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Everything posted by eskimo

  1. Refer to the post above yours, you had fun right!? And least you know how real smokers roll now
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but that hasn't really got any low end. Not clued up on my tvs, but the higher end ones you should be able to tune pretty well. Mine adjusts to the rooms lighting, and i imagen allot of them do also. Mine is a low end Toshiba but you still get loads of different modes and settings. Still, a pretty sweet ass tv. I'll sort a pic out of mine tomorrow, gamers may just like it
  3. It's not going internationally And for the love of god, don't have tape stuck on the frame! Check the girth before sending, think it's 3m max. Weight will also increase more than you think from packaging.
  4. FR5 ***. Felt better than any other lever i ever used for Vs. The SDs were always flexy feeling with the cable despite the 'adjustment', and they were often square. ewwwww [edit] forthewin stared out, lame. thought that got fazed out.
  5. People should try it with most companies. I used to go out of my way for the customers. Spent almost 2 hours once doing a high five cut out for one guy.
  6. They've now changed them so say to be single toothed like before. But still, Profile vs Hope, hmmm. Sharn just get the cheaper, better quality Hope.
  7. A good bike shop could do it there and then for a fiver probably. If they couldn't then they're either shit or you weren't loyal to them.
  8. Euan Beaden could probably machine you one up. Not sure what other people with access to tools are around atm. Hammers are good, but sometimes they're a little excessive for removing wheels, be careful next time. So say 22/15 works without a tensioner on the 380mm rear end Fourplay, not sure what the BB height was. But i know it was last years or the year before. Only required some minor filling. If you get a dual wheel tensioner that attaches onto the hub bolt you are onto a winner, that's what i used. Didn't use any springs either.
  9. Dentist is a bit sucky. But people not going for a check up now and then are pretty dumb imo, unless you're real good with your hygiene ofcourse. I really don't mind going, the NHS dentist in my town is good enough, and it's only £17.50 for a checkup and polish every 6 months. Though i can imagen being in a city is kinda shitty, and my orthodontist in the city wasn't so great. Mike if your hygiene has been bad, then you should really man up and go. It'll only kick you in the ass later and cost you more.
  10. Dope really is a weird one. I've been in the same situation, and had friends also go off on one, others not really progress in their lives, or totally change their outlook on life and become quite strange in their behaviour (they have two styles of character), and some made it perfectly through life and raised a family. It's been an experience, and i'm never going back. All depends on what sort of person you are. Besides, like you said you cringed at your previous self, i almost feel the same. Allot of people make it through and it was a good experience for the most part for the majority i'd think. But i i also think we're lucky we never suffered from personality disorders, now those people are messed up. As for the OP, i think whatever. I'm sure if it's actually useful, it would already become used in modern drugs. You gotta be pretty naive these days to believe everything is "hunky dory" or "all good." As for legalising it, couldn't care less. Smoking tobacco is already frowned upon everywhere, so people doing stuff in their own homes is fine by me. Besides there's enough ass holes about, so if they come out the house with a smile on their face, great! But not lightly, if people are gonna smoke, the law isn't going to change their outlook on stuff i doubt.
  11. Watched this last night. Sweet vid, wasn't keen on the nose manual, but the hang ten was sick. Nice bar line up the kurb too. I decided i'd enter as people had been slack as fuq in getting theirs done. But i forgot i sent my camera off for a firmware upgrade on Friday, knew that would happen If you want to do to me one at the same time as yours, then we'll get on it, weather dependent
  12. Best trials video i've seen in a long time, was a real fun watch! Though the editor could slow down some of the lines a bit, there was too many lines cut off before they were finished. But i suppose it kept in pace with the rest of the video, and it was a great watch anyway. Looked like a wicked day!
  13. This one was always fun, not seen many trials vids like it for a while though. Everyone's changed their style now, allot to yours Edd.
  14. It's the same wherever you live in Europe. Give or take an hour or two. Some people do 6 days a week out of choice, others not. You can even get by on a 30 hour week, if you really wanted, but the hourly rate would probably need to be £10 an hour...
  15. eskimo

    Glossy (+Crashes)

    Whether you choose to believe it or not, society forces us to deem society's rules correct, whether you like it or not. So on that basis, random sounds Buuuuut, i liked it! Beats mainstream techno step anytime, whatever that is. See FB for riding comments
  16. I did, i'm not there anymore In fact the majority of the time i was there, i was always thinking about my next move. I've now exhausted the local territory, others plans/ goals didn't work out, or i changed my mind. I also have a fairly decent (i hope) backup plan as well. I should also probably say, i also thought allot about quitting riding, while it isn't a big deal, for me it was. My point was something todo with 25 miles not being that much. Though i can't be bothered to keep jumping back for double quotes on all the other points too. I can appreciate your effort, i have a friend who went down a similar route, and it seems as he struck gold with his gambles/ effort too. But one big difference, is some people know what they're chasing, others haven't got clue. I'm one of the ones who doesn't have a clue, that's why every time i do work, i work hard. It always works out no better, but my money saving has allowed me slack. I'll be travelling for a few months and still have money here when i come back. Travelling was a plan to help me get on track which i didn't use 2 years ago, but this time i'm gonna use it and hopefully make some other rash choices when i come back. Otherwise i'll be using my backup plan which i'd prefer not todo, but it's something i'd like to mid life as a 'career change'.
  17. I was educated to do multiplication, divide and brackets first, so it equals 50. If in fact it doesn't, then my education was wrong, my teacher was wrong, my school wrong and society wrong. So f**k you.
  18. I didn't film it As for that angry guy, that's not really any big of a deal, he's clearly busting himself over it. I still throw my bike when i'm riding without a camera, and i know allot of other people do to. Marvin Loetterle (had to Google that spelling!) is the guy to watch. Every video i've ever seen of him, he's smashing up bikes or public property Harry Main's new edit is out btw. I'm not into his scooter style but he does go big on stuff.
  19. eskimo

    Big Bmx

    Not sure where to even start with this. So i ain't going to bother.
  20. I struggle to remember stuff from school, but bodmas, wtf is that really. But i do remember brackets/ divide/ multiplication first. I always preferred breaking and throwing stuff across the classroom.
  21. That's what i said, if they look at you while smiling, smile back. They separate people out by choosing who has skills relevant to the role, or at least they should (skills meaning exp, qualifications too). If they don't, they're either too lazy to, or are too dumb to. If it's a case of too many applicants, then it's just going to take more time. If it's physically impossible to take more time, then just read the first 10. Yeah lucky. You fail to grasp the fact that politics isn't optional everywhere. If that guy killed himself because of work and people ignore that, then you guys have serious moral issues. If it wasn't work related, shit, but irrelevant. A valid assumption seeing as you've admitted only doing 25 miles a day. I don't think you are grasping the fact that people have been leaving their jobs (they enjoy!) because it costs to much to actually get to work. Not me, but i know people who have, and hell it's even been on the news enough times. It's cool that you're considering riding such a distance to work, something i sure as hell wouldn't do with not having enough time as it is.
  22. That makes no sense to me, from that i can only think of negatives. Yet i know there's probably more to it?
  23. What is bizarre to me is that this is a major government issue. It's hardly something that needs to be 'discussed'. "Being gay is acceptable, so why shouldn't marriage?" "cause the church doesn't like it" "well, the church doesn't have to be involved with their marriage and gayness" "right, that's sorted then, back to shit that matters (Africa)"
  24. While it may have sounded that i made England out to be the worst place ever, in fact i was only replying to help the Russia guy understand England better, since everyone was so concerned with giving him some shit. Which in turned this topic back on track, go me. Them photos of Russia are awesome from where i'm sat. I'd love to visit there without being mugged, stabbed or interrogated by the police obviously. Yes and no, i just came across that way. I'm just not content with having to lie about things to get me a reasonable job, having to deal with people who don't care that they scratch each others cars parking, or stereotype one another every single day. While stereotyping is something we all suffer from (it's a human natural defense), most people don't make the effort from time to time to just say hello in towns or villages. In cities there are too many people which is understandable, so eye contact/ acknowledgement would be nice more often than not. It's pretty cool you've experienced it, and it's a shame most of us won't because of my point above. You say Edinburgh is smiley, maybe you should start smiling back where they look at you?? Okay that was probably bullshit to an extent. It's just i feel when someone has "qualifications" they're suddenly put above people who haven't, yet if it doesn't apply to the role work & life experience mean much more. But i guess it depends on where you're applying and if the interviewer is a moron and doesn't actually know 'what's/ who's best.' For you it works, but for me i have stuff that needs to be done which eats into the free time, i just see it differently. Work politics where i've worked isn't optional, and it isn't for allot of people. It's also not just 'drama' or 'nonsense' either. It's seems to be you've been lucky. I guess your wages are good enough where you don't have to acknowledge that i said a day's wages. Their money?? And this is what annoys me. "Work hard and it'll pay off", not always. It ends up being stressful and not worthwhile. While i'm young, my Dad worked his ass off his whole life (while i think he's crazy), and i'm not even sure he knows if it's been worth it yet, but he's been in that cycle and there ain't no stopping him i guess. It sounds you feel like i do, and i bet there's people in your country who would also say "you're talking shit" to yourself. I don't think the people who had 'the opportunity' realise how lucky they were. I know some people here have recognised that they were, which is good. But trying to get that opportunity takes time to find, and allot of BS in the middle which is what i seem to still be doing, despite knowing i had some yet really they weren't. It's also safe to say everyone here probably has/ did work hard to get where they are (going).
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