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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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Luke - let us know how dunfermline is to ride, from my experience of driving through I actually think there might be some decent bits and pieces to ride.

also - if you get a free weekend (unlikely with all this clan stuff) let me know. might well pop down for a ride sometime soon.

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happy thread needs a bump. this year i decided to take on the pressup challenge; you do 1 pressup on the 1st, 2 on the 2nd etc. today required 112. totaling 6328 so far this year. i absolutley detest pressups and have never been able to do many and had wrists pains when i did. i dunno if i've found a better body position/improved my wrist strength but i no longer have any discomfort doing them, and happily dole out sets of 30. i'm happy cause i feel in control of the challenge and not just it's bitch (Y)

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Got my first petrol powered piece of gardening equipment today, a strimmer. The petrol mower is on its way, and the chainsaw and bushcutter will be borrowed from father. Commence very loud and smoky gardening :)

Edited by bing
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Got my first petrol powered piece of gardening equipment today, a strimmer. The petrol mower is on its way, and the chainsaw and bushcutter will be borrowed from father. Commence very loud and smoky gardening :)

There's nothing better than chopping the garden up with petrol power.

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Condensed most of a 13 hour programming course into 7 hours today, out of necessity of learning a new language. I'm absolutely frazzled mentally but it means I'll be able to crack on with actually building stuff tomorrow. Now for a beer I think...

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Is this still for the life changing app you promised us all??

I'm happy because it turns out my FFW is not knackered! Was having a little play on my Rockman today to try and get dusted off for Blackpool next week and I kept feeling a click when I was half pedalling, at first I though it was a pedal as that had come loose, then I thought the snail cams might be slipping but then I put it down to my FFW on the way out. Swapped it for a spare Tensile I have and it still did it, then I noticed the driveside crank was just catching the chainstay under power. Surprisingly enough I actually have a spacer to put on the bottom bracket to sort the problem.

Who'd have thought I'd actually be able to solve a bike problem without the need to buy something new?!

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Nah, that's postponed now to January. It works, it just doesn't look good and the artist has some personal stuff going on. Could get it out before January, but might as well wait for the next 'fitness resolution' lot in the new year.

This one is just some super geeky shit for fifty6.

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Cleaned out the man cave this morning. Made lots of room for the imminent arrival of petrol powered garden stuff. More room for bikes. More room for golf clubs and others toys. And have 45 bottles of beer to drink tonight for a mates party tonight

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My fiancée went out for her best mates hen party today and tonight. She absolutely wankered, so I've put her to bed. Before she went to bed she said "loooooook innnn maaaaa baaaaaag", so I did. She's only gone and stolen a whole(ish) set of cutlery from a posh(ish) restaurant.

That's ma girl :)

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Don't know why but I feel f**king awesome today. Got up early after work and went swimming with the boys, stopped at Costa for a Hot Chocolate then been playing outside with them this afternoon on the quad, a friends ropey kids motorbike and started modding my trials course thanks to some inspiration from Inur.

Just got to work after having roast pork, have another Sunday dinner plated up to eat at work tonight and got my book on Buddhism to crack into!

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