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Turns out two followers had fallen apart in my 924 but fortunately all the bits were retrieved and a 924 club member sorted me with replacement ones along with another camshaft as mine was flattened in places. It all went together well, I set up the valve clearances and it seems better than ever. It is now sitting at the local garage awaiting its MOT, fingers crossed it passes...

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4 hours ago, AdamAllen said:

225 BAM

Decat? or Cut open the rear muffler take all the wadding out and reseal?

Heard the Cat and the Dp are the most restrictive, and I imagine if I take the Res out it'll boom abit?

Anyone got any first hand experience? I know some of you guys have :) I don't want it tw*tish loud, would just like a bit of a burble.


Better off replacing the downpipe and cats with a 3" DP and sports/decat (dependent on your view on keeping it legal) in all honesty. The stock downpipe is a bit shit in terms of proper flow - if you've looked under the car you'll know that it splits into a pair of smaller diameter lines for twin cats, then rejoins - most people replace this with a 3" single run which does the job nicely. You'll free up some noise from the front section, and it shouldn't be rumbley/droney at all running the stock mufflers. Can always look to increase flow further down the line if you feel the need to, and have the option to remove a silencer then. Getting the old setup out can be a bit awkward (you'll most likely need to drop the subframe to replace it anyway) so if you're not too fussed by reselling the original unit then just cut the bugger and save yourself some effort trying to remove it in one piece.

I actually have an old 3" DP/decat in my garage, but it's a rather sorry state so not really of much use to you!

For reference, here's the standard DP/cats next to a 3" decat setup, and another angle with sports cat:



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Honesty approach to selling the Civic is not going well, trying it out of curiosity - telling people I work at the big car parts chain, bought the car as a fixer upper and a brief description of what needed doing has resulted in no sales (out of 5 views).

Back to the old "it belonged to an ex-housemate who has left the country" approach haha

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3 hours ago, AdamAllen said:

@Luke Rainbird You sir are very helpful! Thank you!

Basically what my internet browsing had led me to believe but the comparison on the floor really helps, Do you know what brand the above are?


Not of the top of my head, but they're all fairly similar. Beware in mind that most are also listed for the S3/TT which are 4wd so will hang a little low to clear the prop though. If you can find a 2wd model it'd be a little nicer, though it's fairly negligible and easy to modify if needs be. I actually have one in my garage, but it's a pretty sorry state!

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3 hours ago, Luke Rainbird said:

Not of the top of my head, but they're all fairly similar. Beware in mind that most are also listed for the S3/TT which are 4wd so will hang a little low to clear the prop though. If you can find a 2wd model it'd be a little nicer, though it's fairly negligible and easy to modify if needs be. I actually have one in my garage, but it's a pretty sorry state!

You have a 2wd one?, how sorry of a state? haha, would you be willing to part?

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My Porsche failed its MOT, but I soon corrected the problems and it passed, super! Driving home feeling chuffed and a pheasant runs in front of me, smashes the radiator grille which pierces my refurbished radiator (£180 off quid IIRC). Now it's weeing coolant from a small hole :( Is there anything I can do to stop the leak? I really can't afford a new radiator right now. I'm not sure if a stop leak product would be able to do it on its own, could I wedge some epoxy in there? Or is that too bodgetastic...

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1 hour ago, AdamAllen said:

You have a 2wd one?, how sorry of a state? haha, would you be willing to part?

It's in one piece (technically two pieces, DP and decat...) but it's not shiny. Functional, but it's visually a bit shit from rust. I picked it up with the intention of running it as I wasn't fussed by shininess but plans have since changed rather drastically so it's sat in the garage ever since and I didn't ever fit the thing. Think I paid around £120 or so including getting it home, happy to take offers though! Will dig it out over the next couple of days (bit manic with work and GF's birthday etc but I'll find time) and grab some photos for you (Y)

Paul - how big's the hole? Epoxy would be worth a try, else pop a dab of weld on there perhaps.

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I have some epoxy JB weld stuff that worked well sealing a cracked oil filled steering box on my little tractor so I may get away with it on this. I guess it can't hurt to try, if I add some stop leak stuff as well it might just hold until I find a good replacement! Oh the joys of car ownership...

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JB Weld has been holding together the back end of Soph's MTB for nearly 2 years now, so I'd have thought it'd be plenty man enough for a small opening on a rad. I'd go for just JB weld before you try adding in any K-Seal type stuff though, as it can be just as effective at clogging up the rest of your coolant system as any leaks (which I know thanks to the chap I bought my car from doing exactly that!)

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16 minutes ago, AdamAllen said:

@Luke Rainbird is it a 2wd 1?... looked on the net can't find anything regards making them fit if it is.

I'm currently bidding on 1 so will see how that goes but pics would be great, cheers mate.


I'm a mong - totally forgot what car you drive hence my 2wd comment above (I defaulted to LCR mode, sorry!)

The one I have is a 4wd (TT/S3) setup. I was going to modify it (just a slight cut and weld to the decat from memory) to suit my Leon. If you're in a TT or S3 it'd bolt straight up, if you are running it on an LCR then it'd need the modification to sit nicely, else it's fine to run as it is it'll just hang a tad lower to clear an imaginary propshaft. I'm assuming you're not in another car that's been modified to take the k04, but if so then choose an option from the above (Y)

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6 hours ago, CurtisRider said:

My Porsche failed its MOT, but I soon corrected the problems and it passed, super! Driving home feeling chuffed and a pheasant runs in front of me, smashes the radiator grille which pierces my refurbished radiator (£180 off quid IIRC). Now it's weeing coolant from a small hole :( Is there anything I can do to stop the leak? I really can't afford a new radiator right now. I'm not sure if a stop leak product would be able to do it on its own, could I wedge some epoxy in there? Or is that too bodgetastic...

Will it not weld easily? 

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Aren't they copper? I could try and solder it but I've never actually tried doing gas soldering before! I'm use the lazy push fit stuff when I do plumbing :P I'm assuming that one of the little copper tubes has pierced, therefore I can either try and patch it with JB epoxy or some LSX silicone (used for sealing holes in water systems) or cut it, bend each end and crimp to seal it. This obviously means losing some cooling ability but it is winter and the rest of the radiator is basically new so should be able to cope perfectly well compared to an older potentially clogged radiator, I can then source a replacement when funds allow or one comes up cheaply enough!

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I've sorted 1 tube, but can't find the hole behind... I've whacked in 2 bottles of rad seal stuff (I know, don't lecture me!) and it's slowed massively. I took it for a drive and it was spot on, but it's so cool that the thermostat seems to rarely be kicking in! If I leave it ticking over it leaks slowly, so I'll keep it running and keep monitoring it. I'm hoping I can find a secondhand radiator to tide me by til it gets warmer and then I'll get this one refurbished and keep the secondhand one as a spare!

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Bought a couple of tyres from Blackcircles and had them fitted at a local Pug stealer.

What a ballache.

Car was too low to get in to their premises - massive crater and ramp meant my standard Golf almost scraped. I had to go home, jack the car up and take both fronts off and leave the car precariously balanced with no front wheels.

It then took them an hour to change the tyres. I know they have other cars in, but I didn't need a bay or anything, just whip two tyres off the wheels and fit new ones.

Seems like the staff have zero flexibility there, as there was much easier ways they could have helped.

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1 hour ago, MadManMike said:

Bought a couple of tyres from Blackcircles and had them fitted at a local Pug stealer.

What a ballache.

Car was too low to get in to their premises - massive crater and ramp meant my standard Golf almost scraped. I had to go home, jack the car up and take both fronts off and leave the car precariously balanced with no front wheels.

It then took them an hour to change the tyres. I know they have other cars in, but I didn't need a bay or anything, just whip two tyres off the wheels and fit new ones.

Seems like the staff have zero flexibility there, as there was much easier ways they could have helped.

Sounds like you need to go somewhere else next time.  How much did they charge you?

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