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Real ale /beer thread?!


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I've recently really gotten into real ales (if that's what they are called)

Basically ones that come in bottles on their own.

I always go to Tesco to get 4 for £6 (used to be £5 :( ) to try new ones.

Got my gf into them so when we cook at home we have a few whilst making something, what do people like?

I'm a massive fan of the badger range and love hopping hare, I think that's my favourite!

Currently trying Old Empire india pale ale which is so so drinkable.

I tried a Carlsberg the other day and I just laughed at it as it tasted so boring and weak? Did drink it though but it was a struggle.

I'm not a fan of the darker ales as they taste a bit too strong but the pale ones are nice,

Any you recommend me to try? What do you like?

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Get into the darker ones :) although saying that, Fursty Ferret is probably my favourite. I brewed a few batches of my own last year, and I'll be doing another batch this month ready for whenever I start drinking again!

The obvious ones of hobgoblin and old speckled hen are great if you haven't tried those somehow. There's one at my local called Black Sheep as well which is nice.

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I've just bought a fursty ferret tonight funnily enough! How did you go about brewing your own? Thats sick!

I don't like Hob Goblin as much I don't think, but will try it again.

I went to like a beer festival kind of thing in London and tried an 8% dark ale and it really put me off them I think as it was just too much.

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Brew your own, to use one of the kits you literally need a big bucket with a lid equipment wise, it's so easy...!

Badger Golden Glory is my personal fave in a bottle but I'll try whatever guest ale any pub has, can't go wrong with Doom or Pedigree as a staple bitter :)

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I like doom bar, don't often find it round these parts though. One of my main locals is a Joules, they only brew for select pubs local to Shropshire/ Staffordshire but the beers are very drinkable :)

Went for a tour of the Joules brewery, 8 quid for the tour, a giant hot pork nap and help yourself to as many pints as you want from the taps on the wall. Pulling your own pint from a proper pump is satisfying when you get it right :)

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I've recently really gotten into real ales

in bottles

Doing it wrong. Needs to be pulled!

Old Speckled Hen/Old Golden Hen or almost any Hobgoblin ones (as others have said), but as you're based in Yorkshire look for any Sheffield beers. Some of the best beers I've ever drunk are brewed in Sheffield, especially Farmers Blonde from the Bradfield Brewery, but also Easy Rider from the Kelham Island Brewery and Moonshine from the Abbeydale Brewery.

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I've had abbeydale brewery ale before, it's well nice.

The most popular ones are Moonshine, Deception, Absolution and Brimstone? They're always doing limited runs of special ales though.

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The most popular ones are Moonshine, Deception, Absolution and Brimstone? They're always doing limited runs of special ales though.

Absolution rings a bell. My dads mate has a brewery over this way, great heck brewery. His ale is excellent. His tap pub is the George and dragon at pollington

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I'm normally more of a golden ales kinda guy, but it's definitely worth giving some darker stuff a go too.

Had some of these for NYE http://harviestoun.com/our-beers/ola-dubh-18

Although if you're after something a little less intimidating, give SA Brains Boilermaker a go. It's in the Tesco 4 bottles for £6 offer and is beautiful.

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As you're in Leeds you may want to make a visit to North Bar near Broadgate on New Briggate. Massive amounts of choice there but can be a bit dear.

Or The Victoria, Whitelocks, Cross Keys, The Brewery Tap, The Hop in Leeds, And the Vic and Fannys in Saltaire.

The badger range is pretty good i like the 'First Gold' although the peach one they do (Golden Glory?) is ming mong.

Theres a lot of breweries round here doing good beer: Saltaire, Kirkstall, Leeds, Osset etc as well as the staples like Black Sheep and Timmy Taylors.

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I don't have a particular favourite, I work behind a bar in a reputable traditional pub where at any one time we have 6 guest ales on. The best part is I'm meant to know what each one tastes like so I have had all sorts of things. In the last three years or so the manager reckons they've had about 2000 different guest ales on!

At the moment I drink a lot of bradfield brewery ale cause it's very local to me, things like farmers blonde and belgian blue go down a treat :)

Got through this lot on new years eve.


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