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Leeson Clear 660thumper

Rich Pearson

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this is a better picture, i dunno why it didnt go up to be honest, it really is a nice bike, i really really like it. I even had a go on its debut ride (rich was so paranoid after the last time i rode his bike in pompey the day before a comp)

a serious beast


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It would be better if it didn't have them 3 bars between toptube and downtube.

actually, they look the shit in real life, you dont even really notice them, that frame is really stiff, but still flexes due the it being steel, a very strange ride, but made me so smooth, i hooked 53" on it no problem too, within seconds of getting on it.

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Seen it in the flesh at Hut Hill and it looks soooo much better in real life, those pictures make it look pretty horrible actually. Wasn't cheeky enough to ask to ride it, so not really sure on that area. But its a beast.

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Im no high school teacher but theres an extension program going on in my trousers.

Thats one seriously nice bike, and if the geo is right I may be tempted with one. Finally leeson has joined the long and low crew, smart move in my opinion as more people will buy one now. Providing they ride well.

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hmm i dunno rich, its nice to see clive didnt go for the 2" seat tube, not that its much bigger! and its definately nice to see he didnt go for the pulley/fulcrum brake design he was talking about :S that woulda been weird.

think im gonna have to see it in the flesh before i make an opinion.

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i had ago on rich's bike the other day and it felt really nice.

it rides a bit like an echo. :)


Buy an echo then - itll be cheaper and stronger .... Im going to say I dont like it at all... leesons were very nice to look at and had that pimp ownership thing going on... but thats pretty ugly and to be honest they cant really compete on price and strength with anything dengaloid makes ? so why bother trying to make that kind of frame ?

If they just changed the geo of the old ones to a more trialsy shape that would have been better i think


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When me and Rich were talking about it in the pub in Taunton I was not keen on the idea, but seeing that it looks a little better. I want to ride it really to finalise my decision....

Oh and Ash nice ball bagging there "I hooked 53" on it" blah

piss off fred. you coming to soton tomorrow? i was enthisising how good it is.

reminds me of a crane for some reason

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Georgous bike rich (Y)

Some better snaps of it I got earlier while we were all sat around (hoping you wont mind rich):



Looks sooooo nice in real life, hope these pics of it help too. Got a really cool kinda industrial look to it. Kinda looks like it should be part of a crane boom :lol: .

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Already frames avalible like it? the vario's kinda similar, but not steel, and still quite different. Meh.

Yeah fred, it was indeed me there. (Y) Well, i was there for the premier, but didnt get into the perkin after on account of being a young basterd!

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