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The Angry Thread.


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Flatmates went out clubbing last night, I'm totally cool with them doing that but I'd kinda appreciate it if they could try and be quiet when they get back, not get back at 4am with a bunch of randomers and skanks and then party until 9am. I went and made a cup of tea earlier and my lounge is full of people I've never met all trying to sleep.

I'm now in my room blasting out death metal.....revenge is sweet.

I just hate the way that drink and parties make people behave like utter c'nts, and suddenly nobody cares about anyone else who isn't there, i.e. neighbours etc. When you have to start hiding your valuables and making plans to be away from your own home, that sucks. Hope you get out of there eventually. I live on my own and have done for a while and in my opinion it's worth the extra expense.

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Anxiety and depression at an all time high this weekend :l

Spent friday night at a girls house but nothing happened, I think she's just as f**ked in the head as I am. I'm feeling a bit hopeless and running out of reasons to bother anymore. I spent last night drinking in my room while everyone else was out having fun, I don't understand what's wrong with me anymore

Like is it worth it really

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And what do you think the solution is?

I've had many ups and downs this year so I do kind of know how you feel but keep yourself busy, immerse yourself, spend time with friends, do things you enjoy and it will become easier. It hasn't gone away completely for me but it is easier. It'll end up being a horrible vicious circle otherwise.

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Anxiety and depression at an all time high this weekend :l

Spent friday night at a girls house but nothing happened, I think she's just as f**ked in the head as I am. I'm feeling a bit hopeless and running out of reasons to bother anymore. I spent last night drinking in my room while everyone else was out having fun, I don't understand what's wrong with me anymore

Like is it worth it really

You might not understand this but here goes.

Just let your self be and accept it all dont fight it Life is all about up's and downs you just have to learn to surf the waves...Dont get caught up in your emotions or thoughts because thats not who you are so dont identify with them.

I don't know anymore, literally can only plan stuff by the day and thinking of the future makes it hard to breath.

Gunna stop whining on this forum for tonight x

Thinking about the future or the past is pointless -Think about now-Of course the future makes you anxious because you dont know what it holds humans are scared of the unknown.

Your actualy quite a sound and wise fella george....If theres any advice id wish for you to take more than anything its this ....Dont be hard on your self -Be kind to your self physicaly mentaly and emotionaly -It will all pass remember that ;) you will look back on it one day and go Why the f**k was i like that.The answer is to learn and grow

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got invited to a second interview last friday, the second interview was today. they cancelled on me, in their lobby. f**king c**ts.

That's pretty low. I'd have been asking for an explanation and expenses paid. To be honest, if the company is run like that you're probably better off without them.

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That's pretty low. I'd have been asking for an explanation and expenses paid. To be honest, if the company is run like that you're probably better off without them.

i am asking for expenses, i'm waiting for them to properly get back in touch. i'm so stuck looking for full time work i'm ready to settle for anything that pays the bills and gives me independence.

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I listened to the first 5 minutes of a podcast about 6 months ago, but thought it was shit so deleted it. Now, whenever I'm updating shit on my iPod, the theme song for that podcast instantly comes into my head and gets stuck there. It f**king sucks.

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I don't remember having a headache longer that 30minutes.

Enough already.

Really? That's incredible. I've had them last 2 days or more, and when I was younger regular ones where I became photo-sensitive.

The only thing I've ever found that really works, is lots of water and to sleep it off/shut your eyes.

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