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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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Epic that dude. How much?

In other news, whilst recovering from a broken foot, I've laid on the sofa all day and done nowt. Daughter in law got the Chinese in, and our maud is fetching me some beer home, and lord of the rings is on film 4. Jobsaguddun

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Love meeting new people so much. From my post earlier about going out it was a total stab in the dark. I posted on our lads group on fbook if anyone was up for going out and my mate was like yeah I am with a few course mates and flat mates if you're game so I was like f**k it let's do it! Seem like such nice people and just had a really good chat with one of them on fbook. Socialising is epic. And now I have more contacts for next time I want to go out

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Rode natural today on my limey stock for the first time properly with Jack, we both rode so well and was a great sesh. Spent 10-15 minutes looking at a gap over a drop, Jack pushed me to do it and I did it eventually... Felt so f**king good!

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In January I left to go and do a 4 month course. A couple weeks were in Wales and the rest in central America, belize, in the jungle. I left my job to do it (I wanted out of my job anyway) and I spent alot of money on it all. Second day in I felt ill and had bad pains below my stomach. Long story short, I got appendicitis and had to have surgery in Wales. I missed going to belize. I was a bit bummed but will always put my health first. As I never planned to not even do the trip I paid no attention to the 'cancellation policy' just the medical stuff, so my insurance policy limit was 5k, I spent a couple grand more than that. So I had two options, lose money and claim or wait until may and do the trip again. Most people said I should have gone in may, but for some reason, it didn't feel right (along with a couple measly factors) I decided to cut my losses. I just got a message from the person I got on most with when I met my group in Wales and he's said something along the lines of 'if you are still thinking about doing this course, I wouldn't. It's not what they said it was going to be, and I definitely feel a bit cheated out of some money' I feel bad for him but feel good for myself knowing that at the the time it felt like I was really out of luck, but I trusted my instincts and even though I'm still clueless as to what I'm going to do next, I'm content and confident enough to know I will be going on to doing something I was meant to be doing. I've now got 5k that I had already spent to get me on a new path and get me by for summer. I guess sometimes, you feel shit out of luck, but life has a funny way of doing things. It will always be alright in the end.

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Been working in the arse end of no where for the past 2 weeks. No internet, no phones, no phone signal. The nearest road you can drive on unless your really keen is atleast 12 miles away. The power is from a windmill and solar panels. Been pretty good.

Normally I hate you for where you live and where you work, but now I really f**king hate you for those things.

In a nice way. :P

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I've never indulged myself in egg painting before (apart from when I was 5) but today I did and I'm f**king proud of myself.


Kim was a bit challenging, I've got no painting skills at all but since he's on the other (northern) side of Psy, it should be pretty obvious who he is.

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