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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. 24:22 will be awful. I am definitely sure of that. Not sure why there would be a difference with or without brakes. I'd stick with 22:16
  2. The word 'steezy' is stupid. Just stupid. James throws the bars as good as any bmxer. Back on topic, the arcade integrated cog and bash is really nice and i think that is mainly due to the low profile. THe bash mounted BB on Ali's bike is barely even visible (unless you're looking for it), and gives much more clearance than the 4 bolt bash guards.
  3. Great riding Duncs. Some of Dave's filming was pretty darn sweet too. Would love to ride Malaga sometime, although, looks as if you've rinsed it. Edit: Should have said - the song went sweet aswell.
  4. I hope you've got a license for that power, Joe. Great wee vid guys. Enjoyed that
  5. That'll be no problem for you though luke, because, to paraphrase (with some factual additions):
  6. Sorry Luke, I am getting old, too busy trying to die the grey hairs to worry about shoe manufacturer acquisitions. On your other comments: I think they are stitched, but just in a different manner to this year (according to this sneak peak on pinkbike) - http://www.pinkbike.com/news/first-look-five-ten-shoes-2015.html I think TF struggles to understand your accent, hence not realising you've sworn.
  7. Didn't realise that Adidas owned 5.10.
  8. Maybe he's told 3 or more Tinder lassies this, and started to believe it?
  9. I can see smoke in the distance, either the indians are back, or its from the friction fires caused by TGS'ers beating the bishop.... JKS boys...Good to see you've still got it bud! Look forward to seeing some silly big gaps in the streets. You gunna be bringing taps back?
  10. The hop to manual line on the thin wall in Glasgow was sweet. The simple things are the best.
  11. Those brake levers look to be in a real wrist 'braking' (sorry) position....
  12. Very good rider, loved the tekkers stuff on rails. Few lines I really enjoyed in there.
  13. ben_travis

    Shaka Brah

    There are no words which describe the level of my envy accurately.
  14. lock-ons thin enough for your standards? I am not sure they exist!
  15. Looks so good. Definitely take Ali's advice re: the seat.
  16. hahaha...I do have an uncle with Parkinsons, however I would probably put it down to the fact it was baltic. Not my finest filming or riding, thats for sure.
  17. ben_travis


    Could it be made so that the shop can become a functional riding spot similar to that living space picture you put in the original post?
  18. Finally, a pure trials video worth watching. I really enjoyed that. Easily one of the nicest trials riders to watch
  19. ben_travis


    What are the heights of all the different levels? Does the basement have the highest ceiling level? Glasgow has a large number of buildings where the ground level has high ceilings....so is it possible to switch that 'riding spot' to the ground floor, and put a shop / mechanics space downstairs instead?
  20. Having a discussion with mates about this now. Can they REALLY be 100% certain that the co-pilot was at fault this early in the investigation? I am no conspiracy theorist, but I do think its too soon to be blaming a single individual without all the data that should be available. I think the media are to be blamed for pressuring the company for an answer.
  21. Excellent. Cheers Ali. I will look into the magura brakes once my current set of SAINT-SLX-ZEE concoction goes down the pan.
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