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The Angry Thread.


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Didn't know you had anxiety. How does it work? Girl I'm kinda seeing says she has it but I've not noticed her be any different from anyone else I know, same goes for you.

Dunno I've never felt it like this before, it goes hand in hand with depression quiet often though which makes sense. I just feel scared of leaving the house and answering the phone and other shit it's horrible.

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Flatmates went out clubbing last night, I'm totally cool with them doing that but I'd kinda appreciate it if they could try and be quiet when they get back, not get back at 4am with a bunch of randomers and skanks and then party until 9am. I went and made a cup of tea earlier and my lounge is full of people I've never met all trying to sleep.

I'm now in my room blasting out death metal.....revenge is sweet.

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Flatmates went out clubbing last night, I'm totally cool with them doing that but I'd kinda appreciate it if they could try and be quiet when they get back, not get back at 4am with a bunch of randomers and skanks and then party until 9am.

Feel for you Ali, we are in the same situation. Although with more repercussions I fear..

Just gotten a call from my landlord saying next door rang her 7 times last night and then called the police, because some of my housemates brought back half of Swansea to our house last night at 3am and they didn't leave till 7am. Loads of our stuff has gone, nothing expensive just convenience things like oven gloves, dishcloths etc.

We are now clearing everything up, and wondering what to say to the police/landlord.. any ideas?!

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Not sure if I can help much but I might be after the same advice after tonight, I share a flat with 6 other guys (proper bachelor pad) and tonight they are having a party that they've planned for a while to coincide with a birthday of one of them and the homecomming of one of their friends after living in Aus for a while. It's been on FB so I'm expecting lots of people round.

I'm going to show face for a short while then escape to my GFs house for the night. Last time I left my room for the night (to sleep in my van) I found opened condom packets in my room.....gross. I suspect it will be shut down by the police at some point, the neighbours hate us and usually call them (I had to deal with them once but it went pretty smoothly when they realised I was sober and equally annoyed).

If the rent wasn't so cheap I'd have moved out, but for now I'm staying. I'll just throw all my bikes on my bed to try and put people off sleeping (and shagging) in there and I'll be hiding any money/valuables.

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I'll let you know how it goes, we have just found a very angry letter selotaped to our back gate.

'When are you lot going to learn to shut the F*CK up?

We do NOT appreciate shouting and swearing in the street and in your poxy garden 'til 5am from 2am.

Your landlord has been informed AGAIN.

It is NOT on. Have a bit of sense + respect.

FAMILIES live around here and some of us need sleep as we work for a living.

So please shut the f*ck up at that time in the morning.'

We are going to talk to them today, and expecting a thorough bollocking. I don't see why they are writing letters at 5am rather than coming and knocking on the door and telling us to be quiet.

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Not sure if I can help much but I might be after the same advice after tonight, I share a flat with 6 other guys (proper bachelor pad) and tonight they are having a party that they've planned for a while to coincide with a birthday of one of them and the homecomming of one of their friends after living in Aus for a while. It's been on FB so I'm expecting lots of people round.

I'm going to show face for a short while then escape to my GFs house for the night. Last time I left my room for the night (to sleep in my van) I found opened condom packets in my room.....gross. I suspect it will be shut down by the police at some point, the neighbours hate us and usually call them (I had to deal with them once but it went pretty smoothly when they realised I was sober and equally annoyed).

If the rent wasn't so cheap I'd have moved out, but for now I'm staying. I'll just throw all my bikes on my bed to try and put people off sleeping (and shagging) in there and I'll be hiding any money/valuables.

Time to get a lock on your door? Or too passive aggressive?

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Grown up day today, paid a few bills, went into work to finish some jobs I've had lingering for too long, got home and washed the dishes now it's a trip down Nottingham to buy bedding and some new saucepans and frying pans. Days don't get any funner than this.

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oh no, I bolted a lock to the inside of my door soon after moving in, I could get one for the outside but I think it wouldn't go down well

f**k what they think, you have valuables in there and people can get in freely. I would never consider moving into a shared house if my room didn't have a lock!

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Got a new job at Dell and am now working full time. Even though I quite like the amount of money I'm getting out of it, I pretty much don't have any time to go out riding anymore as I have two kids at home that need my attention as well.

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