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I might be wrong here but I'm guessing the idea of having the harness restrained higher up (at shoulderish level) it's so that in the case of an impact, should the seats move forward/upwards on the mounts it's not going to massively tighten the harness over the chest. As you have it, any movement in the bucket will result in a shortening of the harness.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong :)

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Pretty much... On a frontal impact the tension in the belt is split into a vertical and horizontal component. Obviously you need something to keep you in the seat, but too much of an angle (20 degrees is the maximum IIRC) isn't good for your spine with all that compression.

(Edit, Tom's post came through as I was writing mine)

Harnesses are 'becauseracecar' but turning up at scrutineering with harnesses like that would mean no racing!

Ideally need a harness bar or a cage...

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Surely having to loosen your harness at a junction is bad news in terms of chumps rear ending you and stuff too?

Also, that photo of gym dude eating gym dude food makes it look like he has one f**king weird haircut.

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Loads of different types of harness bars available, for example...

I knew there would be some K-Tec tax, but f**k me that's expensive! Might as well just buy a half cage.

Cars looking sweet Haz, be interesting to see how much quicker you and Dan are this time!

Edit: harness angle might just be 'passable' on your car Dan: http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3806/harness.jpg

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I knew there would be some K-Tec tax, but f**k me that's expensive! Might as well just buy a half cage.

Cars looking sweet Haz, be interesting to see how much quicker you and Dan are this time.

Yeah, love a bit of K-Tec tax. My cage was £212 delivered, albeit unpainted...

Will be keen to see what the Curby times are like. Dan's car will probably be lighter than mine now, but I've also added the coilies (which he had before) and geo set up along with the NS2Rs.

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Talking of Curby, t's probably for the best that I can no longer make it as my turbo is now giving up on life. Time to seriously think about whether I want to go hybrid or not. Realistically I think the best way forward will be to drop another standard, used unit for now rather than rushing to throw everything together and risking problems down the line.

As a result, I've just driven from home to base (~175 miles along the southern coast road) virtually entirely off boost...


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Been buying more bits for the dub, need to keep costs down for a couple of months so nothing major and I'm probably gonna sell one of my bikes before xmas which should free up some funds for exhaust or wheels.

Anyway, on the way now is a Mutant amp I bagged off ebay for £9 (I know they're not amazing but £9!) to power the door speakers, glass rear wiper blanking bung as the rear wiper hasn't worked for a few years and I'm not arsed about having one anyhow and some pressed numberplates ready for sticking the standard reg back on in a couple of weeks. First job when I get back from my holidays will be replacing the passenger door lock so it actually works and soldering up the drivers door lock contacts.

Belated pic of my ultra generic black 4 door Golf


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Good times! The door lock issue is a pretty common one, though as you mentioned soldering the contacts you've clearly been doing your reading so knew that anyway. Need to get the keys recoded on mine really - Soph's also need doing so will either find someone to do a bulk discount or have a crack myself using VAGTacho perhaps.

In other news; It's still massively discouraged to rebuild your own turbo, right? :-

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Me being a knob replaced some of my brake servo vacuum hose with silicone hose a while back. I knew its been dodgy for a while, and replaced it yesterday with some proper vacuum hose. (because the mot is due in a couple of weeks :giggle: )

my brakes now feel bloody amazing! as soon as you touch the pedal, it starts to bite.

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I've noticed of late that my brakes haven't been as sharp as perhaps they once were (unless it's an effect of driving more modern vehicles for work), where abouts would I find said vacuum hose on a 53 plate f**kus? :)

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