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Headphones, Whats best?

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funny thing is that the best headphones i ever had were for 15.-€ at conrad electronics in munich,and i had sennheiser,bose and stuff.they looked awesome,they gone 15-20000 Hz (no joke,15 Hz)

and if i didnt need them i could roll them to a ball.

they had the name pro.2 standing on them,never found them again...

edit:kind of have to thank you for asking that question,googled and found them,forgot i didnt have internet the days i last searched...

you sir and internet both rule!


Edited by FamilyBiker
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Are you looking for in ear or normal?

I've always used Bose OE2's and they are amazing! Sound is perfect! Treble is great and the bass is really good. I've used others and nothing has been close. Little above what you're wanting to spend as they're £130-150ish, but worth it.

Have a pair of these and they are awesome for a pair of in ear headphones: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0051UOUNM/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?qid=1379709489&sr=8-7&pi=AC_SX110_SY165

Edited by shercofray
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You've never seen the type that go over your ear?

Essential for riding really.

I used to use Sennheiser PMX 100's, they were awesome. A lot of cheap ones promise deep bass etc, but that's all you get - low end punch that's not accurate and a horrible sounding mid range with barely any high end coming through. If you like music, don't buy cheap.

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How come people have given suggestions for headphones when they have missed probably one of the most important questions;

What will you be using the headphones for?

Also if you wanna spend a large amount of money you may wanna put a small amount of heat shrink over where the cables meet the jack and headphones as i found from experience that the cable itself snaps inside the outer casing from general use rendering the headphones useless! i used to spend huge amounts on headphones every couple of months as the cable used to snap but the heatshrink seems to stop it however i was using them for about 13 hours a day everyday of the week.

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From my experience - headphones at <£100: Sennheiser, every time.

Other brands higher-budget ones can be really good, and Sennheiser's more expensive ones are also great, but it's only Sennheiser that seem to care about their mid-price range customers.

I'm pretty sure you've got the right idea since you've not mentioned them, but just in case: absolutely do not go with Skullcandy.

If you care about the sound quality even a little bit, and not the fashion, you will hate them. Even the £9 Sony in-ear ones I use for solo-rides sound better than them, and I'm not exaggerating.

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  • 6 months later...

Thought I'd bump this back up as I'm looking for some over-ear headphone to use at work. Aiming to spend around £30/£40.

I use a pair of Sennheiser CX300IIs at the moment, which I'm really pleased with but I'd like to switch to using over-ear ones. My first thought's Sennheiser HD203s (~£30) or HD205s (~£40), but I'm not sure if the 205's are worth the extra or if I should be looking at other makes too.

I'd be tempted by wireless ones (with the expectation of paying a little extra to keep decent quality), but most seem to be random brands I've not heard of, plus they all seem to be bluetooth, which isn't ideal as at work I listen off my PC not phone, I'm guessing I could get a dongle if I really wanted? Probably just stick to good old wires though.

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Thought I'd bump this back up as I'm looking for some over-ear headphone to use at work. Aiming to spend around £30/£40.

I use a pair of Sennheiser CX300IIs at the moment, which I'm really pleased with but I'd like to switch to using over-ear ones. My first thought's Sennheiser HD203s (~£30) or HD205s (~£40), but I'm not sure if the 205's are worth the extra or if I should be looking at other makes too.

I'd be tempted by wireless ones (with the expectation of paying a little extra to keep decent quality), but most seem to be random brands I've not heard of, plus they all seem to be bluetooth, which isn't ideal as at work I listen off my PC not phone, I'm guessing I could get a dongle if I really wanted? Probably just stick to good old wires though.

I jave those CX 300 II as well, and I absolutely loved them, but after a year hard use, the jack got corrupted, so my plan is to try to fix it and get a new set of in ear headphones soon

I have a set of Skullcandy Hesh 2 headphones, that are perfectly good if I use them on my PC with speakers amps, as they are good quality and can run them nicely, but for portable use, the small in ears the best as the phone amps can run them easily

What headphones could you offer me that would be a step up from the CX 300 mark 2, not to expensive (£50 max or so) and not Beats?

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I say bump up to £90 and get the Grado SR80i. there amazing. or if you can tolerate the look of them the harmon kardon CL's for £70

HD25's are pretty basic. no a fantastic soundstage on them and a little to bright.

Just avoid anything with skull candy or beats on the side

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The Grados look nice, but I'm wanting over ear rather than on ear really (I wear glasses about half the time and having my ear pushed back onto the arm's annoying) and they need to be closed back or I'll bug the other guys in the office. (I know I hadn't mentioned that though, so thanks anyway!)

I was reading a few reviews earlier as well as chatting to the other guys in the office and I'm probably going to go with a set of Audio-Technica ATH-M30s (RRP ~£70, on Amazon for ~£45), they're sensible money and very well reviewed, as well as being exactly what I'm after in terms on closed back/over ear. I like that the reviews say they've got a very neutral sound too, I'd rather hear the music as the artist intended then tweak it to suit my taste if I want.

Any reason I shouldn't go for them?

UKHippY. Surely another set of CX300s would be a safe bet? You know you like the sound, and for what they cost I wouldn't have said a years hard use was bad going. Don't they have a 2 year warranty anyway?

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I say bump up to £90 and get the Grado SR80i. there amazing. or if you can tolerate the look of them the harmon kardon CL's for £70

HD25's are pretty basic. no a fantastic soundstage on them and a little to bright.

Just avoid anything with skull candy or beats on the side

Sennheiser and bright, i never thought i'd read that! Last sentence is true on all accounts, unless you want to look cool ofcourse.

HD25's are for DJ / Studio work, not for hi-fi listening.

Any headphone is for any application provided you enjoy it.

The Grados look nice, but I'm wanting over ear rather than on ear really (I wear glasses about half the time and having my ear pushed back onto the arm's annoying) and they need to be closed back or I'll bug the other guys in the office. (I know I hadn't mentioned that though, so thanks anyway!)

I was reading a few reviews earlier as well as chatting to the other guys in the office and I'm probably going to go with a set of Audio-Technica ATH-M30s (RRP ~£70, on Amazon for ~£45), they're sensible money and very well reviewed, as well as being exactly what I'm after in terms on closed back/over ear. I like that the reviews say they've got a very neutral sound too, I'd rather hear the music as the artist intended then tweak it to suit my taste if I want.

Any reason I shouldn't go for them?

I read some stuff about them, and they don't seem half bad. I've listened to a few cheapo headphones and been quite surprised. Though in the office, they may get hot, that's something to check for. If listening to them for a long time, i'd probably drop some more cash. I would also consider in ears as they can be more comfortable with better soundstage versus the big over ears. I think you'll struggle to get a neutral sound at a lower price point, though i could be wrong i've not ever looked into that, but you probably don't want a neutral sound to be honest.

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