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Sex And Related Issues.


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I didn't know there would be 2+ intelligent pages of response either, but I didn't immediately rush for my 'close topic' button. And in all honesty, I've got nothing against you. I actually have no idea who you are and I don't think I've ever read a single post of yours that I remember. But the thing is: Reports get made, your name appears on them, I have to do something to warn you. Get over it.

And Manning, are you now repping for the NHS or something?! :P


No, I just feel that sex is a serious topic and no im through my teens, I know how scary a can be at time's, particularly if it is sti/std related.


Surely a post that is worth banning someone for should be memorable? Whatever - you continue with your "I'm a mod and I'm going to wave my God stick wherever possible", and I'll continue wondering how you got in the position.

On topic:

It's been said that everyone should be serious in this topic - which is fair enough - but I've got to say one bit of advice should really outweigh any other in this topic (and no, I'm not the first to say it. And no, I don't think I'm superior than anyone else for bringing it up again - i just think it's right):

If you have any reason to post in this topic, you should be on your way to a GUM clinic. The opinions of a bunch of (mainly) teenage boys will not be better than that of a trained professional. This is your HEALTH we're talking about.

I'm glad you put mainly teenage boy's. As I'm pretty certain that a handfull of post have been written by male's that are 20+

Yes it's always best to get a proffessional's opinion, but if the issue is that your too scared or embarrassed to go, then this is an alternate, which if serious enough will make you consider going to a proffessional. Plus if your just after advice then it's possibly a good place to ask.

I feel quite strongly on the subject 'sex' just because I've had alot of issues regarding it and still do (no I don't have problems getting it up, or having sex, so please no stupid comments). But being able to talk to someone or get advice from someone that comes across as a friend is really helpful, especially when your typing instead of actually talking, it's alot easier to be honest to your self when you write it down.

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I'm glad you put mainly teenage boy's. As I'm pretty certain that a handfull of post have been written by male's that are 20+

Yes it's always best to get a proffessional's opinion, but if the issue is that your too scared or embarrassed to go, then this is an alternate, which if serious enough will make you consider going to a proffessional. Plus if your just after advice then it's possibly a good place to ask.

I feel quite strongly on the subject 'sex' just because I've had alot of issues regarding it and still do (no I don't have problems getting it up, or having sex, so please no stupid comments). But being able to talk to someone or get advice from someone that comes across as a friend is really helpful, especially when your typing instead of actually talking, it's alot easier to be honest to your self when you write it down.

Funnily enough I'm one of the 20+ males, 22 near enough. I totally understand where you're coming from and will shut up.

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Important fact for the OP: HIV can take up to 3 months to show in a blood sample.

But if you've got any issues, book an appointment at your local GUM clinic and go and talk to an advisor. I'd like to rant at you about being silly, but I once did it with a girl I'd just met, sans protection. Then the next day I read some leaflet about symptoms of STIs and every time I was ill from then on I got myself worked up that I'd caught something. Got tested twice over 6 months to make sure, and all was clear.

Another important point - if a girl is willing to let you in without a spunk bag (thanks Dr Nick) on, then it sort of suggests she's been this liberal with other chaps. Need I spell out more? And also, STIs are on the rise again, meaning infections are becoming more frequent.

Bottom line is, you're responsible, and nobody else is. I appreciate that when you're young, it may be harder to restrain yourself, especially if you're not carrying any protection and it's bone raw or go home, but if you got something nasty you'd regret it.

Interestingly, when I got together with my current girlfriend, she insisted we both get checked, and wait the two weeks for result before doing anything. Sure, it was frustrating, but I had a lot of respect for her asking me to do that. Now we're both assured that we're clean.

(If I ever have any kids, I'm making sure we have this talk. PSE at my school was virtually non-existant.)

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Important fact for the OP: HIV can take up to 3 months to show in a blood sample.

But if you've got any issues, book an appointment at your local GUM clinic and go and talk to an advisor. I'd like to rant at you about being silly, but I once did it with a girl I'd just met, sans protection. Then the next day I read some leaflet about symptoms of STIs and every time I was ill from then on I got myself worked up that I'd caught something. Got tested twice over 6 months to make sure, and all was clear.

Another important point - if a girl is willing to let you in without a spunk bag (thanks Dr Nick) on, then it sort of suggests she's been this liberal with other chaps. Need I spell out more? And also, STIs are on the rise again, meaning infections are becoming more frequent.

Bottom line is, you're responsible, and nobody else is. I appreciate that when you're young, it may be harder to restrain yourself, especially if you're not carrying any protection and it's bone raw or go home, but if you got something nasty you'd regret it.

Interestingly, when I got together with my current girlfriend, she insisted we both get checked, and wait the two weeks for result before doing anything. Sure, it was frustrating, but I had a lot of respect for her asking me to do that. Now we're both assured that we're clean.

(If I ever have any kids, I'm making sure we have this talk. PSE at my school was virtually non-existant.)

At last, someone who takes this seriously.

The whole thing with your girlfriend suggesting you both get checked was very mature and responsible. A good example, for anyone who's planning on having sex with a partner.

I'm glad to hear that your were all clear in the end. It's never a nice feeling to think that you might have something.

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I personaly havn't had any issue's with STI'S/STD's as I know full well that my girlfriend and only sexual partner was a virgin befor she met me. How ever when we first started having sex we found that one of the condoms we had used split this made us both very nervous after a few days had gone after she was ment to be on her period we got very, very insecure about the hole thing. We desided to take a trip to the clinic just to put our mind's at rest the test came back as negative and they explained that the more female's worry about not coming on there period the more they delay it. They were all pretty friendly in there and put her into the system gave us loads and loads of free condoms and put her on the pill so it wouldn't happen again.

After many, many more months of being together and becoming more confident and trusting each other we desided to purely rely on the pill althought it is 00.1% more risky thats somthing that we have both desided we are happy to do. We have been together and having sex for well over a year now and nothing else has ocored other than a trip to the clinc for a pill top up for her.

But if you think your girlfriend/sexual partner maybe pregent don't dismiss it as 'oh she has just thought about it to much thats why she hasn't come on her period' go and check it out at the clinic as said above theres no harlm in it and mummy and daddy don't have to know what you have been up to its all confidential and there very helpfull.

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My gf was a virgin when I met her, so no issues there. She's on the pill, which even though doesn't 100% guarantee to work, is 99.9% guaranteed. I know it is still a risk that she could become pregnant, and were not ready yet. But 99.9% affective is pretty good, and it does feel so much better without a condom.

Does that mean if you have sex 1000 times she's going to get pregnant once?

Another important point - if a girl is willing to let you in without a spunk bag (thanks Dr Nick) on, then it sort of suggests she's been this liberal with other chaps. Need I spell out more?

That's a good point.

So can you catch anything just by having oral sex? Anything serious anyway.

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So can you catch anything just by having oral sex? Anything serious anyway.

Found this on http://aids.about.com/od/childrenteens/a/teensoral.htm

What Are the Risks of Oral Sex?

Oral to Penis Contact

Theoretical Risk - Performing oral sex or "giving a blow job" carries a theoretical risk of transmission for the receptive partner because infected pre-ejaculate ("pre-cum") fluid or semen (cum) can get into the mouth. Any open sores, cold sores, etc. can be a route by which the virus or bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect. For the insertive partner there is a theoretical risk of infection because infected blood from a partner's bleeding gums or an open sore could come in contact with a scratch, cut, or sore on the penis.

Documented Risk - Although the risk is many times smaller than anal or vaginal sex, HIV has been transmitted to receptive partners through oral sex ("blow jobs"), even in cases when insertive partners didn't ejaculate (cum).

Oral to Vagina Contact

Theoretical Risk - Performing oral sex on a woman carries a theoretical risk of HIV transmission for the insertive partner (the person who is licking or sucking the vaginal area) because infected vaginal fluids and blood can get into the mouth. (This includes, but is not limited to, menstrual blood). Likewise, there is a theoretical risk of HIV transmission during oral sex for the receptive partner (the person who is having her vagina licked or sucked) if infected blood from oral sores or bleeding gums comes in contact with vulvar or vaginal cuts or sores.

Documented Risk - The risk of HIV transmission during oral sex is low compared to vaginal and anal sex. However, there have been cases of HIV transmission and STDs resulting from oral-vaginal sex.

Key Points to Remember

For Teens -

Oral sex carries a risk for both HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.

HIV and some STDs are forever meaning they can't be cured.

While you may seem more popular, having unprotected oral sex does not make you more liked among your peers. In fact, studies show that people like you and respect you less when you have unprotected oral sex.

During oral sex, both the boy and girl are at risk for disease.

Getting a reputation for being "permiscuous", "sluty", or "easy" will stay with you long after high school is over.

If you can't talk to a parent about oral sex, talk to your school counselor, a teacher you like or your family doctor.

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i think luck works in funny ways, people that have been successful in life seem to need ivf etc to have children, but chavs, who have had no success in life mange to get pregnant all the time!

That's not luck, that's the way of the world!

Successful people have plenty of money to do the whole IVF thing, it is unfortunate that some of them need to go down that road. Where as chavs have sex a few times and get pregnant then earn their money of the government.

It's more like the circle of life


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