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The Angry Thread.


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Not good dave, best to be pessimistic with it though. I broke my wrist thinking it would be six weeks then I could ride, went in and they said another six weeks, and again, and again. Ended up being six months and each time I went I was really disappointed and frustrated.

How do you fancy building a pimp speedrace stock? I know someone that has one that needs to sell and it is a beauty ;)

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Would love to as the geo is lovely but have a bigger plan for the summer!

EDIT: Plus I'm gonna have to sort a road/xc bike to build my strength up on :(

Me owd Dad made a special handlebar attachment thing so he could ride on the road to keep fit with a broken wrist once. Want me to ask him about it for you? If he's still got it you can probably have it if it'll help?
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Told a friend how i felt about a girl-Friend makes move on girl :bow:

What a f**king bellend!-Ive backed off because now i know he likes her!

want to get rid of negitive people from my life-But then that means im left with no one!

Yep i was a basterd in my previous life so im paying for it in this one!

Life just seems to go from bad to worse-Wheres the exit button!

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*massive argument. tl;dr you don't care when i try and help you etc*

i know that feeling, i've been doing it with you for the past year but i know you appreciate so i don't give up on you, maybe you could try that too instead of telling me i'm wrong about how i'm doing things and that you've given up trying to be helpful s am just gonna have a go at me instead now.

"i'm sick to death of talking to you, night"


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Sounds like every woman ever to be honest mate. You just have to keep reminding yourself though, that they guard the puss-puss, and they can guard it extremely well if they choose.

You also have to account for these things called "hormones", they're like a potent mixture of alcohol, LSD and cocaine. They make the woman completely insane on a regular basis.

EDIT: Sources do not include current girlfriend.

EDIT 2: Or my mother.

Edited by Muel
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Took me longer to clean the chronic bird shit off the car than it did to get to work this morning. Either something spooked a load of them or there's a seagull out there with chronic diarrhea... :P

i had it the other day where constant use of wipers/washers couldnt get it off my windscreen, i had to physically scrape it off !

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Yeah, given that this was across my entire bonnet, screen, roof and door the wipers didn't really cut it. Raided the cleaner's kit and got to work :ninja:

Apparently wet newspaper works pretty well on glass, never tried it myself but my Gran swore by it.

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Need to buy a BBQ for the new place, because the patio looks a bit weird with nothing on it and I can't stretch to the table stuff that we want out there this month. Saw one in Homebase the other day which was perfect for extra MAN POINTS, but was told not to buy it until I'd looked online for similar ones that would obviously be cheaper. Spent an hour looking, and no, this was the best price for the same thing so went to order having wasted an hour. They wait until you've selected it and all the stuff you might need to go with it before they let you know that delivery is 20 days. I know 20 days doesn't sound like much to wait for a BBQ considering it's April, but it's sods law that if I do that it'll suddenly become the 1 week of summer that we'll have this year, so I've got to go in store and buy one when I could have just done that on Saturday.

1st. World. Problems.

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I f**king hate this country sometimes. More so, idiots who run internet bike shops and stupid importers. I've spent 2 WEEKS trying to get hold of a 24" Big Betty (though if you count in all my attempts, it's going to be over half a year now). These 2 weeks were crucial - the importer finally got these tyres in. So I ordered them online from what I now know is an incompetent bike shop. I've been told that they are expecting the tyre to arrive with them within 2 days for the last 2 weeks. Today I lost it and cancelled my order in rage only to call the importer and find that I cannot order the tyre because they have run out. I got contact details to a company which ordered a large amount, called them up and found out they won't sell me one because they build performance wheelchairs and they have the exact quantity needed.

So, I've ordered one from Chainreactioncycles which is what I should have done ages ago. Cost me like 8 quid more with express DHL delivery. Hope this is a 24 hour service.

I want to ride ffs.

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Chain reaction are the dogs when it comes to ordering stuff, on a par with tartys. Only better thing they do is despatch over the weekend so its there monday morning. That's what I did, and my shiny new avid levers were here yesterday morning. In day of hate/suicide Tuesday related news, I'm am properly f**ked off with being broken now. I'm trying to have some optimism about it and planning my rehab, but everybody keeps telling me its really bad and I won't be able to walk for at least 2 months. Does my head in when people are being so defeatist. I'll not mention names. I know I'm gonna be fine, I'm fit and able, it just gets my goat when all people can see is the downside. They need to get a f**king grip

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I run a hoboa h2 pro, it's my own fault really, probably should've just avoided running it into the gate post :P. I'm not too stressed to be honest, this was my first real race season and I've been doing reasonably well so it was nice to carry on. Ahh we'll, I'll just carry on smashing it in the touring cars :)

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