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The Emerald Forest is a good watch if a bit old now (1986) with a very young Charlie Boorman in it.

Watched Super 8 the other day and wasn't really that impressed to be honest, felt the group of boys didn't really go together like the lads in The Goonies did.

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Brad Pitt and co are filming in glasgow for the new zombie movie

Wahoo. Yippee. Kalloo, Kallay. Another zombie movie.

I wonder how they'll reinvent the genre this time.

That said, Zombieland was quite good, but the whole zombies thing is a bit meh; films, games, books, it's been done to death.

Watched Blazing Saddles the other day, forgot how much I loved that film :D

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I watched X-Men First Class the other week and Hanna a few days ago. Wouldn't really rate either, x-men didn't really have anyone of interest in it and Hanna had lots of potential for a really great action movie but was almost turning into a drama and dragged quite a bit. Not heard of Trollhunter so may have to give it a go, seriously running out of films to watch!

EDIT:Just remembered that x-men did have one person of interest in it though that was mainly down to a cracking cleavage on show!

Edited by isitafox
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I actually quite enjoyed X-Men but as you said hanna was a little dissapointing. I have watched a little bit of troll hunter and it was shall we say interesting? i kinda liked the idea. I watched Skinning the other day which is sorta like a Serbian American History X i thought it was pretty decent. And also started watching Everything Must Go was pretty funny just need to finish watching it =D

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