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The Car Thread


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Take this pile of goodies:


Put car on axle stands with backup jacks in place, remove wheels:


As bolts are old, ensure you have the correct tools:


Take a break from raging at rust, take photo of friends car:


Return to car, fit new caliper, disc and pads:


Marvel at the fantastic discs that were on there:


Bleed the shit out of the system:


Marvel at shiny parts:


Go for a test drive:


Hide car for the night:


Return to car the next day, repeat bleed process:


Remove wipers, spray them satin black:




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Your cars looking nice now, have you polished it?

Yeah, it's actually filthy at the moment, the phone pics just don't show it.

It's been in a dusty lockup for three weeks and needs a damn good clean.

After the Leon I'd imagine that making progress with relative ease must feel pretty sweet, Mike?! :P

It's not been easy, but yes compared to the Leon it's been a walk in the park :D

It's taken us three weeks, but only because there's limited light and time I can actually spare to work on it!

Still need to do the CAS O-Ring, Cam gasket, oil filter and oil change, that's pencilled in for next weekend.

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I no longer care about the S3, that became hugely apparent today when unconscious of the fact I was doing it I was bombing it down B Road I'd usually avoid for fear of bumps and sump smashing.

Thrashed it down all the back roads today, listening to Phil Collins with my sunglasses on and the windows down.

This is what Sunday's are all about.


Now it's absolutely shit high.



This is the first time I've ever had a second car, that I don't have to rely on, that's sole purpose is for my enjoyment.

It's incredibly relieving.

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Some people drive like utter c**ts. Driving down my road to get home, <10mph because constant speed bumps and a silver Kia sportage is so close to my car I can't brake without it hitting me. I indicate and start overtaking a parked car as he boots it and tries overtaking me, I put my hand out the window to basically say wtf (didn't stick my finger up or anything) and he starts to just hold his horn down and puts his full beams on. I stop the car and get out so I can tell him to f**k off and he just swings round me and goes flying down the road.

Just drove around the small estate and found the car, gunna go have words tomorrow and most likely report him for dangerous driving.

TL:DR got annoyed because someone was annoyed at me driving at least a third of the speed limit.

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My friend Rob was the driving force behind it really, I lose my temper with things like this unless there's someone guiding me.

i definitely couldn't have done it without his help, I wouldn't have even attempted it!

It's a good feeling though, learning new things and it's a good achievement for someone like me :)

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I no longer care about the S3, that became hugely apparent today when unconscious of the fact I was doing it I was bombing it down B Road I'd usually avoid for fear of bumps and sump smashing.

Rubbish :P My mini gets absolutely thrashed on every run it goes on but that doesn't mean i don't care about it. Its currently on stands being cleaned underneath.

But agreed there is a different mentality when you don't need it tomorrow to get to work.

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I bent a wishbone earlier :( stupid crappy roads around here. I threw some new brake pads on yesterday (just in time, less than 1mm left of the old ones!) and went out to bed them in this evening. In the middle of a hard stop from ~70 I hit what must have been where a pipe/cable had been put in and the new tarmac had sunken a lot since. It wasn't particularly visible at night and I don't know that road that well. The force of hitting it with the wheels right on the edge of locking up was evidently enough to bend the passenger side wishbone back about 25mm. As far as I can tell it's an original wishbone, and I've already replaced the driver side one so it was probably due replacement.

The annoying thing is I've got a new pair of wishbones sat here with the wide-track stuff I wanted to fit last weekend but couldn't because royal mail seem to have lost my track rod ends. The MOT runs out on Thursday so now I need to buy a new wishbone that I'll only run for a matter of weeks, to go with the new brake pads I'll only be running for the same minimal time. These missing track rod ends really have screwed my plans up.

Edit: Nearly forgot, Mike, I found that idle valve yesterday! I'll message you on facebook tomorrow to sort out getting it to you. I need sleep now!

Edited by RobinJI
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Theres a speed bump just up from where i live where pretty much everyone bottoms out on. Like even standard height family saloons, ect.

So yeah, its a pretty cunty thing getting pissed off with someone because they slow down for speed bumps... They're there for a reason!

Sounds more like he was 'driving miss daisy' down the road between speed bumps as well...

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Are some of you actually suggesting that there's something wrong with driving slowly down a road covered in speed bumps? If so, what the (expletive)?

They're meant to slow you down, it's not a race. The fact the guy was in a 4x4 so didn't need to slow down as much isn't the problem of the sports car that's got to go slowly. It's no different than tailgating a 4x4/truck on an open smooth road then trying a dangerous overtake because he's not going as fast as you could round the corners in a sports car. If someone going slowly over speed-bumps really causes you any agro, then you need to reevaluate the amount of time you're leaving for the journey, it's not the car in front's fault if you're running late.

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Going slowly over the speed bumps isn't the problem, it's going ridiculously slowly between them that's a problem. If the speed limit is 30 and you're doing 10 between bumps then you shouldn't be surprised when you invoke a bit of road rage.

I'm now having to go pretty slowly over the bumps on my way to the office, as well as crabbing my way over them. That doesn't mean I don't try to do it with as much courtesy to other drivers as I can though!

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Speed limits and exactly what they say, limits not targets.

True, but also, my instructor always used to say "Use the road".

It's open, it's a 60, why not do 60?

Of course you have to be sensible, some 60 roads you wouldn't just blast around at 60 on, but as Jolfa said - some people just trundle along because they're not in a rush. Irritating.

But if there is a good reason to be doing less than the limit, speed bumps for instance, it doesn't bother me.

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