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What Does Everyone Do For A Living?


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Finished up in 2007 myself.

Recently picked up an Engineers post myself so happy enough, money isn't great but once things get a bit better, probably have a look around :)


I graduated in 2008 with a masters in civil engineering.. not used it since. Spent nearly a year looking but ofcourse it was just as the recession hit and everyone was sacking people. Now work doing performance management/business analysis etc. Love it and glad I didnt end up in engineering. My mate got a BEng and got a job luckily just before recession hit in 2007. He now runs a team at some civil engineering place and is earning about 28k. He's been doing it now for over 3 years...

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But now I've glanced through this thread, it may not be the cash cow I'm after! :

It's not as bad as we make out. Money wise I earn more than enough at my age to have a comfortable living and have all the hobbies I want. However in terms of effort versus pay it's not great.

People don't stay in engineering because it's a cash cow (it may be the reason they get into it initially), they stay because they enjoy the work, which I do.

A couple of years back I read an article in the Times talking about average wages in different sectors. Engineering came out with the highest average wage and I think that tells a good story. That in some ways this profession is very like to earn you a comfortable standard of living, but the very high paid jobs are extremely rare. Fortunately the lower paid jobs tend to be better earners than those in other professions.

As for my job, I'm now the lead structural analyst for our Tier 4 engine program, which is more project management than analysis work, but along side that I'm also now the lead CFD analyst at our tech centre, which stops me getting too bored with Microsoft project :P

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It's not as bad as we make out. Money wise I earn more than enough at my age to have a comfortable living and have all the hobbies I want. However in terms of effort versus pay it's not great.

People don't stay in engineering because it's a cash cow (it may be the reason they get into it initially), they stay because they enjoy the work, which I do.

I was just being dramatic. I don't really care how I'll be earning - as long as I'm enjoying myself, nothing else really matters IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Finally passed my Viva last week so am now officially a Doctor of Engineering. Still work in the wind tunnels at the University of Southampton but am soon to take over the management of the tunnels and take on a bit more of an 'academic' position, supervising a PhD student as well as undergrads.

That is a cool job.

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I quit working in prisons about 2 years ago 'cause it was hard to switch off when I came home .By now I've been working exclusively nights for the best part of a decade so I can honestly say I haven't done a day's work in years!Now I'm a concierge / night manager at a 140 room hotel .23:00 'till 07:00, so leaves my days free to ride and do as I damned well please and I get to meet a variety of interesting people from around the world. Who ordered the champagne and hookers ?

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I am a engineer in the non-overtime environment that it formula 1.

Yeah I bet you never do an extra hours work there :rolleyes:

From memory you're Oxfordshire based so are you at Williams? They've just put up a bunch of new jobs which me and a couple of coursemates are looking at (final year Mech Eng).

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I meant the "non overtime paying environment".

I in Oxford but I work in Northampton at Mercedes-Benz HighPerformanceEngines.

Yeah I meant it tongue in cheek, I've got a friend who works at Team Lotus and know someone at Red Bull, they both work mental hours often.

Heard mixed reviews about working at MBHPE, how do you find it?

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Im an electrician, in industry, so the job is varied and has made me pretty handy on the mechanical side of things too, welding, hydraulics and the like, i work early shifts and late shifts perfect for getting some time with the bike with all the workshop at my disposal! A good supply of pallets for practise too!

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  • 1 year later...

Im a welder by trade. But now i am a supervisor/ R&D developer for a ballistic armour manufacturer. We develope helmets, ballistic shields, bulletproof/stab vests and other kit for the MOD, LAPD, NYPD, SWAT, nemerous U.K police forces and also the SAS.

Sorry for reviving this thread guys, what company do you work for? I'm quite interested

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Can't remember if I mentioned that I work at the megastore of a football club as a casual retail assistant. But anyway, I've been there since end of June this year and they are now hiring full timers which I have applied for. Good thing is, the other full time staffs all say I am very likely to get the job and even the boss has hinted it at me. I've never set a foot wrong and worked my butt off, will finally pay off hopefully!

Although I do have a 3D Design degree, I don't have plans to do anything with that at the moment. Just want to save up and move out of my parents house, I've grown out of this place years ago. Most days I rather stay at work then go home. I don't plan to stay at the football club forever but will be for a few years I guess, I'm happy there believe it or not, the staff is really nice.

Going to slowly build my life up from now on, pay off some debt and save money, then eventually look for a decent job somewhere. Shame my ex dumped me, I did promise her that within the year I'll have a full time job and will be able to move out so we can spend more time together. But now I have all the free time and extra money from the train tickets to see her to do other stuff with =D Maybe I'll get me a full motorbike license and a proper motorbike, never liked driving cars that much.

Now I just gotta find myself a decent lady friend!

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Currently on my final year of my B.A Hons degree in Music Technology looking at getting into the music production industry once i graduate or maybe thinking of doing my PGCE to teach in colleges.

Work part time in a local bike shop .

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