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The is whatsapp the same as texting MASSDEBATE (lol wank)


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Ok, we discussed the UI. Now on to the inner workings:

Usually, with free text services, you pay by allowing companies to build a personality profile based on

your contacts, vocabulary, locations, stimulus reactions etc. to sell to advertisers, banks or insurance companies.

Normally, in the privacy policies for personality analytics commerce, there is a lot of lengthy irrelevant text,

with the exception of a well-hidden totally generic phrase that allows to do anything with your digitalised

thoughts and reactions.

Whatsapp is paid by second-year onwards fee, so the company could operate without dodgy legal texts.

While there are statements like http://blog.whatsapp.com/245/Why-we-dont-sell-ads, they seemingly

still claim the right to sell any data to anyone for any purpose in their privacy policy:

"We do not sell or share your Personally Identifiable Information ... with other third-party

companies for their commercial or marketing use without your consent", while consent

is defined there through continued use of whatsapp.

While it is debatable and perhaps even illegal in some countries to define consent

through back-door tricks, it is established industry-wide practice to do so.

For the comparison to SMS services, just look into your national com legislation and

the privacy policy in your phone provider contract.

But since this is an increasingly important area of power and influence over people

nowadays, it is very tedious to compile information on this topic.

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Stirlingpowers, it was a great reading, I loved it and showed me what does a person can do legally with the terms and condition

But the debate here is that if you want to mate with a girl/boy then which service is better for you...

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Stirlingpowers, it was a great reading, I loved it and showed me what does a person can do legally with the terms and condition

But the debate here is that if you want to mate with a girl/boy then which service is better for you...

Yo, always at your service.

Since you feel that mating initiation wasn't covered enough here:

I vote for direct approach, just phone calls (nice and flirty, but brief), no text.

So no whatsapp, no sms, no mail, therefore no room for reading and interpreting again.

I don't want to talk a girl into it. I offer, if she follows, fine. If not, bad luck.

Especially whatsapp with its users expecting peers to read messages immediately

leaves way too much room for games and misinterpretation.

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If you send voice clips why can't you call them instead? Would it not be quicker to talk to each other instantly rather than record voice clip, send, wait for them to listen to it, then record a clip then send it to you?

I get you can send a voice clip to them when they are busy and won't pick up the phone, but then you've started a conversation that could probably last hours depending on how quick they reply.

But voice clips are like voice mails except they come out of your data allowance instead. Why would you trouble yourself when you can just leave a text?

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Mr Powers has hit the nail on the head. Whatsapp, Text, whatever. Use it to organise the next time you're trying to have face to face contact. No real need for anything else.

Nah. Sister's in Singapore and likes to be kept up to date with how my little one's doing so sending little voice messages, videos and pics taken on the phone makes so much more sense to just keep up to date between Skype calls or whatever. Same goes for my mum and dad at the other end of the country. I see them maybe 3 or 4 times a year but Whatsapp makes it easy to let them know (and see) what Finn's been up to much easier than with texts or MMS or whatever.

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So your entire explanation of difference between the two, is speed? Funnily enough that depends on your network provider and/or wifi speed, if like here there is no network and your wifi is toilet then Whatsapp is toilet (but all I have so I can't complain), it can take over an hour for my "instant" response to arrive sometimes.

It is identical to texting in every way, I have sat with a text screen open before waiting for fast paced replies to arrive, so that's not different.

You have still yet to come up with a sensible argument, all you've got it "I can send a full-on assault of pics to girls I want to pork with Whatsapp!" that's it... I'm willing to be talked round, but you're going to need some kind of logic behind your nonsense!

You're having a stupid reply for everything now and the classic in denial "but what if, but what if" that children do when they don't actually have a valid reason for argument.

Take this example of mine and Shercofrays convo earlier.


Looks how it's simply back and forth chat. I wouldn't just reply with a text saying "ahh" then wait staring at my screen for a reply 10 seconds later after it has sent. The medium of whatsapp, I think, aims at more colloquial conversation. Especially when you seen them online.

9 texts would have had to have been sent back and forth in the space of less than a minute if you count how many messages were sent back and forth. If you're telling me you could do that and do that DAILY to someone then you're a liar. And the fact you just don't understand it is so frustrating. I'm not sure whether you're purposely being so narrow minded or you're just like that normally, surely managing a bar takes a bit of brain power?!

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This is so retarded.

It's like saying "is an iPhone better than a Nokia 3310?"

It depends what you want to use it for.

Whatsapp is good for a group conversation, it is handy for seeing when somebody is online if you are a overly anxious teenager, it is handy for sending voice messages and media.

But for a standard text based message, it does exactly the same job as my 20 year old Motorolla Star Tac.

I talk to all of my friends on Whatsapp because we regularly send media and voice clips of funny phrases and music.

But I only ever talk to my girlfriend in a text message, because I never send her pictures. However she uses Whatsapp for all of her friends.

The reason we do this is because we have always text, years ago when she was my girlfriend first time round there was no Whatsapp. So when we got back in touch I sent her a text, she replied. That's what we stuck with.

If you regularly whatsapp, text, bbm, Facebook message someone and it works then why change the medium. Nobody likes being bombarded with somebody who texts, whatsapps, and Facebook messages.

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All it appears to do is stop you having to think about what you're writing. That conversation you put up could easily have been done with in 2 or 3 texts surely? Which you could easily have managed in one minute. Seems just like Facebook messaging to me?

My contacting people with my phone basically consists of:

Inane bullshit that doesn't really need saying goes through facebook messenger.

Anything I'd like an answer to, but doesn't really matter when ie: "Up to much saturday, fancy heading for a ride?" gets sent in a text.

Anything that matters/I actually want a reply for soon I'll call.

If there's no answer I'll text, because voice-mail's annoying.

Texts are bloody handy if you live in an area where having no signal's a pretty common thing. You hit send, and as soon as you get the tiniest bit of signal, it goes through. They reply and as soon as you get a tiny glimpse of signal you receive it. Most data based things seem to try for about 30 seconds then just go 'failed' until you hit try again. (It's worth bearing in mind you can register to be able to text 999 now, for this exact reason.)

Edited by RobinJI
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There is absolutely nothing different here to a text message, other than the way you feel about it and therefore use it.

You can fire inane conversation by sms in exactly the same way, you just choose not to for reasons you have yet to explain, presumably socially unacceptable?

This is the most retarded argument ever, it IS identical, YOU just CHOOSE to use it differently, it's that simple :huh:

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Yeah that looks just like a text conversation, just with a pretty background and a few nicer looking read icons etc...

Anyway, I'm off to do something more constructive like monitor the effects of rubbing a cheese grater on my ear.

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I think the key difference there though is if you look at the times it's a rapid exchange. It's not like that isn't possible with texting though as anyone who's friends with Joel Bennett can testify...

I don't even know why I've made this post, I don't even care. Admittedly that does kind of sum up my experience with TF :P

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