO EVERYONE

Next year.... Europe.


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