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Ross Clayton - Zhi 26" Handbags On Standby, Enter At Own Risk

Mr Clayton

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I remember you and stan at back cown,

The only time I've ever ridden Back Cowm was with Stan and Martin. I didn't see any other trials riders there apart from some little kids on some Montys.

EDIT: Actually, I've ridden there twice - once with Stan and Martin, once with Ali when I first moved up here. Again, no other riders apart from a little kid on a Monty there with his Dad.

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sorry, but im going to call you out on this.

I dont ride much no more, just because im bored of it, and have kinda moved on. I didnt think ross's video was that good, but hes not exactly sh*t.(just to keep it on topic yanno)

Ignoring the fact that I, who dont know Ali(maybe if he shagged around a bit more, id of met him at a swingers party or summit) was making a comment to Ross's video to poke fun/wind him up a bit(much the same as he does to everything that features anything more than 2 180's in one video). but everyone seems to think the street lot were taking it to heart.

But your post just seems to reiterate your persona of E-hardman/E- c**t, once superiority over Ali's life because you've got your dick wet, and you've got a youtube based business plan is all gone, and we've ran out of rational arguments, you just throw insults at people, im expecting your next post to tell me that you'd batter me given half a chance.

Whats the next step, well start slagging off each others mums. Seriously, when your argument has to stoop down to insults about the way people look, you've clearly got f**k all constructive to say, so whats the point, oh yeah, because your Danny feckin Kearns innit, and you always have to have the last word online.

Once again, your sound in real life, but theres nothing cool about being an internet gangster. just accept youve got nothing to add to the argument and move on, people would respect you more for it than starting to bitch about the fact that mark's got less than 20/20 vision.

Mate, listen, your safe in real life, so dont go calling me out on here. Id batter you given half a chance, why would i, your a safe guy, give me reason to and ill give it my best, hey i might not win, but id try, so that makes me a e-hardman ? what cause i wouldnt back down from someone in real life ? so ill just go through life scared yeah ? awesome, sit in the shadows my whole life

Nice one kev.

Edited by Otacon
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ve i wouldn't have the slightest clue what you we're on about. It's hard enough picking through your bizarre spelling style. You type like how the cookie monster speaks but i fear you wouldn't be as entertaining.

^^^^^ I particularly liked this ^^^^^


(Just the phrase not the sentiment)

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i can see both sides of the argument yes, but cummon guys ali you do antagonise (sP?) the situation as well and marks straight in there before you can say hello..

Actually, I'm usually replying to things like that where people are saying something about me.

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I don't have the time to go and find all your antagonistic comments, just because he did in one in response to all of yours doesn't make him wrong.

my point across though is it wasnt me starting it, it was ALI so hes the biggest baby here :) just correcting you man, am i ok to do that? :lol:

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Oh let me guess, cause hes 6ft 4 and like 18 stone or something ?

You have so little life expirience its hillarious.

And you f**ked Shucksmith, your point being?

From the way your argument has consisted of "lul, he's a virgin" and "you need to get laid" I presume you played this afterwards?

Seems to be your Lord's Prayer from the way you're talking utter shit yet again.

Edit; Please don't send me more death threats. As terrifying as the thought of hugging you is.

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Your senior member titles blinding you ali clearly, your speaking in a bullshit technical english in innapropriate english that isnt relevant, just talk f**king normally and stop trying to come across as intelligent, you and mark have stood dick to dick this whole arguement, and defended each other at every moment and at all costs, yeah your mates and if you were in a bar, fine acceptable, but on the internet, he can speak for himself. I dont know who you are or who you think you are. Your no f**king better than me so get down off your f**king high horse, same goes to you mark. I remember you and stan at back cown, most timmed and quiet people ever and you act like this on here (not stan, i didnt mean you bro), i said hello and you both f**king ignored me and then, you had no idea who i was so it wasnt for that reason that you ignored me

"speaking in a bullshit technical english in innapropriate english that isnt relevant" wut?

I am not trying to come across as anything other than who I am.

Again, I am not on any high horse, I am arguing my point, points which you are missing (or avoiding). You have delved into the personal abuse, talking down to me about how I should be living my life, you are the one who seems to think you are god almighty.

I don't remember that moment at Back Cowm, I am not one to ignore people if they talk to me, but ask anyone at Tartybikes about my hearing and you'll usually get one reply.

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You have so little life expirience its hillarious.

Right. Not wanting to drop into this shit, but what do you base this on? Seriously mate, i'd love to know, There's very little in this life i've not experienced.

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Right. Not wanting to drop into this shit, but what do you base this on? Seriously mate, i'd love to know, There's very little in this life i've not experienced.

If you think that kev can automatically batter me cause he's 6ft 4 and 18 stone, your highly misinformed on how life works, just cause hes big doesnt mean he can fight, MANY have proven that, thats the part of life you have little expirience in...clearly

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Right. Not wanting to drop into this shit, but what do you base this on? Seriously mate, i'd love to know, There's very little in this life i've not experienced.

everybody sit the f**k back, and listen to this guys life story please! (Y) Bad LADDDDDD

Edited by Mr Clayton
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So, what've we learned from this?

  • Ross can't take one joke that he's dished out dozens of times
  • Danny Kearns is still an e-hardman
  • Neither of the above are remotely eloquent
  • Ali and Mark ride BMX, but can form coherent sentences and formulate well-structured responses

Also; Back the f**k off of Skoze - he's been through some hideous shit. Whether or not that matches up to your sweet tales of life in the Ghetto is irrelevant, but to know nothing about the guy and assume he's talkign complete shite and make a mockery of it? Sweet skillz.

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Sorry for bringing up the past again, but yeah - just a little curious as to what Danny was talking about:

I remember you and stan at back cown,

The only time I've ever ridden Back Cowm was with Stan and Martin. I didn't see any other trials riders there apart from some little kids on some Montys.

EDIT: Actually, I've ridden there twice - once with Stan and Martin, once with Ali when I first moved up here. Again, no other riders apart from a little kid on a Monty there with his Dad.

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