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Trials Rider Wages


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With regards to Danny I am not sure exactly how much he gets but it cant be that much as he struggles to pay me his rent every month.

doubt it when he has his own shoe and rides a £2000 bike and is on tv abit

and is sponsored by red bull

Edited by danrobinson
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it's a shame. In his day he was totally at the forefront once those vids were released. The leech loops blew everyone away and the guy dented a top tube with his ball sack! For all we know he might have got injured and that stopped him being able to progress so much. And he's on a standard bike. I wonder How well kenny and Giles would do on something similar?

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he uses suspension forks annoys me as you could say it's cheating to be honest

This is utterly retarded, have you ever tried riding trials with suspension forks? Or on a more or less "normal" mtb set up for that matter?

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This is utterly retarded, have you ever tried riding trials with suspension forks? Or on a more or less "normal" mtb set up for that matter?

Oh i have, let's just say it didn't end too well.

Bent my front wheel track standing,

Bent my crankset trying to pedal up.

Then broke my driver pedal kicking.

Carrera FAIL!

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He is the creater and master of smooth-ness How can you dislike him!. Actually I think I could argue Stan Shaw being smooth :P

He lands drops like a sack o' potatoes!! To be honest I've never really rated him myself... Jeff Lenosky has always been far better to watch in my opinion and Ryan's strange way at looking at riding (fairly sure he's of the opinion that bike trials can solve world hunger/peace if you just give it a chance) is just plain weird. I guess he's been innovative and imaginative with his riding but the execution just seems to always be lacking.

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This is utterly retarded, have you ever tried riding trials with suspension forks? Or on a more or less "normal" mtb set up for that matter?

yes i do quite regulary actually, i have an octane jump bike with some suspension and rigid forks, there is a huge difference, obviously, when bunny hopping i have sometimes leant forwards to compress the forks and on rebound pulled up to make it easier, landings easier, takes less skill as you can throw them to the ground knowing your not going to break your wrists giving more confidence,

on the jump bike mainly do steet as its fun, i do enjoy having the suspension forks on as a bit of fun, but this guy never took them off. if he used a rigid fork i think i'd respect him more, i believe he's lucky really. if nobody knew him and released a dvd now i don't think people would buy it, think more of it as ' right place, right time '

theres a guy on youtube who does many more things than leech, pedal kicks, gaps etc.... on a 1980's road bike.

i respect leech a slight for making an alright dvd but thats as far as it goes for me im affraid.

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So Leech has filled a spot in the community that someone would have filled if he didn't - so what? He proved he was awesome, then went on a mission to get trials in front of people and earn a pay packet.

I'll bet some of the people bashing him wouldn't say the same about someone who's currently trying to f**k the trials world in the arse with his massive ego. It'd be rude to name names, so you'll just have to imagine who I meen.

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yes i do quite regulary actually, i have an octane jump bike with some suspension and rigid forks, there is a huge difference, obviously, when bunny hopping i have sometimes leant forwards to compress the forks and on rebound pulled up to make it easier, landings easier, takes less skill as you can throw them to the ground knowing your not going to break your wrists giving more confidence,

Either you're a novice rider in which case I can kind of understand why you think sus forks are an advantage or there is some truth in what you're saying, in which case we might see the Cousts and other pros ride Marzocchi Monster T forks in the worlds next year.

I'm really surprised at some of these comments about Ryan, especially coming from riders like Dave or Mark. In my mind he's an absolute legend and just because he hasn't gone mainstream with his riding and progressed in the direction trials is going doesn't diminish his accomplishments. You can disagree with me on this one but I think his manifesto riding style is a unique creation, one that can be very fun to try and execute. I actually tried to implement this riding style myself for a few months years back when I first saw that video and it benefited my riding enormously. As for Jeff, I find his riding a bit too detached from what trials actually is. He's more of a street rider who will occasionally do something static, at least that what he's been doing in the past decade. He might have started out as a pro trials rider but I don't consider him one any more.

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I'll bet some of the people bashing him wouldn't say the same about someone who's currently trying to f**k the trials world in the arse with his massive ego.

Mr Leroy, i get your point that you get a little pop out of sus forks, and maybe they give you a little more confidence (i remember when Sam had them on his inspired just to get him riding one day when he broke his rigids, dude rode into everything full pelt and it just sucked it up) but to call it 'cheating' is f**king ridiculous. I would absolutely love to see you do a comparative video on your mod and your mountain bike and maintain that argument.

Leech isn't pushing it too much these days but he is one of the people who really got trials noticed in the early days and you can't knock him for that, just a shame it's kinda trailed off...

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the ryan leech bashing in this thread is annoying me, if you've called out ryan leech watch this and be honest, could you pull off half this shit on a geared bike with no high ep hub, or performance brake pads, and skinny bars and shitty geo?

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I'm really surprised at some of these comments about Ryan, especially coming from riders like Dave or Mark. In my mind he's an absolute legend and just because he hasn't gone mainstream with his riding...

Surely Ryan's riding is as mainstream as it's possible to get? He's made a career of doing demo riding, and just doing the same sorts of demos year in year out. Just doing the same-old-same-old crowd-pleasing stuff is a LOT more mainstream than more technical trials moves that demo riders omit because they won't be as attention grabbing, and so I'd say that the riders doing those less show-stopping but much more technical lines are less mainstream. Equally, Ryan chooses to ride that style of bike because it's apparently 'more accessible', so surely that again reinforces his mainstream persona? I definitely get what you're saying about Jeff, but I only really mentioned him as he was in Evolve too and has since gone on to become well known in the riding world purely for his riding, rather than just trying to sell his image/cult persona.

Edd Tongue and other 'smooth' riders like that were effectively doing the Manifesto style of riding but without giving it a name - I can appreciate Ryan specifically set out to make it his 'thing', but again, there were other riders doing similar stuff who just did it because that's how they rode.

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Edd Tongue and other 'smooth' riders like that were effectively doing the Manifesto style of riding but without giving it a name - I can appreciate Ryan specifically set out to make it his 'thing', but again, there were other riders doing similar stuff who just did it because that's how they rode.

Chris and Edd called it Trial Noir?

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Na man. Ive got an MBUK sitting in the house with an article written by Martyn Ashton explaining what Trial Noir was all about. It's a name they gave to a riding style.

Either hitting something bad foot forward or death grip or with the least amount of pedal strokes.

Edited by Ross McArthur
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I'll bet some of the people bashing him wouldn't say the same about someone who's currently trying to f**k the trials world in the arse with his massive ego. It'd be rude to name names, so you'll just have to imagine who I meen.

Now this I can't really understand why you'd say such a thing, can you elaborate please? (obviously not naming names).

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Now this I can't really understand why you'd say such a thing, can you elaborate please? (obviously not naming names).

Well, Ryan is basically being slated for deciding to make a living out of his riding without actually concentrating on 'progressing'. There's someone in our little world who is currently having his ring caressed by many a tongue for doing essentially the same thing. That's as much elaboration as I can give without my conscience telling me I have to actually tell this person myself rather than be 'that guy' who does it on a forum.

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Ok so, this thread is interesting...

I agree with both sides a little (not the dicks who think he is no good)

For me he is in the same bracket of riders like Martyn Chris edd and big jeff. Evolve was one of the most incredible things I ever did see, and really inspired me. Big jeff undoubtedly was the star but leech sure played his part.

He then totally changed his style of riding with manifesto, which I didn't particularly agree with as sometimes a hop here or there doesn't look so bad, and no hops looks a bit forced sometimes. But I guess credit for that, striving for some sort of perfection?

Crux also has probably my fave trials sequences of all time in, and rides stuff on a proper bike that makes some of ohler's stuff look lame/boring. He is creative and a very talented rider. Yeah he doesn't have the power / modern techniques to sidehop 50" or gap 10ft to front, but he can roll along like few others.

Yeah over recent years he hasn't pushed as much in a pure riding sense as others, and this is disappointing, but I can't think of many riders better than him currently riding.

I think people who actually think leech is shit, have the wrong idea what trials/riding a bike is all about.

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No. How can you possibly call someone a dick for having a different opinion to you?

If that's who you aspire to be, fair play. He's just a very dated rider in my eyes. He is very good at what he does, but I don't believe he warrants the credit he receives.

My main beef with leech, is the way he waffles on about absolute cheese. Trials is a hobbie, a sport to some. But not a way to solve world poverty.

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I think people who actually think leech is shit, have the wrong idea what trials/riding a bike is all about.

I don't think he's shit, far from it but his 'style' just goes right over my head. Jeff in some of his early videos (so long ago I've forgotten the name... pre Revolution) is still impressive today and even for a big guy he always looked smooth. Ryan could do the moves but everything looked forced (in Revolution and Evolve for example) and the Manifesto thing I really didn't get because his normally forced riding then looked even more forced. Innovative, yes. Impressive, kinda. Smooth and stylish, not really.

Trials is not a way to solve world poverty.

Just to be clear, I don't think he's ever actually made that claim, that was just me exaggerating.

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