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Taken me a while to post in this, though I've read the whole lot.

Rob is one of my favorite members on this forum, kept me entertained at night on MSN, introduced me to Zubrowka vodka and all the magical drinks it can become.

First time I met him was in London when he came over for the Buy-All tour, and at first he was pretty nervous/shy/out of his depth when I said hi, but he soon warmed to the way of us Londoners and joined in with the jokes Staples, Chai and I made.

He had a great sense of humour and huge knowlege of all things trials.

He will be sorely missed.

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Roberts father asked me to post this...

Roberts father and I would like to thank all of his friends for the nice

things you have written about him ? we have read and cried.

I understand you wonder what happened to Robert. We still don?t know, and will

probably never find out. What we do know is that he spent the last day of his

life getting a haircut and going to a concert where he met his brother and some

other friends. In the last hours of his life he was happy and smiling,

listening to music, drinking beer and enjoying life.

From a bridge (close to the place where the concert was held) he fell to a

street below. Someone must have seen him fall as an ambulance was called.

Police came but busied themselves with the traffic on the street, not going up

on the bridge.

Robert died at the hospital a few hours later, never regaining consciousness.

At first the police assumed that Robert had either been on drugs or committed

suicide. They were wrong. That he was not on drugs has been confirmed by the

autopsy. We knew that beforehand because he took part in medical studies at a

pharmaceutial company as a way of financing his studies and hobbies. You cannot

participate in such studies if you use drugs. That he would have committed

suicide is simply not possible as all of us who knew him knows. He was such a

happy person, had such a wonderful life (and often said so) and so many plans

for the summer and the future. He was, among a lot of other things, going to

get his drivers license the week after and was busy recording an album with the

band he played drums in.

So, unless he was pushed, this was a strange accident.

His ashes have been spread in the sea outside Gothenburg, in the water between

Sweden and Britain since Robert always had a great part of his heart and

friends in Britain.

In Robert?s obituary notice we included an old Roman proverb: He whom the gods

love dies young.

Take care.

Lena Janson

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Thats very sad to read. It must be a horrible feeling for his parents not knowing why such a tragic thing should happen to their son.

I never had the pleasure of meeting Robert but I really liked him from his posts on here. I never even met him or spoke to him a lot but I really do miss the guy so I can't imagine what his close friends and family are going through.

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