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The Angry Thread.


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It's extremely mild, slight redening with no impact on my vision or irritation. I just look like a zombie haha

Extremely foolish, never gone without a mask before and certainly lesson learnt.

Yeah I had the works, hot grainy sand eyes, coca eye drops etc., NOT fun. The college tutors were proper c**ts and made a big deal out of it saying "we get one a year", to which I replied "You shouldn't if you did your job you incompetent slaphead lardarse" (honestly he was revoltingly fat - like lager swilling 3 fat rings & folds fat).

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Yeah I had the works, hot grainy sand eyes, coca eye drops etc., NOT fun. The college tutors were proper c**ts and made a big deal out of it saying "we get one a year", to which I replied "You shouldn't if you did your job you incompetent slaphead lardarse" (honestly he was revoltingly fat - like lager swilling 3 fat rings & folds fat).

All part of learning, even if it takes being a twat and not thinking to do so

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So had an interview on Wednesday for a more hands on position on the project I'm currently on. I knew going in that as I haven't managed to get much practical experience of the system we support, not part of my job role currently, I wasn't a prime candidate but I do have almost two years experience of working with the team and system knowledge.

Got an email this afternoon saying I hadn't got the job, which although not being surprising I was still a little disappointed, but the main grumble is that the manager who looking to fill the position obviously didn't feel it necessary to walk all of 5 metres to grab me for a quick chat face-to-face to tell me I hadn't got it and the reasons why before I got sent a generic email from HR.

What a fanny.

Edit: Also slightly ironic as one of the questions in the interview was "How would you go about telling a customer bad news?" and I said that if at all possible in person, or over the phone at worst unless direct contact is impossible then maybe an email asking for the customer to get in touch with you so you can explain it over the phone/in person.

Edited by AndrewEH1
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Minor in comparison to arc eye and getting turned down in shit fashion for a job, but:

Why the f**k can't my wife put her clothes in the washing with both limbs the same way, as in either inside out or correct? I've just folded the massive pile of washing we got because we've been lazy for a week or so, and EVERY SINGLE top or trousers had one limb inside out but not both. How does that even happen?

It is funny though, because I'm actually really annoyed about it while also being fully aware of how stupid being annoyed by it is. First world problems.

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My wench does that. It's infuriating! Clothes go into the wardrobe in a state where you can take them out and put them on, why put them in the wash basket in a state where they can't be taken out and washed?

They need to be the right way out so that they actually clean, if they're all inside out then fluff gets stuck inside and that.

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I've spent most of today designing some nutrition information labels for cooking oil for someone. This shouldn't really be 'angry thread' material as i'm seriously grateful for the work, but the fact i've got to do it in the middle of my exam project which is worth 35% of my whole degree because i'm so desperate for money is balls. Gotta phone mum later and ask for £400 as I can't pay next month's rent as well as finishing this project off. Meanwhile, the other guys in my group are dropping £200+ on test prints like it's nothing and treating you like a twat for not doing the same. I'm so f**king fed up of how the course is, for what's one of the last remaining 'proper' art schools, the elitism is staggering. What's worse is that it's all graded as an average, so I got 54% for the last semester, literally because I didn't spend as much on my work as the majority did. /rant.

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Having one of those "not got time to go to the shops so construct something from what's in the cupboard" dinners. Turkey mince, green pepper, Nando's hot sauce and sweet potatoes......

EDIT: This should be in the happy thread, it bloody works!

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I'm just screwed with doing any of the things I'd like to do now. Knee buggered up again today which is a massively bad sign. Seven months ago I got discharged after the year of physio and was told I could back to normal, slowly obviously. I took everything really slowly but once again all for nothing. And I just can't take going back to work now, things there had been bad but I could live with that knowing I could go for a ride afterwards. And most of my socializing was revolving around a badminton club and it will suck not going to go there now. Downhill from here I suppose.

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A friend came up to the farm today and his son had his Monty 219 his mum had bought for him and it just wound me up how shoddy people run their bikes. Not his fault as it was bought in this condition but considering the frame is pretty much spotless the rest is a f**king wreck! 04 maggie with a pure water bleed so the slaves and lever are so sticky they take an age to return (once the blade has reached the bars!) and the brake clamps are held in by 2 allen bolts, one Philips head machine screw and one normal bolt.

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