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Status Updates posted by isitafox

  1. Dude have you still got your original 07 python frame? 

    I'm trying to track down the geometry for it as I've always wanted another ever since I got rid of mine and I can't find it anywhere! 

    1. Pít



      Yes :)

      I have the long one, its 1045/375/50/72 with an old echo lite fork, and 1035/375/55/72 with an old echo urban fork 

  2. Managed 5hrs 10mins at work this afternoon with absolutely nothing going on. Hate Saturdays...

  3. Would like to turn the clock back to the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air on BBC2 days

  4. Slightly worried that I haven't finished one bike build yet I'm already searching eBay for parts for the next!

    1. CC12345678910


      It's addicting int it? definitely not good...

    2. Rusevelt


      Addictive you mean. I just about earn money to get one new bike built up. That Zoo Stealth project looks interesting.

  5. In the last hour there's been a convoy of enduro bikes, classic convertables and now off road 4x4's drive past at work?!

  6. Just a warning, if anyone gets any texts, emails or messages from someone calling themselves ZackD or something along those lines it is Jack Dickinson

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TOMTRIALS123


      He just told me it isn't him but I dunno

    3. HippY


      jn, he was involved in various dispute where he pissed of the whole forum with his attitude towards selling items and towards people

    4. jnthebiker
  7. Jack Dickinson, not the smartest person when it comes to cover up usernames.....

  8. Bit nippy on the road this morning, brrr

    1. CalopS


      I felt like my face was freezing over going downhill, the half hour wait for someone to turn up at the site didn't help either!

  9. Just put my TryAll H hub I bought off here into my wheel stand to build it up and the bearings are absolutely f****d! Gonna sound like a bloody train lol!!

    1. HippY


      at least you can do some trials at your job without anyone noticing it :D

    2. Rusevelt
    3. dann2707


      Shouldn't have bought from Jack Dickinson

  10. Bring back validation!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JJ Leigh
    3. petrolhead1989


      Hi mate.. Sorry to leave you a comment here.. But im stuck.. The forum states that i can only send 3 posts per day on the forum?? How comes?? Is this because im currently new? to stop spamming?.. will it ever be lifted?


    4. isitafox


      My opinion is you need a few days off

  11. So tempted to swap my street bike for a mod so I can have some brakeless fun......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dann2707
    3. bing
    4. isitafox


      Why? Never ride my street bike, especially actually on the street and I miss my mod. Would love to find another 06 Python frame or get a new Lynx

  12. Bit the bullet and ordered a Jitsie FFW!

  13. Hmm, would appear I've been running a rear wheel with the axle in the wrong way around for a while now, no wonder it looked dished to f**k!

  14. Hmmm, something tells me Vincent Hermance has clicked a spam link on FB..........

    1. Mark W

      Mark W

      The amount of people who 'Liked' his post also tells you all you need to know about the worth of FB likes ;)

  15. FAO Jack Dickinson aka isitacvnt aka Michelangelo Summers. Either learn how to type and post sensible replies using your original account or just don't post at all. It's not rocket science!

  16. 240 brand new sleepers stood outside here waiting to go on the track this weekend, anyone got a flatbed and a fork truck?

  17. Stuck between a choice of 3 frames when I sell my Inpulse depending on which way I want to go...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SamKidney


      Arent the Freed frames fairly low (by todays standards)?

      Limey 4's are beaut, Liberte's ride super nice too

    3. isitafox


      Yeah but I like bunnyhopping stuff so it's right up my street. Think liberte is gonna be the best bet

    4. marshole82
  18. New (to me) wheel has arrived for my Inpulse and a spanking set of Trialtech Sport Lite forks will be here next week! Cannot wait!

  19. Would anyone be interested in a Hope Pro 2 hubshell and axle converted to 116mm?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. isitafox
    3. ashleys sugden

      ashleys sugden

      How much for that axle

    4. isitafox


      Don't want to split them really as the modded shell alone isn't much use

  20. Used the Muc-Off kit my sister got me for xmas over 2 years ago for the second time today....

  21. Whoops, just won a 4pot XT disc brake on eBay for £13.49. Didn't even want it!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. isitafox


      Was upto £8 and I was curious to see how high they had bid. Literally bid in the last second on my phone thinking it was too late and I only won the bloody thing! Be reet, if it's no good with a m810 lever it'll go on my Stumpjumper

    3. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      fair enough haha

    4. bing


      It'll be brutal with an m810 lever. The calipers are so stiff its unreal

  22. There's a ghost on the forum!

  23. Someone must have a cheap Zoot they want rid of?

    1. HippY


      maybe buy one of the full zoots and sell the rest of the parts from it?

      it might be the only choice atm

    2. isitafox


      Surely buying a new frame would be a better plan?! Sorted something for now anyhow...

  24. Anyone got a cheap Zoot frame kicking about they want rid of?

  25. Is one of the requirements of women's Olympic snowboarding to be fit?!

    1. HippY


      you should watch volleyball matches then. number 1 requirement is to have an amazing-to-gorgeous as$

    2. isitafox


      Would be a bit cold surely?! Also the volleyball girls are well too skinny for my liking!

    3. HippY


      well, there are the brazilians as always :)

      you should look for horse riding matches as well. Ladies beautiful and they know how to ride... I hope your wife will nto kill me because of my advices

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