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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Most girls on dating sites seem to have some kind of emotional issue (most guys however probably just want to get some action), but this is a funny one: never met before and she's a virgin, and she comes to your house and lets you smash her... Did you make it 'special' for her? Lololol. Can't say banging a virgin would be my cup of tea (although I did get sucked off by one), but fair play to you son!

I know, when the utterance left her mouth I was speechless.

Basically the day went like this, I picked her up from the station and we came back to mine. It was super sunny so we chilled in the garden on the rug and bench, playing frisbee / flying disc for a bit. Then I was like, rather than watching a film later shall we watch it now? (Pre-downloaded, ready on desktop, don't f**k about lol) so we went in my room and I said we should spoon for sure. We spooned whilst watching, gave her a delicious backrub (it's my seducing technique hahaha). Clothes then came off, things started happening then BOOM "I just thought i'd let you know, i'm a virgin" so I was like hmm okay that's totally fine with me expecting just a whole weekend of scrumptious 3rd base haha.

She then was like, but I definitely want to have sex with you so erm yeah, we went on from there. I can't even explain but she was the non-virginist virgin with some of the stuff she was doing! Must have been reading up on cosmopolitan or her friends were drilling shit into her before she came. My body officially hurts now.

But yeah then we went outside again on the grass, I grabbed her bum et. al and things got heated so we went back inside to my room.

Then went and lit the fire in the firepit and roasted marshmellows which were lovely then went back to my room to bed :) I didn't just abuse her and throw her out haha :P Properly looked after her with food, drink etc so that's cool

Edited by dann2707
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The more I think about this the weirder and weirder it gets.

Does she have daddy issues or was she just eager to get penetrated? Was she lying and is it her kink? Did she put a hole in the condom wrappers so you'd knock her up?

I'm so confused dan

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I think she just wanted to get laid before starting uni to be honest. I don't understand as her friends were texting her what happened as if they knew all about 'us' but we've only been talking a week. Bizarre.

She definitely wasn't lying about being a virgin as I had to go tip deep for about 15 minutes lolll

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I think she just wanted to get laid before starting uni to honest

Yeah, you are probably right. Once she's been through freshers week, her minge will be like a blood orange crossed with a Brillo pad

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She's on the pill as well which confused me even more being a virg. But then I remembered girls go on it for 'stress' reasons. Ex was on it for exams when she wasn't f**king guys.

i believe its more to do with regualting hormones, but yeah, stops them being crazy ;)

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Hahaha it wasn't as big as I expected. She was really skinny thank god, bit too tall for me but dear Jesus she had the most delicious looking vagina I've ever experienced. It was just text book perfect in my eyes. Not too miniscule like that other girl when I said hers was "sunken in to her body" just the right bit of everything. A little upset it's gone now to be honest

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She's on the pill as well which confused me even more being a virg. But then I remembered girls go on it for 'stress' reasons. Ex was on it for exams when she wasn't f**king guys.

My ex was on the pill when she was 14 for skin problems, bit of a weird one I thought...

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She's on the pill as well which confused me even more being a virg.

That's like saying it's confusing for a guy to have condoms even though he hasn't had sex.

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