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The Angry Thread.


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In bed, lights off watching Criminal Minds. Finish episode, turn off TV. Heard my moped cover rustling, wasn't the windy kind of rustling, and I heard footsteps on the stones on the drive way (my bedroom is at the front of the house). Got out of bed and peeped between my curtains and I can see the f**kers head but he hasn't noticed me. Put some trousers on (was in boxers, no time to put my Janoski Nikes on) and grab a hammer and surprised him swinging my front door open. Chased him down the road barefoot, he tries to do a 180, doesn't work. Old f**k couldn't outrun me so I swung my hammer at him a few times. He puts his hands up starts to apologise and I threaten him some more with my hammer.

Eventually he wants to go, I didn't have my phone on me to call cops so I threatened him that if I see him around here again the hammer is going through his head. The cheeky f**k asked if he could go back to get his bicycle on the drive way. Did he f**k.

Went back to check my bike, the knob took off two foot panels. Maybe he was trying to get the battery or something? There's literally nothing under there except wires and the frame. If I knew I would have emptied his backpack.

Called cops, turns up 20mins later. Takes statement. Says if they can see someone matching my description of him on the high street CCTVs round the corner they'll get back to me. Unlikely they'll see him though. They take his bicycle back to the station, which is literally 2 mins round the corner. I remember his face very well though, if I see him I'll be sure to get money off him to replace the panels!

Now I can go back to sleep, and my feet are f**king sore.

Edited by weirdoku
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Yeah, it should be fine - you just need to be a little more careful fitting it as the metal plates are more likely to crack/snap than they would do if it was the correct size. If worse comes to worst you can always grind the plates down a little so they'll fit a bit better.

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Why is it that with no matter how much fore thought and planning you always forget one thing that manages to feck up all your plans. Or is that just me? Booked a week off to get certain things done and I will achieve exactly 0% of them. Just feels like such a waste of time, frustrating.

That and the psycho ex keeps calling me (she left me over a year ago....).


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Dude - what's the missing piece? Anything I can help with?

All bought now, did need sodding spacers so the wheels would clear the callipers. Won't be fitting any of it as the old man is back on shift and I've no way to trailer it to get the bleeding and alignment done. Ah well!

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Is it acceptable to start using a petrol tile grinder at 07:15 each morning? (including the Sunday and bank holiday Monday)

My neighbours think it is, so much so in fact that they are running two simultaneously! (Y)

Sunday no, Monday yes. I guess they are doing renovations. Don't get too angry really, all give and take really. I guess they were spending the bank holiday working all day working on their house.

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Have you considered holding a dubstep party at 3am on a Thursday morning?

Just something to think about.

No, because it's exam season... but in about 14 days there will be absolute carnage until 5am for a weeks time until we leave.

Our house is too small to host a party, but we'll make it happen for the sake of their patio laying! ;)

Sunday no, Monday yes. I guess they are doing renovations. Don't get too angry really, all give and take really. I guess they were spending the bank holiday working all day working on their house.

I think they bought the house in a state, are renovating it every day as their occupation and plan on letting out to students next year.

They are the first people to complain when we make noise past 12pm, but have no problem waking everyone up at 4am when they have a domestic after a night out or fire up their power tools at 7am. Take, Take, Take, Take!

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They are the first people to complain when we make noise past 12pm, but have no problem waking everyone up at 4am when they have a domestic after a night out

Call the police next time you hear a domestic saying you fear for the woman's/man's safety who is getting the brunt of it. Might stir them up a little.

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Call the police next time you hear a domestic saying you fear for the woman's/man's safety who is getting the brunt of it. Might stir them up a little.

I did genuinely consider this after I heard something smash (think she threw a lamp at him) at around 5am a few months back in an alcohol fuelled rage. but he'd stormed out and left the house by the time I'd found enough signal in Wales to make a phone call.

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I f**king hate working for magazines, their concept of pay and timescales is skewed beyond belief. It's May, and i'm paying out circa £500 to go to Spain tomorrow and drive a motor back for them.

Just got the article schedule through (aka when i'm gonna get paid for this) - my one? January. f**king January. 8 months. What the f**k.

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